Changes needed in wow by Max

Really good watch…

Fair enough.

Guild master loot OR remove all trading restrictions on personal loot.
Cross faction raiding and M+ → Lore wise we already do this, but it’s not reflected in game.
Account wide everything → Why do we have to do Korthia grind 10 times, or maw intro 10 times.
Tier sets → in general it’s the only way that makes you play your class differently over an expansion. Keeping classes more fresh
Talent balancing → Should be done on a weekly basis to the point where it’s what you feel like playing, or this talent is a tiny bit better in X sitiuation. Right now talents are “Is it AoE or ST” that’s the amount of choice that mostly goes into it.
Keep iterating on M+ timwalking. Why shouldn’t this be up all the time? Why throw away content that still works just to limit us to 8 dungeons ect?
Raid buffs just limit class choices, and it’s even worse in M+, maybe the MoP solution where you automatically get them all when in dungeons/raids.

Global release (as pointed out in video, this would only be good for 50-60 people and annoy a whole lot more people, so prop not, but he added his personal wish as well, 3 guess why it’s so far down)


ahhhhh another of those youtubers making money by speaking nonsense.

-guild master loot…
imagine, a raid with 24 of guildX +1 solo player. guess what, guild master loot is on and the solo player cant get nothing.
dumb idea.

-cross faction raiding and m+…
ahhh… WHAT ? i mean… comon…
how about just remove factions all together ? its basically the same thing.

-account wide everything.
this is a request from people who simply doesnt want to work twice on their character and make their alts equal in power to their main the moment they hit lvl 60. even without speaking to faction members (which doesnt make sense, you got exalted with someone who doesnt know you?)

-m+ timewalking
what ? these two things are 1000% different. m+ is a challenge mode for CURRENT content.
timewalking is a chance to visit OLD content while balancing its difficulty to current gear.

-tier sets
we have tier sets. tier BONUSES are gone, these bonuses are always unbalanced or even unwanted by players.

-talent balancing
talents are fine. spells arent.

-cross realm raiding
we have it, its called Raid Finder. you can queue it at any time.

-raid buff
you mean, spells? blessings ? food ? professions ? consumables ? mission table consumables ?


You’ll be surprised to know that Legion M+ timewalking gonna happen in 9.1.5


That is not another youtuber boyo, that is the GM of Limit. You know the top 1-2 guild in the game.

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Why not allow guild master only in guild where there is no random person??
and only guild people?
cause there are guild who play together for 500000 years
so for them it is good loot
yes Master loot in PUG is horrible idea

do you know the feeling when you drop item but you don’t need it
and you can’t trade it to your guild friend cause it’s higher ilvl then you already have in your SLOT?


Who in their right mind will watch a 36.5 minute video when a bullet point list takes 2 minutes to read?


Have you played legion?

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You have no idea what you are talking about.

It’s great idea, its possible as it was how we played for years. It should be checkbox just like chosing your spec drop.

I guess you don’t play m+ or just main horde so yeah… I guess it’s no problem for majority of playerbase and some rp sweaty horde kids who want “WARcraft” would be so mad… grow up.

Max and his guildmates propably done it all on more than 5 characters. And yes we want to get simillar power on alts that we have on main, thats the whole point of having an alt - to experience the same content but from other class perspective.

Coming in 9.1.5. Great idea to use old content not just throw everything to bin every 2 years.

No. We don’t have tier sets. Tier sets we want have bonuses and different transmog for each class.

Talents are not fine, spells are not fine too. Looks like you are trying so hard to say " stuped youtuber wrong ".

You can’t do mythic raid.


First and foremost: Please stop posting if thats the best you can come up with. Seriously.

Its not.

Then change it so that the entire group needs to be composed of guildies instead of 90%. There, solved.

