Change race name to Wildhammer

Forums don’t exist for everyone just to agree with each other.

If people want to change their race name, the RP addons work perfectly well.


That is true, but most disagreements are usually with childish arguments, threats, and insults. I don’t mean this thread, I mean other threads

I agree RP addon is nice. But to my surprise not everyone has it for some reason. Some people Roleplay without them which is annoying but I guess some people don’t like addons.

For me personally I never care for race names. Sometimes I leave it blank or only write “elf” so it creates a conversation which then I can introduce my race name. But everyone does it differently

And sometimes it’s too obvious. Like if my Dwarf is wearing a tattoo then he is 100% a Wildhammer. I don’t need to write in my addon, because it’s obvious. Same with my Sand troll.

But the reason why I like the addons is because I can be specific with the classes my characters have. For example I put “Witch doctor” instead of Shadow priest for my Troll. I put “Ranger” instead of Hunter for my High elf.

I put “Griffin rider” instead of shaman for my Wildhammer. “tinker” instead of Warrior for my gnome. Etc.


Nooo! It’s Gryphon here Ame!
My Wildhammer is a “Survivalist” has 2 gryphons as hunter pets.

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You should not have High Elves, gnome. Go away and guard a garden!

We already have them, and they fed your blood elves to the sharks in the Dalaran sewers. :laughing:

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Oh, and the diry velf is back on forum again. I though you were taking a break? Can’t wait to /spit (or whatever will be available) on any blonde velf I see!

What I do is none of your business Sindorei. And I am a Human in real life, as are you. Don’t forget that.

Woooooow. Real mature. This is probably why Blizzard removed the /spit emote. You Hordies ruined it for everyone.

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Just remember this post. Remember it next time people say we’re getting saturated by High Elves.

For a bit there, the entire thread’s purpose was suddenly all about High Elf Customisation and transmogs. Can you -Please- let people discuss their own favourite races without making it all about High Elves.

However /spit emotes are the province of the mentally bankrupt and a sign of moral cowardice. Plus being removed, so good luck trying to /spit on any Blonde Velf.

I kinda see some of the OP’s points, but a few I just don’t see being an issue, or kind of a non-issue, maybe it is the RP’er in me, but…what difference would it really make changing your UI to say Wildhammer Dwarf? I mean on an RP realm the chance is high you will have TRP or MRP (Which are mutually compatible) and you can just type it in there, ‘Wildhammer Dwarf’. Everybody checking your profile will see Wildhammer Dwarf. Just you will see on your UI ‘Dwarf’ (Which is still, kinda correct, I mean both Bronzebeard and Wildhammer are ‘Dwarf’) But does that really matter so much?

I mean you’ve got an excellent customisation set there OP, you couldn’t look at it and be in any doubt that it is a Wildhammer, we know there is not really much in it in terms of accents, between the three major Clans, and Wildhammer have the same sort of physiognomy as Bronzebeards.

I like Serena’s idea of Glyphs customising racials, rather than changing the actual racial. The only one I’m iffy on is the Blood Elf one, (however to quickly explain why, it’s because Arcane Torrent is a learned Technique, not a racial ability as such, it was part of the teachings Rommath brought back from Outlands, so it wouldn’t lorewise be effected by the Sunwell now being Arcane/Light. Plus I think it kinda looks like what it says on the tin anyway)

Loving the idea of a Wildhammer with their Stoneform being Wood, it would look like some terrifying Drust type creature, something tough, and squat and gnarled, (Like out of many myths!) and we know Blizzard have got the technical chops to make all that horrible wood and wicker stuff look spooky as hell…

The question was posited “Why do Dark Irons get to be a separate Allied Race and not Wildhammer?”

On the face of it, that is a really good question, they are after all Dwarves.


Between Wildhammer and Bronzebeard there is no biological and physiognomic difference. You could wipe off a Wildhammer’s Warpaint and take the feathers out and they’d look like a Bronzebeard and the same vice versa, Dark Irons however are very different, their bodies are different, due to either their environment or (speculation exists) their past patronage of Ragnaros. For a start their eyes are a bit weird, and apparently the beard and hair thing isn’t hair dye, that is actual embers at the tips, you can occasionally see sparks come off.

