Changes to Hunter pet resurrection cast time (Shadowlands)

Urgh, yeah, that was not a good decision to add that in.


Don’t get me wrong, I very much understand why many would want it baseline and I’ve seen many comment on just that.

The common thing amongst almost all of those comments though, is that they want it for PvP for the stealth-prevention. Very few want it for damage, and those that do, seem to not understand how it will affect the tuning of the rest of our toolkit due to it being a baseline ability. Meaning other abilities will be balanced around having that Mark active on the target.

In the modern game, I fail to see how this makes for an interesting/engaging addition.
Especially as there are so many other things that would benefit the class as a whole, if returned.


The old iconic abilities can be reworked. Chimera shot used to refresh our stings(we had many stings baseline) back then but now it deals damage + regens focus for BM, and it deals dmg + replaces arcane shot for mm now.

Hunter’s mark can also be reworked. It doesnt even need that big of a rework, remove the damage component and tune our other abilities accordingly, and we’re fine.


Alongside the pet resurrection (trying to shoehorn us back to the original topic since there’s already several other topics about the other spell changes - which I agree are also desirable)! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Blizz have listened… sort of. Revive Pet has been lowered to 4 seconds on latest build.

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Yeah. Lets make it 3 seconds now.


Really? Well, that’s definitely better than what it was. They need to increase pet survivability and/or healing now!

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The above quote is from Moofz in response to the pet resurrection changes mentioned in his “State of Beast Mastery Hunters on Shadowlands Beta” post on Wowhead.

It’s good to see more of the Hunter community discussing this and highlighting that it’s a major kicker to the spec.


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