Change yards to meters

This reminds me of that scene with the Royale with Cheese.

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I’m generally not one to argue but in this case it’s simple numbers and a quick google will show:
“1 Yard is equal to 0.9144 meter.”

so to be a little more precise than I was earlier it’s 8.6 cms longer but 3ft 3" is still near enough.

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My apologies - you’re quite right. It’s decades since I last did maths and failed miserably here :slight_smile:

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It’s good to see in this day and age that someone can put their hand up and admit to a simple mistake.
Easy to win an argument when the answer can mathematically demonstrated :slight_smile:

Although that doesn’t stop some from trying “People are sick of experts” or my favourite “You can prove anything with facts”. In this Post truth, alternative facts era…


Moreover, as mathematician playing this game, there is also SI. Also known as The International System of Units, that is used widely. Even in the USA scientist have agreed on using this system, same goes for China. Now of course, there are people who use yards, miles etc. Although it’s The International , in my opinion there should be an option with implementing meters, and who doesn’t like it can easily switch to yards.
So as I saw that math attempts earlier, didn’t read it so sorry if I’m copying anything, but to get meters from yards simple:
M=meters, y=yards and the fact that 1yd=0.9144m using the formula, it follows:
M=0.9144*y that is one ugly function :smiley:

Put the metric system and save us xD

The average residential lawn (lawn is commonly called a yard) in America is about a quarter of an acre (or 10,871 square feet), but the number can vary greatly depending on where you live.

Yes, I just googled “average house yard size”. Now we can visualise a yard, and from there figure out our range on stuff!

It was my pleasure to not be of any particular help at all!


Switching to meters would result in awkward numbers though, a warriors charge in yards is 8-25 yards, in meters it’s 7.31-22.86 meters, I guess you could round the numbers but that would just make it less accurate for no real gain.

The yards in WoW are basically feet.

I was told by a vanilla dev that they basically just made that up. The melee range of 5 is inspired by the grid size being 5ft in Dungeons and Dragons. Why exactly did they change feet to yards? Nobody knows. Not even Blizzard.

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Totally agree. The metric system was adopted by every EU country.

I have no notion of how long a yard, a mile, an inch or a foot is. It all sounds random to me.


I think WoW uses Lordaeronian yards.

American game, American systems.

I’m not so big on imperialism but the error the brits, americans and brunei(?) insist on enforcing on the rest of the world needs to be corrected.

Death to imperial. Meters for everyone!


Measurement systems that generally use 12s instead of 10s do in fact have some logic behind them.

In any important field of technology, science and engineering they’ll use a standard decimal system.

Because it is. Whose foot are we talking about here? It’s madness and has been madness since it was instituted in the dark ages.


To answer the OP question sure there is, it would be as simple as doing the following:

local str
for k, v in pairs(_G) do
   if type(v) == "string" then
      str = v
      str = str:gsub("yd", "meter")
      str = str:gsub("yards", "meters")
      _G[k] = str

You can basically copy/paste it to and that should do it but I haven’t tested it, might need some tweaks but it’s really that simple. :smiley:

Just be glad they don’t measure distance in this game with Hammer Units like Team Fortress 2.

I don’t think that yards in the game is equivalent to the English unit of length or 36 inches and it’s more of word people can relate to but I could be wrong, I think I read something about it back then and remember it basically uses the size of the map to measure the distance, I mean, it makes sense because you don’t count physical distance but pixels and the designers probably use pixels to measure stuff themselves so it would be weird for them to say something like “let’s make this map as big as X km²” so as far as the game goes you can call it whatever you like and it’s going to be just fine.

Yards feels more old school, and therefore appropriate to Azeroth.

I vote to keep yards!

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Speak American, Kowalski!

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