CensusPlusClassic blocked by Blizz

That actually sounds like a potentially viable solution. And I hope it’s one Blizzard are considering - thanks for talking it through with me, instead of throwing a fit like a lot of posts I see on the forums :stuck_out_tongue: I honestly didn’t know Warhammer: Age of Reckoning had a faction cap system - and from what you’ve said, I assume it worked?

Personally, I think capping could be dangerous and cause backlash. But then, so will server imbalance. Which one works out the least bad for Blizzard? I’ve not got the data to say. But you’ve certainly sold me on the idea of a faction cap. Though, that said, I would probably set it at a max ratio of 40-60. 20% looks bad on paper, but in terms of PvP? That boils down to a 4v5 fight in a perfect statistical world.

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They seem to have broken /who in general. I did /who and a name and I’m now stuck in an eternal loop of

Timeout on result of ‘name’ - retrying…
Result of “/who name”

It just wont stop unless I relog.

Hmm, maybe a problem with the update

unfortunately the cynic in me is long past giving blizzard the benefit of the doubt, especially when it comes to matters that could be foreseen so easily :frowning:

lol thats grand. most people have more in common than not. you could agree with 90% of things, but depending on how you handle that 10% you dont agree on, you could miss out on working with someone who could help you with other issues you have. plus, whats the point of bad blood in general. your points were also rational, and thus able to invite my suggestions. the closed minded rants elsewhere on these forums dont allow that back and forth of ideas growing to become a solution.

well, i wouldn’t quite say that. WAR crashed and burned as i recall. i tried to access it about 4-5 years ago and it dont exist. i remember the profession system was needlessly painful. as in proper pain. but i remember the human city looked so nice. but then again, its nearly 12 years ago. i cant remember much of it. i have a few flashes of been a priest of sigmar, and the rogue type character. but it was probably doomed before it started. some of the major “specs” were not available on release, iirc like one of the orcs (black orc?) and the dwarf slayers, even though the slayers were in the cinematic! almost like WoD one might argue, with a ton of the preplanned content missing! but i dont think it was due to population imbalance. just no population! lol

yeah, you dont want it too stringent, but also not too far. 40-60 could be fine, like you said its only a 4-5 scenario, and even on pvp servers, not 100% of players are pvping 100% of the time!

I’ve filled in a bug report in game. Hopefully if they get lots of reports that people can’t even do a simple /who on one character, they might revert the change.

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there is no company in the world that want to made publickly aviable data that they are loosing customers en masse daily just 3 weeks after they launched new product.

Lolwut? They expected this and even said so themselves that this would happen.

In other words; no that is not the reason.

Yep, /who is definitely broken, according to this there are no people in Elwynn Forest at all

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My /who started working again when i disabled Census


Interesting, I’ll give that a try, thanks

Confirmed, Oops a wasted bug report, /who does seem to work with that addon disabled.

Oh that is interesting I’ll try that.

Edit - well then, now I can search again. Meh.

Nightborne with the worst racial in history would like to have a talk with you.

However I agree, disabling Census doesn’t seem like much of an issue, since players turn slight imbalances into large ones by actively moving to “winning” servers.

If they’re starting to restrict the ability for players to view realm populations then something is up.
Either it’s a bug or they’re preparing to add paid transfers and they don’t want people to move to servers where their faction is prevalent.

I’ve been using a different addon (the original one this one was forked off of) for many years in retail, with no problems whatsoever. It is used to give invaluable information not only on realms but, for guild recruiters, characters too … a good way of checking to see if people are guild hoppers or a bit vague with their guild history. Heck, I’ve even found it useful when someone applies who used to be in the guild, but I can’t remember them … using the warcraftrealms site I can see if and when they were in the guild.

Blizzard MUST have been aware of this addon … it’s been on the go for many years - virtually from the beginning of WoW itself. I’m not sure why they’ve decided NOW is a good time to block it. Very sad :frowning:

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I agree,and i am not a fan of this change.I dont understand why.

Also is the BFA census working? or is it also broken?anyone got any info?

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yes, Census is working in retail, also /who is working correctly in retail

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Thank you.Also from reports /who is working in classic,you just have to turn of censusclassic.

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So, it is only blocked in Classic, Hmm

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Actually it was broken all the time while you had census, even before that patch.
This was happening to me since i downloaded this addon

I wonder, It was working fine for me up until this morning, I’m sure of it

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