Change the 26 Day Rule!

Even in the 3 weeks iv been playing again iv seen a few bots around. Fighting bots should not come at the expense of driving away new players

you’ve not been driven away though.
you’re still playing the game, aren’t you?
system works as intended.

The only reason I’m not ‘driven away’ is because I have an irl friend who is letting me rack up hundreds of gold in debt to buy me stuff on AH. A lot of new players wont have that and it makes a very poor experience especially if you were new to the game.

Mate dont get upset with these toxic people if they were affected by this they would cry their eyes out and yell and rage.
I saw many people affected by this that just left game, many friends I got in to SoD laughed and quit when this was implemented, Game that need fresh players like WoW and to implement something like this is just crazy,.
This potato guy is exactly that as his name says with some arguments no one would buy gear that they change after 5 lvls yeah no one would go to lvl 30 with naked chars either yes they will but gear as there are always some cheap options at AH and in SoD many runes need something from AH, other day HUnter was asking for Wand that costs 20 silver he needs for rune in Guild chat and people attacking him being beggar etc, those are same people like potatohead here.
If they want to fight RMT and Bots they should do it but not over players back, they need to spend some money and hire some staff in game GMs to deal with them on spot would be more productive then this, there are bunch of bots this stopped no one as they can just accumulate gold over 30 days and sell it once restrictions are lifted and also bunch of sellers are making gold trough selling summons or boosting in lower dungeons.
Anyways I do believe they are loosing money on new players more then it would cost to hire few GMs and no it wouldnt really be hard for GMs to get bots in game fast and effective so they dont payout their gametime, it was done in past and it worked.
This is probably one of worst things Blizz did in their history but new players just dont care and most of them just quit few that stay dont know what they are missing and it is really interesting silence of content creators on this subject that is so controversy it should spark their attention
Like I said dont be bothered by these simps lurking forums their brain dont let them understand that this is bad for game overall as it very much stops influx of new players and so population is less then satisfying.
I will get probably some shallow respond from some simps but I dont intend to come back and respond to them wanted just to say many people are pissed but they mostly just leave game and that is it

And these restrictions dont have anything to do with the bots it have everything to do with the characters used for selling and used for buying, a way that people keept their accounts safe from banns was by setting up a new account just to mule the gold over to their main account (without linking them) now those people would have to actively play on the mule account for a while before being able to use it and they have to pay for at least 2 months of sub instead of only 1, same goes for the boters when they sell the gold they used to set up fresh accounts to keep their operation a bit more safe.

one of my friends who recently rerolled to horde was struck by this restriction on his new account.

you can make a ticket asking for the restrictions to be halfway lifted so that at least items can be traded to you.
i believe the full un-addressed restriction hinders even your ability to have stuff traded to you, so yeah that is in fact a big deal.

my friend also noted that doing something as integral to your character as filling the waylaid supply boxes to turn in, is basically impossible with the restriction in place, as it essentially requires you to learn professions, level them, fill the box, and then drop them and learn a new one to do the same thing with a different box is pretty 5head on blizzard’s part.

they clearly didn’t think this thing through and it shows.
that being said, i am still in favor of the restriction existing baseline, but obviously as a legitimate player there should be a way to opt in and have it lifted assuming you can prove you are a human being with a legitimate account (and a valid, unstolen credit card).

from what i can see, the restriction does little to nothing to stop the bots who are brazenly and shamelessly strolling through every zone in the game and having whole conga lines of corpses lining the path from thorium point to a glitched spot in searing gorge where they drop through the ground to get into BRD.

if the choice was between “have the restriction” and “don’t have the restriction” i would still be in favor of it, but obviously there are things that could be done better on blizzard’s part, such as hiring actual GMs to monitor server activity.
the investment would be quite miniscule considering the return on that investment.

also, the insults and namecalling being thrown my way over an opinion is uncalled for.
can you maybe hide the fact that you are seething a little bit better?
just because you disagree with my viewpoint and hate the restriction does not give you the right to break forum TOS.

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rlly funny. HC realm. bought sub, i’m restricterd, but in EULA no any word about 26 days… so i just think, that blizz in this way just steal money, coz u cant buy any items, potions… so u just pay for blizz and wait… ye ofc, u may say, change proffs 5 times day… but not work it…

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