Change the 26 Day Rule!

For anyone who dosnt know, brand new players on a new subscription have to wait 26 days before being able to trade items/gold to others or buy items off the AH. While im sure this is great for helping against bots this is SERIOSLY frustrating for non bots trying to play!

Please change this to have instead of a flat ban on all buying/trading on ah make it so you have a limit on how much you can buy off AH of say 40g for instance per day, and make it so you char can trade items especially the dungeon ones which if you accidently pick them up you can trade people within the 2 hours before getting account bound.

if you want the game to die then keep it as is, but if you actually want new players then this 26 days needs to change!

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botter detected.


Really? Wow is a botter raiding MC now? and trying to do 0.5 tire quest but cant because I cant use the dam AH

yes. botter.
only a botter has a problem with this rule, period.

Okay Troll… you literally have 0 idea

whatever you say, botter.
its not going to change.
guess you gotta take the loss of profit and just spam more accounts.

botters dont have problems with it
/who blackrock depth hunter
/who uldaman hunter


My suggested idea is not going to help botters so okay

they do, because they need to transfer their ill-gotten gains, and they can’t do that if their gold and items are stuck on an account that can’t trade, use AH or send mail for a month.

if they are banned within this period they lose it all.

its a good thing and it should never be changed.
if anything it should be bumped up to two months.

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You have literally never tried to do anything within Wow, if you had then you would understand how frustrating it is trying to do a quest you literally cant without begging guild members to help you buy stuff for you. Its a joke, a 40g limit would not be much for a botter make it a 20g limit just something so basic small cost items can be bought


send many small amounts to other account for 40g per mail. automate the process, clog up bandwith in the process.

no dude, take it on the chin assuming you aren’t a botter and stop being selfish.
this security measure is for the benefit of the health of the game.

deal with it.

don’t allow transfers between chars for 26 days, solved. I have 1 char on this server. Not selfish genuine suggestion to make the experience of playing wow actually tolerable for new players instead of constantly being stuck without the use of quite an important aspect of the game

they have an exploit (i dont know does it work now maybe its fixed but 2 months ago it surely worked and probably now still works). On the SAME bnet with old banned account, create new wow account (wow2, wow3,…). It won’t have those restrictions even if older account is banned, if 26 days passed since wow1 is subbed (even if it’s banned).

Even if this exploit is fixed (i dont know is it fixed or not), botters create account, WAIT 26 day (blizz can’t detect are you bot or not for those 26 days if you just wait and not start bot) and only after it start farming. Botters can create accounts in advance (because they already know about this restriction), it’s not a problem for them. ANyway, we see a result - hundreds of bots running BRD. Nothing changed.

Exactly but for a new subscription of a genuine player its a VERY frustrating thing to have to deal with

fine whatever.

may i ask how you manage to have a lvl 60 raiding char while also being stuck with this problem?

One of my best mates irl is in the guild and he has kindly let me run up a 300g tab in the AH off his account. But for when he is offline its frustrating as hell. Without his help I would have quit out of frustration

Potato, you’re making some harsh assumptions here. Of course starting a game and being kept from AH or trade for a whole month is tough. Imagine not even being able to ask for mage water, nor buy bags for 26 days. I would prob not touch the game during that month and start once the restriction is removed.

But more so I get that as a new player you’re kinda branded as a bot because you automatically get punished for the behaviour of others. That kind of mechanic, especially in a game is bound to upset new players.

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which is why i am trying to make a suggestion to blizard to put a daily gold cap on how much you can buy off AH. I was running Gnome and accidently got given an item that someone else wanted and instead of being able to use the 2 hour trade window to give it to them i couldn’t. They missed out, its stupid for items like that.

harsh assumption yes, but i just don’t see how a newbie player would find this to be much of an issue unless they are intent on spending what little gold they can make on upgrades they’ll throw out 5 levels later.

well i mean the next step is going to be “increase gold amount from 40>80 because i can’t buy (item) even though i can afford it” and on and on it goes.