Celestial Observer set dissapeared

who’s refunding us for the lost gold? it comes back but i need to transmog it again and each time i dress up with the whole set, it costs me 500 gold. If I don’t do it, the set does not come back by itself. Should I just pay 500 gold every 2 days to transmog it back?

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it is like 800 gold on my warrior because of plate and then i change spec gold is gone :confused:

Yo for that you like need to allow b net on your network should ask you in windows i think.

Still happening. Murlock backpack and Celestial Mog keeps poofing!

Logged in my mage, had to remog it again. Logged out to DMF on the alts, came back and on all my chars it had disppeared again. Its happening EVERY TIME I log out and in even though it was showing on the character select screen.

I’ve started removing it from my characters. Its getting expensive to remog every time.

I have never known a company mess things up so badly as Blizz do. The list of bugs just goes on forever and it seems they just keep adding to it.

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The mistake is with me too… :frowning:

I am experiencing this issue too.
Not sure what triggers it (doesn’t happen on every login) but I will login and it’s like all of my Celestial Observer transmog has been undone. I always seem to be able to re-apply it right away (costs me around 500g each time) and hope it doesn’t happen again for a while.
It’s a bit annoying to have to pay 500g whenever this resets for something that cost real money from the Blizz Store.
Could someone from CS please post in this thread to let us know if this is still an acknowledged problem that is actively being worked on?

Hey everyone,

This is indeed still a known issue that is very much being worked on right now. We know it’s far from an ideal experience and we do apologise for any inconvenience caused by this issue.

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this happened to me today, sort of, the items are still in my account, however none of my items were transmogged and I had to re-apply it on login.

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I have applied the Celestial Observer look to my character, but when I log out and back in again the transmog look has been removed from all my items and they are reset as if I have never applied the look. I have lost over 1000 gold already on this issue tying to reapply the look.

This was working perfectly earlier today but currently it is broken.

I have logged a ticket as well.

After 2.5K+ Gold I managed to get the sequence that causes the mog to disappear.

  1. Apply the Celestial Observer look.

  2. Then log out and log in with another character

  3. Close WoW down completely.

  4. Re-open WoW and then log in with the first character.

At this point the Celestial Observer appearance is automatically removed. All your gear items are reset as if you have not transmoged them at all.


That’s really useful, Gatherix. It might be worth doing an ingame bug report saying this is what triggers it for you. I’ve no idea if it’ll be useful to them but it won’t do any harm.

Did that 3 days ago and logged a ticket and here is the reply I got:

Me and my team of awesome murlocs took a look into what we could do here. So looking into this, it appears that this is something we are looking into, as it appears to have popped up recently. I know this is frustrating with this being a transmog you paid money for, but hopefully we should be getting this fixed soon. I would keep an eye out for this being fixed in hotfix notes, and hopefully this shouldnt keep happening after that…

I was hoping for at least a team of Vulpera or Gnomes or Goblins…

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A ticket isn’t a bug report. CS have nothing to do with fixing/testing bugs.
It needs to be an ingame bug report.

Ok I will go slow: A ticket AND a bug report. The bug report was done after the ticket after I had figured out how to recreate it after a few hours all on the same day.

Do you get it now?

Besides from the other posts here it seem that they were aware of the problem even before I submitted the ticket AND logged the bug report.

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Sorry, I misunderstood what you posted. No need to be quite so snarky.

I know they know, but the reason I suggested the bug report is that you’ve worked out one of the causes. They may well know already but, if not, it might be useful.

Now enough of of explaining the meaning of things. Does anyone know if this fixed already? Maybe a GM and Dev can enlighten us as to the state of this bug?

  1. Have they managed to recreate the bug locally on their dev environment?

  2. Do they know what is causing it and how to fix it?

  3. If it is already fixed how far along is it in the testing process?

  4. When can we expect the patch to be released on live?

I mean this was 12 days ago:

As for the post on the issue marked as “Solution” at the bottom, from the wording it sounds far from solved.

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I guess never? (at least during SL). This issue exists since BfA for sure, so, doubt they’ll fix it soon.

Still happening :slight_smile: “worked on”


Happened to me today, the first time have noticed it. Equipped character is in previous mog and I cannot re-apply it as it is not present in my wardrobe. The Murloc mog is missing as well.

Hello . What the hell ?? I bought World of Warcraft®: The Stargazer’s Pack at Nov 21, 2021 . And played on this day 5 h. Till i got crash when fight vs pets and when i log in back my set POOF disappear. I dont got even part on appearances. So GM ?? its not free t-mog.

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