Change yards to meters

I would prefer if we could use Chains and Furlongs


Even 5ft for melee range for many weapons (daggers, fist weapons, one handed axes or swords) is way too much, so 5 yards is absurd. How can you backstab someone from 15 feet away?

The yards in WoW are not real yards.

5ft is quite reasonable. It’s about 150cm. My arms are 130cm long. With a little bit of reach or stepping forward and a reasonably sized weapon, 5ft is easily achieved.

But WoW’s animations are based on these “yards”; not feet, although their length is suspiciously similar to feet. I don’t actually know exactly how long a yard in WoW is - it’s unclear. I think they just slapped a word at the end of the numbers. In their RTS games it’s the number of tiles on the terrain, but WoW doesn’t have terrain tiles.

Idk, I just said what inspired it.

EDIT: Although we can find out. We know how tall the races are so we can probably work it out, but imo it’s a waste of time.

By throwing a dagger -reeeeeeeaallly- Hard? Or Magic? I get your point though, the ranges are a bit out of whack, and with regards Backstab I can only presume it is because if you had to get physically close enough to shank someone in the back, then the automatic stealth detection would have made you appear again, thus rendering the signature move of rogues entirely unusable. It’s a staple of tabletop RPG games as well, Rogues can Backstab, Obviously not from across a room, but I think the effect is supposed to represent that you closed in, and suddenly attack before they can react, rather than you physically have to be within shanking distance, So just a game mechanic.

I mean lets be fair here, Look at Hunters. Brigante, like I am sure most player Hunters is supposed to be a crack shot, I mean he’s a -Farstrider- you don’t get better than that, so how come his bow has such a limited range? I mean heck, I’m an average shot with a longbow IRL and I can hit a target at a further ranger than he can! I know a woman who brought back a gold medal in archery for Team GB and she can loose a bow at an obscene range and hit a bullseye. It is the same thing, just pure game mechanics to implement an ability, I suppose.

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Brits went metric a looong time ago.

Only places where imperial measurements are still used is road signs (still in miles) and licensed premises (drinks still sold in imperial units, like a pint of beer). All stuff sold in shops has to be sold in litres, kilograms or metres.

There’s a very good reason that things like wine is sold in cases of 12, a 3 x 4 arrangement of bottles or cans is the most economic way of packaging them in terms of materials and costs.

I think a lot of it was the inherent Brit thing of hating being told what to do. Napoleon stamped the metric system on Europe, Britain went “You can go do one mate” and then in our own good time changed over. Similar to decimalisation of coinage, that was resisted for a long time and only changed in the 1950’s I think? (I’m not quite old enough to have been around at the time :smiley: )

In fact only ppl who have the client in english have distances in yards, ppl who play in german, french, etc… have the meter system.

Britain generally uses whatever form of measurement it feels like, one moment you’re metric, the next you’re doing stuff in imperial. I think we just like being awkward.

It’s kind of cheating if they just straight translate the same number in the client and change 10 yards into 10 meters, though.

US yards or UK yards? :eyes:

Da trolls be better mon. Dem elves be nothin’ next to da trolls.

exactly. sorta. most people i know use a combo of imperial and metric, depending on what they’re talking about, and find it hard to picture that thing in the other measurement.
weight = mainly kg, but occasionally stones to let people using imperial understand.
weight loss = kg. you can lose “more” kg that stone or lbs.
height = feet. most people i know are in the 6’2" - 6’7" range and its just faster saying it.
distance = feet. a standard container in the building industry is a 40’ container. just visualise however many of these you need.
longer distance = miles and km. dunno why. even in the same convo. “its 20 miles to london then 17 km to vauxhall” or whatever.
inches are also the preferred unit of measurement for ahem one particular circumstance!

i dont think i ever see yards anywhere except to do with skips (but i’ve not had to rent a skip in 15 years so that may have changed) when you would have like a 7 yard skip, or 5 yard skip.

but if i remember school right, metric is based on 10, where imperial is based on something else. 10 is such a smooth number to use for multiplications and general maths, which is why metric is probably the best way to move forward, especially with the future being technological.

but like someone said, the actual distance in the game is not based on yards and such. if this is the case, why not just change the word from yard to meter, and not change the number?

however, i will always use inches for that one scenario :rofl:

I can’t say the terminology really matters, it could be measured in sausages for all I care :rofl:

0.0254 with 10 char

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Just because it’s on the official papers that doesn’t make it so. It is just comical to say the UK uses the metric system if one spends any time there.

NO ONE uses metrics unless they are working international and/or in science.

It’s also the case that a whole lot of packaging has both the metric and imperial measurements-- well because almost nobody understands grams and such.

As an intellectual whom uses the vastly superior metric system, I can say that the yard is meaningless to me. It could say ‘54 beanbags and a bushel of crabs’ away from me and it would have the same effect as this thing called a ‘yard’.

What is next these cavemen will invent as measurements?!?: feet, stones, toes, a thickness of the skull, the circumference of a hula-hoop? Preposterous I tell you!


On a serious note: Our German friend in this thread has linked the ‘meters’ version and it seems Blizzard just does a 1 to 1, so it matters not. You could probably make an add-on to display meters instead of yards… but it be easier to just read the yards as meters instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

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quite right. my bad…

Obviously you’ve spent a lot of time in the UK and travelled extensively, visiting every city. town, village and spoken to every household there in order to make statements like these.

On the other hand you could just be speaking out of your bottom.

Which option is most likely I’ll leave others to decide.

Of course no one uses any of the metric system and we all still use the old £SP system to buy and sell stuff, oh wait, no, we can’t because its on the ‘official papers’.

I would like dat :sunglasses:

Yes please!!