This is what i dont understand about your argument… Guild master loot is something you chose, so what’s the problem? If it’s something you dont wanna play with, chose one of the guilds that don’t use it … hint, its gonna be one of the guilds that dont use the loot council addon.
From my time raiding, every single guild used master looter. It was either accept that or don’t raid at all.
Personally I’m not invested enough into loot to understand what is being said here. So if someone could EILA5, that’d be awesome.
Agreed, it’s as you said: Already reflected in-game by the fact that both factions work together in Shadowlands.
As long as this doesn’t include Reputations, faction mounts and faction based transmog then I’m okay with it. Besides, we’re already getting a skip maw so that’s kinda half-way I suppose? Though being able to jump ahead certainly would be nice.
This statement is sorta dumb’ish. Your class will play exactly the same regardless.
Though I wouldn’t be opposed to it.
Uh, yeah. That’s the only two choices that exist. Give us a talent that does both AOE and Single target and boom, you suddenly have no choice.
Though tuning talents to make them better, i’m not opposed to that.
THis is being done. We’re getting M+ Legion.
Content isn’t being thrown away. It’s being stored as to not severely split the playerbase even more.
Also, imagine having christmas themed events in August because “otherwise it’s throwing away content”.
No it doesn’t. It’s up to the raid/Dungeon leader to bring in whatever class they want to their group.
This is purely a “player problem caused by players”. thus, you can’t change something without pissing someone off.
THOUGH, having a priest buff without a priest(For example) would be nice ngl.
And that’s definition of being afraid.
If you are in guild which abuses ML, guess what, you can leave
I’ve been in such guild, and guess what? I left and joined better guild
If anything ML just shows true colors which is better to know about sooner than later
It’s knowing what it leads to and it’s nothing good.
He makes that very clear in the video on multiple occasions and admits that some of those changes wouldn’t be good for him and other’s like him, but good for the game overall.
Depends how it’s done. If it’s 2 weeks than wait for 3-4 months for another week, that would mean at most 1 month of playtime in the entire expansion. And who knows what kind of stupid borrowed power we’ll have in the next one that would require another retunning.
That’s like saying that I know that having a girlfriend leads to her cheating on me because it happened once.
But I’m totally not afraid of it happening, trust me.
Do you also refuse to go outside because there is a chance a bird will poop on you?
Or perhaps sit in bed whole day because what if you stub your toe?
Is it unreasonable fear or
ngl, you sound super afraid ;p
That’s the point. It’s unreasonable to expect being cheated on by default, just as it’s unreasonable to expect guilds constantly ninja looting if they have the chance. Both come from bad past experience and the fear of it repeating.
Oh i agree, i’ve played since vanilla, and never experience master looter abuse or w/e … nor have i ever been cheated on by my girlfriend … that i know of …
Nor does it make sense for a GM to abuse, everyone get’s more or better loot by beeing fair about it … but hey …
The guild I raided with in vanilla on alliance used master looter and DKP. But DKP only was up for using if it wasn’t something the GM wanted or his friends.
Guild I raided with on horde used DKP as well but the one responsible for the database that kept track on the web page manipulated the numbers so him and his friends could get every item they wanted, “We have more dkp”.
Guild I raided with in TBC on Alliance used a DKP system but it was pretty unfair because there was no resetting between tiers. I had the most DKP in the guild by miles because I had 100% attendance and could take pretty much anything I wanted to.
Raided in a guild on horde that just rolled gear out, that lead to a decent a spread of gear around the raid.
On the realm I raided on in wotlk, all the guilds that were in similar progress to the guild I was in was using the exact same system as my guild that used loot council. There was no choice between guilds.
In my guild they funnelled all the possible gear to a priest that was just horribly bad at playing the game, because he had been with them since TBC. He got the gear above others to “boost his performance”. His performance didn’t get better.
Tried another guild. Same thing happened there, specific people got gear funnelled to them because they had been with the guild for a long time even though they couldn’t perform.
Both guilds only realized they needed to drop the underperformers when they started going for hardmodes in ulduar.
Then for some reason they accepted them back as frequent raiders next tier, even though they didn’t get better and still funnelled gear to them.
Tried yet another guild, this time on Alliance instead. Raided a bit with them as a mage. People underperforming got gear because they had been with them longer than others.
Mhh, nice.
Tried another guild, a guild that was only swedish people. While there was no gear funnelling going on, they were all pretty bad at the game compared to the other guilds I had played in and weren’t ever going to get anywhere in ICC.
Was asked to come back to old guild for ICC, we made it to lich king heroic but then progress stopped there.
Started my own guild in Cataclysm with friends, we were one of the most progressed guilds early on on the realm but we didn’t have enough players to keep raiding every week after some drama when someone got stuck in traffic and was late to raid.
Joined another guild, was on the loot council in that guild and there was no gear funnelling going on unless I was completely blind to connections within the guild. Sadly it fell apart due to people leaving when we took a break before firelands.
Joined another guild for dragon soul along with 3 friends, they used EPGP but the GM was just… Weird. A friend couldn’t take some boots as minor upgrade because reasons. Later on a chest dropped that a druid and me could use, I would get it if going by EPGP but the GM thought the druid should have it(even though he already had set bonus and me getting it would activate my set bonus). The druid left the guild and we followed. I don’t think they raided again after that.
Then I didn’t raid regularly again after all that.
Just make all loot tradeable, it makes no sense that i cant trade away higher ilvl items with bad stats if i want to.
Some GM’s just dont really think. One time some friend of GM joined raid, he barely played and was very undergeared. Some bis item dropped and he gave it to his friend because it was biggest upgrade for him. He also often prioritized his friends for gear, at least that’s how some of us felt. Needless to say many ppl left, his guild got very bad rep and ultimately his guild basically disbanded.
Overall pretty funny story
Well, you must have been fine with it, because there’s a very easy solution… /gquit
At some point people who claim abuse must have sat and thought fair enough, because why else would you stay?
Nah, I stayed to funnel his friends with loot /s Of course I gquit. Doesn’t mean I’m against ML though in spite of having one bad exp with corrupt GM. Just saying corrupt GM’s exist
You were either extremely unlucky or you’re really bad at picking a guild. I’ve been in a lot of guilds and this was rarity, not the norm, and if it happened, plenty members called them out on it. Unless the goal of the guild is to yoink loot and disband, they can’t afford to be unreasonable with loot distribution.
That would very much be making the game around world first guilds at the expense of other players. I’ll agree that it would benefit guids like Limit and Echo. It would be awesome for them. But, master looter is a horrible system for anyone but very high-tier mythic guilds. It led to all sorts of loot abuse and loot drama over the years. Just because we’ve had that before does not mean it was a superior system. Personal loot is better for any heroic/late mythic guild. You don’t need to optimise your loot with loot council at that level since DPS isn’t what is holding you back, and it saves tons of potential drama and hassle.
If the world first guilds really, really need it… perhaps some sort of compromise would be in order? Like, allow for that unlimited personal loot trading in mythic only while the Hall of Fame is still up or something similar. Basically, my idea would be that you let the world first contenders have it so that they can do their split raid thing, but don’t make it a thing again in more laid-back guilds.
Or he didn’t do enough research, if guild is recently formed there is decent chance it won’t last long.