Factions are a stupid concept for PvE since Vanilla anyway and make absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Nice rip out of context. First off the “not want to work twice” is laughable given we are talking about Limits guild master here. Also its aimed at monotone grinds like the Korthia rep right now regarding Sockets and Conduits (who are now account wide meanwhile) and being heavily timegated otherwise. Its not about not wanting to put in effort but to skip the utmost boring timegated for the sake of being timegated trash. Or as pointed out the Maw Intro not being skipable on alts straight after doing it once etc.

Who said its for “current” content? Obviously not Blizzard given we get Legion M+ in the next patch. And M+ Legion or BFA is “old content” so “visit OLD content while balancing its difficulty to current gear.” still applies. When he said MoP/WoD he was refering to their respective Challenge modes and not M+.

We dont. Tier sets were class specific. Which is what people mean here. These sets are armor sets.

Cool. Guess those Domination sockets are not granting me a bonus then. Their try of “tier sets” for this very patch btw.

They also address balance issues. You forgot that.

There are more people crying to have Tier sets back than people back then complaining about tier sets. People went ballistic the moment they removed Tier sets.

Ye mate you ripping stuff out of context aint going to help you. This is specifically aimed at Mythic raid difficulty. Just because youre a LFR hero doesnt mean others want to stay there. Or normal or heroic. If people want to pug mythic then let them. Its not like youre ever going to set foot in there anyway.

Watch the video and you might have figured it out what he was on about. Hes about raid buffs like PI, Mage buff, dh/wh debuffs etc. Stuff that is limiting an already limited system with what classes you need/want. Something that becomes even worse in M+


I’ll probably watch it, but i do think the OP could have made a summary so that we could actually discuss it without watching it.

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Some people are so afraid of master loot. “Oh we won’t get any gear cause guildies will share it only between them”. And reality is that you get full bis so much faster in classic. After 3 Kara runs I was missing 2 pieces of gear just because everyone WANT to share loot with those who need it. Gearing in Shadolwands is just terrible. And idea that I cannot give gear to my friends so some top1 guilds wont clear content too fast … it’s just madness. Sharing gear is of the most important MMORPG elements. Guess why WoW community is so toxic, maybe one of the reasons is that we cannot help eachother in gameplay.


I actually only read the thumbnail list XD


I agree with most of your post, but I cannot agree with the idea that ML is a good loot system. It’s not. It’s terrible. Personal loot is better because you don’t have someone telling you what is best for you and give loot to someone else, but you absolutely should be able to trade any gear you loot to someone else if you want. This artificial protection argument Blizzard made in order to prevent gear trading (to stop split raiding) is stupid and patronizing.

You are so right about how there are too many obstacles in WoW where players cannot meaningfully help each other.

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That one probably sums up most of it while the length of the video is going a bit more in depths with reasons for those pointers. Only just started listening to it though so i could be wrong at the end.

Looking at the list in the thumbnail; most of them agree, some of them disagree and some of them very much agree :grin:

I am not a fan of masterloot and i don’t want tier sets. at least not in the way they worked before. And always timewalking M+, yes please!!

Good video, thanks. I like listening to Max. Cannot disagree with anything he says to be honest.

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I don’t mind masterloot when it’s kept in a guild setting. If a guild has bad loot rules then it’ll generally not get far past small heroic groups due to a lot of turnover in the raid roster. Guilds with decent loot rules will have it as a vast improvement since they can optimise loot for progressing further.

Then again, just making every item tradeable instead of locking it to highest ilvl will have this effect as well to some degree while being miles better for everyone. Only small negative is people whispering about having you trade upgrades to them and being rude about getting a “no” in return.

That only makes it worse. He represents the 1%.

(although I agree on the cross faction stuff - it’s better for EVERYONE). :innocent:

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Yes exactly, remove factions, they are just a burden at this point.

Imagine telling the Guild Master of Limit that they don’t want to put too much effort in their character.

Their 10° alt could prolly outperform you while clapping their buttcheeks on the keyboard but hey sure, they don’t wanna put effort in the game.


Watched the video and agree with most of it, especially cross faction play! Alliance struggeling with recruitment is an issue.