Why do i as keyholder get punished for someone else leaving the group mid dungeon while they get zero punishment at all? Why do we even still need keys instead of simply choosing what dungeon or level we want to do, as if it would make any difference?
Today i had someone in my group leaving because someone else made a slight mistake that wasn’t even fatal. He just left. So now i have to push my key again, while the leaver gets no punishment whatsoever? What is this logic seriously?
And if blizzard can’t figure this out already then make dungeons and m+ scale from 1-5 players. I’m so tired of depending on others to get anywhere in this game. So tired that in fact i went playing another game that doesn’t have these stupid issues.
thats just the problem with it sadly and its not even one background of players either, people just up and leave cause “wah why isnt everyone perfect like me?!?!?” and the best part is they just choose to leave despite it was equally in their interest to do the keystone to begin with presuming they wanted loot from said dungeon.
Its very exciting to see how many elitist DH’s leave despite being the reason why some group wipes happen on underrot.
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Any player who leaves a Mythic+ in progress gets flagged for 30 minutes with a debuff and if they don’t re-join that SAME mythic+ group (say if they disconnect) then they can’t receive a weekly chest for that week.
BOOM! Hire me.
WoW is a mmorpg, so there’s the door 
Because people would try to force people to leave the group if they failed the timer. Imagine this, your doing someones key, you fail the timer. Now that person throws a tantrum and sits at the entrance waiting for someone to leave so his key is uneffected.
Because the pool of dungeons would drop from 8 to about 2-3. As people would only do the easiet dungeons for a given week. There would be no setralis, probably no mechagon, no siege and no storm.
I do agree with this bit tho. People leaving m+ should get leaver penalties
Power outages, dcs, internet dieing, emergencies.
You would need it to ramp up. Maybe 3 leaves in a week
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Yeah, good point. One time would be too harsh.
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I’m so tired of depending on others to get anywhere in this game.
Finally someone who feels like me. Can’t even make 15+ key with good gear because pug always screw it up. Tired of doing double the damage from the other dps, it’s like I’m boosting them.
There are plenty of guilds and communities on both sides you can run with and drastically reduce the amount of toxicity and leavers. Make use of them.
because M+ is inherently toxic content.
People are forced to leave so that their record is not stained with failed keys and thus giving people a reason to refuse to take them, for example, people will refuse a 16 fail while accepting a 15 success because the 16 is now shown on Raider io that they fail keys while the 15 guy is shown as succeeding keys.
you fail a key and you are pretty much screwwed if you want to join keys.
If you lead groups like me then you are not subject to this and it can be frustrating, ensure that you state that your run is untimed if you do not want leavers but still invite very strong people to it, that is all the advice i can really give.
What, seriously? that’s rough. How come Raider IO is even allowed by Blizzard anyway? confusing…
Last week (or was it two weeks ago…?) I had an AD+21.
At some point, halfway through the dungeon, someone leave after dying and not being battle rezzed. I did not because the boss was almost dead.
So, I’m left with an AD+20. I run it again after I form a decent group. Our healer had already done AD+19 before.
We run it relatively smoothly but wipe at the last boss. 1.5min left on the timer. We can’t make it in time… And the healer leaves, without a word.
So I’m left with an AD+19. I run it yet again, form another group. And some dude leaves again halfway through.
At this point I have an AD+18, and I’m bored or trying to just get a group where everyone stays.
Sounds to me like they’re leaving so it doesn’t tarnish their RIO score, like what Siffrah said above.
Man, this sucks. Like, I’m all for ways of recognising decent players from the bad, but raider IO being a thing just promotes nothing but unnecessary toxicity.
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RiO can only go up not down.
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blizzard have seen how toxic addons are making this game and even after 15 years have still not disabled addon functionality.
This would not happen if the api sharing was locked at disabled, preventing data gathering from your account to show your score etc.
it only takes a handful to have it turned on for something like this to spread and turn toxic.
this is irrelevant as you can simply buy boosts for raider io score, a more responsible leader will directly look at the raider io site to see if you have failed many keys directly, using the score only as a point of interest.
A more responsible leader will see if they have failed runs. If they don’t, chances are, they’ll leave at the first minor failure. I’d never invite anyone with a clean record. That’s just not plausible under normal circumstances. If I don’t see a healthy balance of fails & timings, I’ll choose someone else.
I like this idea, maybe 2-5 and it requires 5 players to begin with, so people still need to group up but aren’t penalised for one guy getting stroppy.
Then what if the tank or healer leaves? Then you got a downscaled let’s say +18 key with a healer and 3 dps? Lol
You’d have a higher shot at finishing than you would otherwise.