Change race name to Wildhammer


Considering we Wildhammer Dwarves were unjustly robbed of our rightful Allied Race status, I formally request you, Blizzard, to give us the option of changing our race name from “Dwarf” to “Wildhammer Dwarf”.

I would also like to ask for our own racials, or change our default Bronzebeard racials to something more appropriate to Wildhammer Dwarves.

This user from the US forums offers good suggestions:

Also, having our own Heritage Armour would be great.

Thank you, Blizzard!


Yes please! I’m leveling a Wildhammer Shaman and she is adorable, I wish they put subraces for dwarves and other races that need it.


It’s indeed a mess. All races should be reworked and have their subraces with correct customisation options added to the subraces. This means Wildhammers should be made a subrace, Dwarfs mowed down to Bronzebeard Dwarfs, and Dark Iron Dwarfs should be moved from Allied Race to subrace of Dwarfs.

The same way we should have ‘Elf’ as a main race category on both factions, with Night Elf, Void Elf, and High Elf as subraces on Alliance side, and Blood Elves and Nightborne on Horde.


Would rather have Broken.


And what does that have to do with my request?

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Your request is unnecessary. The customisations already exist. No point adding another race which is the same… Again. Also, it’d take things away that the standard dwarves already have.
Broken is a better choice in an allied race.


Is Crinn short for Cringe?

You don’t quite understand how the races works. Wildhammer and “standard” Bronzebeard aren’t the same, they are two different subraces with different customisation. However, WoW does not reflect that and have both customisations available under the race and race name “Dwarf”. Meanwhile Dark Irons are for their own as Allied Race, illustrating how messy the situation is.

By creating a new subrace in the database for Wildhammer, copying all Wildhammer-related customisations and adding those to the new race, we aren’t actually introducing a new playable race. Rather we are splitting ul the “Dwarf” race into their righteous subraces with their different customisations.


I own a Wildhammer Shaman which I adore.

Sadly these “races” were just added as customization to races which share the same model and language. Thus Wildhammer is customizations for Bronzebeard and High elf is customizations for Void elf and Sand troll is customizations for Darkspear. It’s just easier for Blizzard to add and now with Exile’s reach they don’t need a starter zone .

You just gotta be creative and create your own “heritage armor” using already existing armors in the game. I’ve seen some creative Wildhammer transmogs ingame that really looks cool, paired with the Gryphon mount they ride.

I know.
I RP a Wildhammer.
Their cultures are different and all, but they all exist in one race per game play - Dwarf.
Adding another race slot for them is redundant when there are much better choices.

Sounds like a lot of extra work that Blizzard won’t do.

Race is in game information for your PvP opponents to know if you can remove all their DoTs or not.

That being said I’m all for giving people a bunch of titles to earn and use to signify their sub-races.

This proves you haven’t read my request, as I’m not asking for any allied race.

All I’m asking is for the UI to let me display my character as “Wildhammer Dwarf” instead of “Dwarf”, and the option to modify my default Dwarf racials.

Precisely because I wouldn’t want another allied race slot wasted now that we have customizations.

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Oh yes our “great” community at it again, honestly do you do anything else than post absolute garbage on the forums? Can’t you have a civil conversation with another human being. This community is sad.

This person just wanted one OPTION to be added to make them and many more happy, but no people who this doesn’t even affect wanted to come here to post.

Honestly just don’t post if you have nothing to say.


I had something to say. I elaborated on my point.
It’s an unnecessary request.
Wildhammer Dwarves are still Dwarves so the race name still works.
You also don’t seem to have added anything to the topic, so go you.

For you but not for them, if this doesn’t concern you why post? If it makes them happy that it would say Wildhammer dwarf then why do you care?

Anyway I’m not going to talk more about this, we don’t need another customization/request thread to be filled with hate and nonsense.

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To disagree isn’t to hate.

It might work for you, but not for most of the Wildhammer fans. It’s definitely not the same. If Dark Iron Dwarves can have their name reflected in the UI, so can we.


Dark Irons are an allied race, so it isn’t the same.

I’m talking lorewise.

All three clans are Dwarves. Asking to implement a fast option for us to change our racial name to Wildhammer Dwarves isn’t a big deal for devs, and would be incredibly well-received amongst Wildhammer fans


Glyphs for racial abilities would be nice, not changing them game play wise just visually.


  • Wildhammer Dwarves (Stormform will make their skin turn to wood)

  • Void Elves (Entropic Embrace will make you glow in Arcane)

  • Blood Elves (Arcane Torrent will take more Light appearance)

  • Orcs (Blood Fury will take more Fel appearance)