Blizzard have decided to revert how keystone levels from the vault are calculated back to how it was in BfA. In Shadowlands, it is [highest key you’ve done this season] -1 compared to BfA’s [highest key you did last week] -1
The change to keystone acquisition in Shadowlands was one of my favourite quality of life changes and really helped with getting right back to pushing keys if you had to miss a week or weren’t able to play much one week. But I guess too many people were only doing a high key once and then ticking off a single weekly key for the vault after that - and we can’t possibly have people playing less… 
Is it just me or are others as annoyed by this change as I am?
Not only new bad decisions but also reversal of GOOD decisions.
Couple of patches and we will have a culmination of “wrongest” decisions from last couple expansions
Should have changed the loot to bfa instead.
So it naturally decays? I thought it did anyway but I generally do slightly higher keys every week so never really noticed.
Whats the problem with this change exactly?
I mean, this is the way it worked in Legion and BfA and we all survived and managed fine with that, so it’s certainly not the end of the world.
But it was a nice quality of life change that you got a key relating to your best performance this season, rather than the previous week, so that if you’d not been able to push keys the week before (e.g. if you had limited playtime, your m+ team was on holiday, it was a horrible tyrannical week) you’d be in a better position to start pushing again the next week, rather than having to do more keys to get back there.
Maybe that’s being lazy, but to me this change (without any reasons listed for why they are reverting it) just seems like they want to make people play more - as if too many people have completed a single +16/15 and are logging in weekly to struggle through a +14/15 for weekly loot and not doing anything else.
Yeah, main’s will not be affected but alts will. It was nice to not "worry " about dropping into lower ilvl reward tier on alts.
Fun detected ? fun nerfed
and people wonder why they lost 50% of playerbase
now they will lose 90% by the time 9.1 lands in august.
and we can already bet it will be complete garbage anyway - as middle patches are always bad
Quite early weekend post, but it’s friday so I approve the bait.
Blizzard doubling down on stupid. Even when they accidentally do something good they have to spoil it.
Have they been given the task of quietly killing the game off?
You think 90% of the playerbase will quit over getting the same system we’ve had for 4 years now?
You get more hyperbolic with every post you make.
no i think that at least 70% will leave by the time actual new content lands in late summer. wouldnt suprise me if it was 80 % because they didnt even try to please crowd which persist thorugh everything aka transmog farmers - they still cannot do Legion transmog farms.
because people have literaly nothign to do in game but run 1 mythic dungeon a week and 9.1 will reset all gear making it completly pointless.
you honestly belive people will push to KSM just to spend next 5-6 months upgrading their pieces to 220 when they get already 220 from easy +10 weekly ?
jezus this patch is aimed at complete masochists nobody else.
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And this is why literally nobody can take you seriously.
You make such implausible predictions for sub loss or gain that it just becomes a joke.
Way to revert something before I even noticed it!
I was wondering why I kept getting +12 Keys in my Vault.
It’s definitely for the purposes of making sure everyone does at least one Key at the level they want to maintain their Vault loot at every single week. Oh well, sorry Blizzard, from me. I’m not going to be doing above +5 PuGs once a week anyway, now that I got my Conquerer. You won’t be getting engagement metrics from me!
they lost 50% of playerbase by end of fabruary
how is loosing additional 20-30 % so hard to imagine in next 6 months of content drought ? as people are getting nothign in this patch .
no new contant , no causal content, no legacy buf for legion , not even a selie patch , just VP gated by hardcore content .
who sane woudl sub to this
why u are making drama if u dont play at all … what is point of having key if u dont play
Yeah, they never announced the change in the first place but everyone I’ve spoken to about it was pleasantly surprised by it! And so now, of course, they go and revert it…
It’s not world ending by any means, just yet another little change to make things more time consuming and irritating.
Ceran is among the last people who would ever make drama.
OP is purely informational. Unless you meant to reply to someone else.
They lost people who came back to check in the new expansion like every single new expansion*
Because those were old players back to check out the new expansion like every single expansion for the past 3-4 expansions?
it was reply on global not to him … and just getting every time for example +14 just bcs u did only once +15 key and u are doing every week +14 deplete … well that means that u dont deserve +14 next week for sure … even i dont deserve it i was asking why even i got it … so ppl who are angry … well they are just ppl who wants everything for free
Only that with so many other annoying stuff happening in SL and not even being addressed Blizzard decides to do something that will not make ANYONE happier. Just poking in the eye.