I am trying to migrate my character to Lakeshire. Can you please purge my mail?
I want to transfer but can’t due to “Mailbox issue”
I got no pending mails in my mailbox nor I have anything on AH or etc.
I want to transfer this paladin Niyy from Venoxis to Lakeshire
Anything that can be done ?
Check that you do not have ignored player mail. Clear your ignored player list. If you reported someone’s mail as spam it will hide their mail but not delete it. [Check back ]
(Mailbox purge - #6 by Veadsarias) in 24h.
I have not ignored any players and reported spam before
It could be quest mail that arrives later (24h-72h) then clear it yourself.
All you can do if you are unwilling to make a level 10 on a US retail realm and post in the US thread is wait. It will be answered in another 3 or 4 days.