Changes needed in wow by Max

Atleast we could skip to the end and see all the points :grin: some seem fine :+1:

Not saying he’s right, I’d love to have more things be account-wide. But being good at the game is completely irrelevant to that point.

I hope Wush doesnt have the right to vote where ever this person may live.

And if he does. May Oden watch over that nation.


That’s why there is a figure of speech there.
Unless you think that people can play properly with their butts, which would be…odd.

ahhhhh and you are just another of those plebs judging people without even knowing them even if the guy from video is just sharing his opinion and has done more good to the game than you ever will.


After watching it then i do feel like the last point he makes is one the developers really should take notice at.
It does often feel like the developers try to make some of their expansion features part of one of the core systems in an attempt to say that they got so many players engaged in it, while for some players it just isn’t fun to be forced into doing said content.
Torghast is an easy example of this where because it’s tied to legendary acquisition it gets limited in scope due to it being somewhat forced content. For some it’s fun but for others it simply is another weekly chore to do. If it instead was its own separate content then it allows more room for creativity from the developers and in turn this can make it more fun for those who actually do enjoy it. The other option would be to make it one of many ways of acquiring things like soul ash and soul cinders at a reasonable rate so there still is that reward tied to it.

When it comes to playerhousing then it’s about the execution of it and learning from the mistake that was garrisons. One such mistake was the lack of customisation based in professions. The only profession that was done somewhat right in that regard to me was archeology while it felt like a missed opportunity to make creative use out of the main profession in a similar fashion.
The other big mistake was making it entirely self-sufficient to build up after a certain point, which removed what small need there may have been to go out in the world and gather materials for it. These ressource could again be something the players may find in all sorts of content and let them engage in whichever they’d prefer.

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Man I hate that, I did first wing LFR last week for chance at mount from the Nine and this guy whispered me the second I looted trinket from 2nd boss “Hey could I please have [Titanic Ocular Gland] if you do not need it?”. So I assume he had some sort of addon. I didn’t respond and just traded it to a random guy who had ilvl 200 trinkets who didn’t ask for it instead. Not going to give you stuff if you can’t even be bothered to manually whisper me for it lol. At least he wasn’t rude when I didn’t respond.

His opinion is equally valid as anyone elses.

I mean we have the methods to determine this tho. Also before the enforcement of personal loot on guilds you had the choice as a guild to go Master loot or personal loot. I knew a lot of guilds that went with personal loot to spare themselves the council hassle (and maybe because they weren’t that advanced with it). This would just return. If the guild isn’t doing the system you want then just don’t apply.

Imagine calling the guild leader of limit “another youtuber”. At least check who’s the guy making the video as there are worlds between Max and let’s say asmongold.

The only way master loot and personal loot at the moment differs is who gets to call the shots - whether it’s the individual member of the guild or if it’s the master looter (usually the GM).

If all gear is made tradeable I fail to see any redeeming argument to reinstating master loot, but not being able to trade all gear that drops is a major disaster.

Masterloot still has that one merit of the guild as a whole deciding who’ll put an item to its best use in order to progress. Some players will straight up refuse to trade it, even if it only is a minor performance upgrade for them compared to what it might be for another player.

In this light then masterloot is a way for the guild to better optimise the overall raid performance without relying on the whims of players, without it feeling like they’re taking something away from said players by making them trade an item they looted.

Personally i don’t see any issues in allowing masterloot in organised raid groups, like guilds. Pug raids are of course a different matter since there isn’t the same sense of a group consistently working towards a goal but rather each individual doing it for the sake of gear and some manner of progression.

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This, i’ve said it before as well, the Alpha/Beta torghast was so amazing, it’s actually sad that most people will never get to experience it :frowning: But then they started making systems to force you to do it, and change torghast to fir those systems …

As he points out in the video, what makes you think, if you’re currently in a guild that just uses personal loot, and trades if you dont need it, instead of something like Loot council ect. that, that is gonna change if this was added…?

There seems to be this idea that every guild master is gonna turn into a loot monster the moment this is implemented ? o.0
Also as pointed out, as an alternative, just remove all restriction on trading of personal loot.

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This is incredibly arrogant and fatalistic at the same time… and this is exactly the attitude and mentality that makes ML a horrid system. Someone casts themselves as “better than thou” and enforce their often wrong and twisted ideas down on others. To be a really good master looter and/or council you’d have to know the workings of every spec and borrowed system in the game.

This game is still built and designed so you can win without ultra min-maxing everything unless you are top 5 in the world and going for WF.

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Honestly ML made raiding a lot more fun, killing boss is a group reward. Nowadays it’s pure RNG who gets rewarded, due to bad RNG, some people may end up without loot for multiple weeks and guildies can’t even help when an item can’t even be traded. Meanwhile some lucky individuals are 250 in few weeks even if everyone had put the same effort. Just doesn’t make sense

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Masterloot also equalises the loot more across the group. With PL certain armour types generally gear a lot quicker compared to others. It can also be an issue with weapons, e.g. ranged weapons and daggers, compared to other types. Tier and weapon tokens alleviated this as well.

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They don’t make money from putting out a statement of bullet points.

I personally hate information in this format, I love written clear concise information like we get from the blue posts. It’s easy to refer to.

This is nothing against the content creator but I’m not going to sit through a Youtube video for a discussion on the forum. At least when Blizz do any kind of update/announcement sites will transcribe what is said and we can see it written down.


I wonder how many of these ‘anti master looters’ actually had a bad experience or if they are simply bitter from not getting stuff.

I used to PUG a lot and only once had a bad experience with a ML group. I’ve seen people kick off because they didn’t get something when they lost in a roll. Alternatively, I’ve joined guild runs on stuff and been allowed to roll on items (and got them). I’ve also lost out on items that were rolled for as per the agreement when I joined the raid.

There are bad actors out there, but it’s not every raid leader. I’ve seen more people screeching because they lost out on a roll, than I have players abusing the ML system. To be honest, if you group with someone who does that, just don’t play with them again. They’ll get a bad rep quick enough.


That last part is precisely what I wrote…

And yea, there’s literally no point to master loot unless you specifically want to prevent someone from getting loot, which is the leading argument. Master loot argument basically revolves around someone or a select few should decide how loot is distributed, which is just unhealthy and bad, and ultimately also pointless.

The only situation where preventing someone from getting loot is a valid argument is in the case of trial members (if your guild does that). Taking someone to a farm raid and prioritising the players who put in the hours on progress makes sense. In a way, there’s a good chance that you’re carrying that player anyway.

How many guilds saw something drop and DE’d it to stop someone from getting something? It would be pretty short sighted if they did.

I’d argue that it’s just as arrogant for a player to put themselves above what may be better for the guild, which is the situation that personal loot can create. It doesn’t matter if min-maxing is strictly necessary or not since some of it is tied to wanting to min-max every option possible.

Having masterloot as an option isn’t going to hurt most if it’s limited to things like guild groups. Guilds will still have the option to agree on sticking to personal loot as well, which in turn leaves it up to each individual player when it comes to what type of guild to join.

Not afraid, I know what it leads to from my raiding in the past.