I’d guess that is why they felt that Dark Irons were sufficiently -different- from Bronzebeard to make them a separate Allied race. But that is of course, speculation on my part.

But yeah, the Glyphs idea is sound, for giving that little extra tweak to customisation.

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High elf topic came naturally here as it’s the same issue with the Wildhammer concern. Sand trolls were also brought up numerous of times here for similar reasons.

It turned into an argument when a certain Blood elf user came.

And yes, the Void elf pictures were kinda unnecessary but it’s the forums. Topics usually go off topic, and trust me I know from experience.

I mean…. There was this one wholesome thread about thanking Tanks which I gave my opinion on, and then comes a panda writing a totally unrelated comment to turn it into an argument. (She references my “I hate this community” post which had nothing to do with that thread)

Another example is the Highmountain customizations threads where someone (who hates Void/High elves) mentioned them as a trigger word to start an argument.

It’s the forums. Things like that happens all the time sadly.

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Blizzard is known for implementing addons into the game (Gearscore,Raider. io) so them letting us chose to have Wildhammer race name option in game instead of needing an addon is not something that they wouldn’t do.

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I know that lorewise the ability matches but if you are a blood elf paladin it would be nice to have a light explosion to say instead of Arcane.

It’s just my thought though, Blood Elves don’t really suck the magic out of beings anymore, some have abandoned their Arcane ways.

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To be honest, they should have integrated something like TRP the instant they saw it released, it is a godsend on RP realms, and as add ons go, is really compatible with the core WoW programming (and not even that memory intensive at all given the options it gives you).

Changing UI options might need a bit more techy (Word Blizzard are scared of that is not a swear word)-pokery, but I don’t know tech that well, but something like TRP, for sure…


Kinda my take on it as well. They -Can- drain magic out of beings, but they just don’t -Need- to anymore.

Yes, physiologically Wildhammer and Bronzebeard are identical and Dark Iron are only fundamentally different due to their past association with Ragnaros and the massively different living conditions they’ve been subjected to: namely heat and pressure. Wildhammer live in similar environments to Bronzebeard dwarves: bunkers/hovels duh into mountainsides tending towards a frigid climate. Yes they are more at home in the woods but as we see from Aerie Peak and the Twilight Highlands their chosen lands are not fundementally different (very similar to Loch Modan for example) to Bronzebeards. Not enough that would warrant massive physiological changes. Additionally they haven’t had the continual influence of an Elemental Lord on their development.

To this end, I think flavour text that renames Bronzebeard racials (where appropriate) would be no harm, but not new racials. After all it makes sense for Wildhammer to still have Might of the Mountain and to be resistant to Cold (high altitude), and as for Stoneform that is something that all dwarves share, irrespective, and there is absolutely no lore precedent to suggest Wildhammer can turn into wood (as cool as it may be). Even Dark Irons assume Stoneform it’s just that theirs is additionally pumped with their fiery heritage but their bodies still turn to mineral in the process hence the cleansing of diseases and ailments. Presumably Wildhammer can do this as well. This isn’t something they have learned to do, it’s part of their makeup in being originally stone beings.

This is why I think dark iron are a truly different AR. Not only are they extremely culturally distinct from the other two (for their differences bronzebeards and Wildhammers share a lot of common ground, for example daring, courage, love of gryphons, wearing their heart and mettle on their sleeves) whereas Dark Irons are lovers of sorcery, they tend to shirk upfront confrontation in favour of schemes and subterfuge, they don’t have affinity with their titanic heritage in any sense nor display any respect for natural creatures or lands. They’re very different from the other two which is why Dwarven history is filled with instances of the other two tag teaming the Dark Irons. They’re of a very different stock.

The magic one is a big one. Despite knowing magic exists Dwarves like Bronzebeard and Wildhammer have never really given it huge attention on the level of Dark Irons, whom display huge proficiency and preference with magic.

Usually I’m 100% out for nonsense tweaks to classes (see Void elves with blonde hair)

However you and the 6 other dwarves do deserve a bone, you have to play the game as a Dwarf after all.

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