Celebrate Two Years of the Trading Post Under the Lunar Light of February

For me wow scourge and forsaken themes for example were also always dark humour and of comical theme. I see this style as comical and I like it for that. But also on the same note I cant take the game overly seriously so I cant rule out the cute and fluffy stuff either on this note. I have self what I want from the game, and what aspects others enjoy in the game doesnt affect me. I hope you also find some aspects you like in the game, blizz is doing alot to try please all with various styles and content and modes of the game :dracthyr_a1:

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A nice big orange peacock mount. And a Gnome themed armor and weapon sets with limited options for casters.

It’s a definitely an example of a lack of Variety.

I’ll repeat it again, Variety is key to this systems success.

It’s fair to say that WoW has always held a sense of humour. however I do disagree that the Scourge and Forsaken themes were by any means dark humour or comical. They were a driving part of the narrative. It is also a narrative that is likely seen as height of the Warcraft story.

Still, there is no harm in being able to look back at that with a twist of humour thrown in. And of course there is still no harm in having some cute and fluffy in there.

It just doesn’t always have to be cute and fluffy.

Hey good for you.

There is plenty that I enjoy in the game, and about WoW. It just isn’t really reflected in the Trading Post as well as it should be.

The trading post should be enjoyed by everyone. But some people are starting to feel a little left out.

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I meant that what others enjoy of the game shouldnt affect you along you also enjoy something in the game. I meant nothing bad with it. I guess I could agree that I would like more some comical themes I like but also were going to such patch next full of goblin kind of whacky dark humour so I cant complain.

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We’ve had this discussion before. It’s not ‘gnome themed’.
You keep saying it, doesn’t make it true.

Anyway, my point stands: It’s not cute and fluffy.
You just didn’t get something that appealed to you. Well… I think that’s okay.

You apparently only like a very narrow type of aesthetic. So it’s going to be harder for you to get stuff you like. This is a you problem, I’m sorry to say.

Look at the link I posted in my previous reply.
LOADS of variety. You’re focussing way too hard on a single month.

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I’m not sure what you are getting at here.

I’m not questing what others enjoy. I’m purely stating that the Trading Post isn’t providing me with any joy. It should be fun for everyone.

It was in reference to the comment you made earlier suggesting that the game were only cute and fluffy stuff. I see this subject as larger thing than these some months trading posts. I dont think any other mmo try provide as much in terms of different content and modes for it and themes and tmogs and looks and even dozen different expansions top of it for different tastes. Blizz really are doing alot to try please wide range of playerbase.

And it makes sense cause they all give them money, it wouldnt be sensical for them to please only one group of people and I dont see such happening myself. I think there is alot to be found from wow for all.

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Idk, something is off about this system as of late.

If in 2023 and 2024 you were always on your toes about what different old stuff was being put back in the game, now it’s always some trashi tmog, the 10th recolor of a mount.

Where are the unnobtainables where are the returning original.raf mounts or some tcg mounts or pets, toys even if i’m not the biggest fan of these…

How much tmog sets do we need

Despite being stylised to Gnomish Engineering items?

It’s gnome themed. There is no debate on that on.

Again, I’ll repeat myself. Januarys theme lacked Variety for those who didn’t play Gnomes, or those who play Casters. Yes the Waste Wander set is a little more suitable for Goblins. Although I would argue that it’s not so closely stylised as Goblin Engineering, as the others are to Gnomish Engineering. But the Wastewander set is valued far too high.

Orange Peacock.

Not really. I just would like to see something other than Cute and Fluffy on the trading post.

Again, it is all stylised to a certain type of aesthetic. Not everyone really wants this kind of stuff.

Loads of stuff has been datamined over the past few years. And some really cool stuff. Very alot of it has never been seen on the TP. It’s a shame.

Well, if you hardly ever like anything, then maybe it’s you.

Those are just little extras every now and then. Just regurgitating those is not what the Trading Post was meant to be:

A Home for Creative Cosmetics

There are a multitude of interesting transmog, pet, and mount possibilities in Azeroth, limited only by imagination. The Trading Post will serve as a home for many more items from across Azeroth— and beyond—and is not limited by the current game content. You can expect to see a variety of fun new items to add to your collection.

Opening the possibilities allows for a wide variety of different goods to be brought to the Trading Post and players can expect the unexpected in each month’s new catalogue!


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in this thread, I have only made the suggestion that the Trading Post is too focused on Cute and Fluffy. Okay, I get it, it’s a marketing tool, and people react to cute and fluffy.

But there are people who like other things aswell.

Well I can agree with you that I would like to see some dark humour themed things in TP. So we both would want something from it that there is not currently but I recon will be eventually.

I also would like to see scourge and forsaken themes on tp aswell, I wonder if there will be expansion in future with such darker theme and then it probably incurs. Last expansion were of lighter theme and tp reflected it. As side note forsaken are my one favorite race in wow since vanil and I like their theme in wow style.

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Nah, it’s not me. It’s definitely the trading post. But since you seem to want to blame me for a fault of bad game design, welcome to my mute for a few days. Please take the time to think about how other people have different tastes to your own and can be upset that a game that has catered to them for 20 years, seems to have forgotten about them.

It’s also not factual.
You are of course entirely entitled to not like certain themes. But you are making it sound as if they’re doing nothing else but cute and fluffy, which just isn’t true in the slightest.

Case in point: January’s TP. You don’t like the theme and the fact there wasn’t a caster weapon. Okay; that’s fine. But the theme isn’t ‘cute and fluffy’.

As for other stuff on that month’s TP: You think the Warforged Nightmare is cute and fluffy? The Battle Turtle? The Salamanther? Bronze helm? Prowler items? War skirt? Wastewander stuff?

There was loads of ‘non cute and fluffy stuff’. If you don’t like any of it; it’s you.

And that’s part of the problem; you believing that.

That’s not the issue. The trading post has lots of different stuff on offer.
You’re just too picky. It’s you.

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I just went to google for some inspiration, and the first thing I thought of which stood out as something not yet seen on the Trading Post (to my knowledge), was Maldraxxus. I’m my opinion, Maldraxxus was the most World of Warcraft zone ever made. It had Scourge, it had Arena’s and it had big Battles.

It was definite the most recognisably WoW zone than any other zone in SL anyway.

But the TP has always shied away from this kind of asthetic.

It’s not even something that I am pushing for, or even suggesting they do. But it’s a good example of something in WoW that seems to have been forgotten about in the Trading Post.

Or maybe some more Karazhan related goods. We a Guardian 3 piece set, and a staff. But haven’t seen anything else.

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Yes it was cool zone I liked it too :ok_hand:

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I get what you mean. I wouldn’t mind a bit more of that (not so easy to define it tho). I do usually get a few things, often the simplest designs, I don’t like overwrought stuff most of the time.

I haven’t seen a set based on Rexxar either. So should I start complaining how the trading post never gives me anything? :sweat_smile:

And honestly: If this is what you think:

Then I’m sorry man… It’s definitely a you problem.
Maybe Diablo is more of a game for you?

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Maldraxxus goes hand in hand with the forsaken and scourge but its not the entirity of wow if you meant that of course.


Yes. That’s what I meant. He seems to only like a very small specific part of the WoW aesthetic. So the fact that he hardly ever likes anything on the Trading Post is NOT Blizzard’s fault.

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Aight, yeah I kinda like wow as whole. For example both forsaken/troll and gnome were my favorites in vanil and both are of opposite theme.

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