Character death prediction for Midnight

So Blizzard loves to kill characters to raise the stakes. Which one will be hit by it this time? Leave your ideas in the comments.

I’d say IF they want to do anything with the forsaken they either kill if calia and her sacrifice enables light born forsaken kinda like she turns into a light goddess for the people of lorderon or they act like they kill her but then Lillian jumps in does and calia gets into raising light born to fight the void

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I doubt anyone would miss Calia.


Let’s be honest the number of characters most of us would care about if they go is pretty small. On the horde side at least

Kill all of them and start from scratch…

Do you really think that that would make a better story? They screw up making a good story on a solid foundation of story’s and chars what would happen if they need to got from scratch?

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that dependso n many factors.

after january 20th we will likely see companies going away from woke - the further in Trump presidency the more.

midnight might be lost be expansion after midgniht has a chance to have better non woke lore.


I would say Turalyon has good chances to get the villain bat.

I feel like they’ve been building him for this.

Keep in mind though that the writing team is different now and it’s hard to say where they plan to take the story.

I don’t really care who dies or not in this expansion so the next expansion in 2026…

I have it in my head that something is going to happen to Alleria - she falls too far into the void or is going to sacrifice herself - and Vereesa somehow gets Sylvanas to come back to Azeroth to save her/take her place.

Sylvanas. Her story ending where it began. Defending her home. Would be perfect. Only the simps would be upset

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That would be epic. Do it Blizzard!

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I would be upset that we get to see Sylvanas again.

I’ll be that guy and say it will be a male character. So since we’re dealing with the theme of Light vs. Dark, we will lose someone who is on the Light side.


And Yrel will take up the mantle of the leadership of Draenei

I think Turalyon will die, Xal’athat knew how to push Allerias buttons in the pre-expansion questline and it was by impersonating him, losing a husband is loss and also he needs to free up the throne for Anduin.


Hail our glorious leader, may her reign be as glorious and eternal as the Light.

PS We are not returning the keys to the Vindicaar


Shes good whens shes not evil warchief. Prefer alleria tho

I never really liked her, but I really started to hate her after WotLK.

They couldn’t commit to killing Khadgar. I don’t think anyone important is dying.

Don’t worry. They have no clue either. At this point the writing feels like someone threw a bunch of ideas into a hat, shook them up, emptied the hat onto the table and said “pick 3 pieces and that’s your story this expansion.”

And as for Xala’tath…
