Celebrate World of Warcraft® During the 20th Anniversary!

Getting bombarded by events, feeling kinda spent after Remix and the Prepatch Remembrance Event.

Oh noes, please don’t give us content. Whatever will we do.

im happy about that. so we can change activities from time to time

You can tone down the obnoxious posts you typically do mate.

Right back atcha. “mate”.

Agreed, I never got either of them to drop despite rigorous farming. F… Thekal :rage:
I don’t really feel like spending cap at the BMAH either… even if I could find it there :slight_smile:

I ain’t the one where 90% of their posts responding to people are dismissive sarcasm talking down at them. That makes you obnoxious… :person_shrugging:

So… doesn’t seem clear, “Variety of events spanning over a couple of months” – does that mean all events spanning that, or will the events be broken up and spread over the course of those months?

Twenty years, yet there is still no polish language support. Every single Blizz game has it, except WoW…

Most of your posts are banal obervations like ‘i dont have the problem’ when somebody points out an issue they have. Or complaining about more content.

I guess neither of us is perfect.

Whatever you wanna believe… You spam condescending comments hence your 14k post count, probably get off doing so. You’re the most unpleasant regular on these forums…

It’s not like it’s happening straight away.

I am very much looking forward to it myself.

why make these posts for something coming 2-3 months into the future?

I’ve been playing since the middle of Shadowlands, I didn’t even have a chance xD

Since blizz had many things plan futures.
When they had idea items then post early. Also wanted players get know before late news.
If players need time in real-life.


20 Years of playing - rarely visiting the forums cant describe How Hyped I am for the reworked bloodfang.

the nostalgia is madness - Devs Nailed it with the T2 rework

Great Job <3

Please fix Demon Hunter T2 set, hero talents, add a 3rd spec. We have the worst class designers ever, but at this point i don’t even think we have one.

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20 years gone so fast :slight_smile:

‘some’ of us here from vanila and still playing, becouse back in that time it was something new , that filling cant describe it… and now this story.
lets wait another 20. years :smiley: