Character death prediction for Midnight

Yeah, because they know the game will die with the last known franchise character.

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Is there anyone important? I mean we still have legacy characters alive sure, but I would argue that everyone that comes to mind has had their character watered down and reduced to irrelevancy.

khadgar, so that Jaina would become the next guardian. “Jaina, my magic is fading, and i am getting old. i shall pass on to you what was passed onto me”

That’s what i’m waiting for . Seeing every cutscenes Anduin crying have become 2 much to bare …

Mine, hopefully.

IIRC Khadgar never actually received the Guardian powers, he rejected them. He merely is a powerful mage with a powerful staff, which has now been broken.

Jaina is basically the same but she still has her powerful staff.

I’m not entirely confident, no, but that said, lots of people seem to think they’re not making a good one now. So why not wipe the slate clean and start over!?
No more retconning, no more having them fit into 20+ years of lore, just a whole different set of NPCs.

They could bring back Arthas and kill Thrall off screen for all I care, that’s also not (necessarily) gonna make a better story.

Turalyon was infused with the Light by Xe’ra, granting him immortality.

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illidan most likely

or jaina

I mean as long as that doesn’t mean I lose my stuff I collected for 20 I’m at a point where I don’t really care

It is about time an alliance leader such as jaina mother lady katherine proudmoore was dead.

Azeroth. :dracthyr_nod:

it’s Meerah’s time, this time.

That would actually be an interesting concept for the end of the trilogy. What happens to the world if the titan in it dies?
But maybe the even more interesting question is what happens to the world when the titan is done developing?

Can the titan just leave the planet? Does it need to crack like an egg?
I never liked the pantheon so I can absolutely see them taking the titan from us even if that means the world goes boom and then they just put us on another planet with a developing soul to guard over cause we did a good job with azeroth

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I feel like this new team has a vision but we will see if they can execute it. Planning 3 expansions ahead is promising because there is a plan and possibly a story that is coherent and interesting.

Possible, I hope they don’t go the boring villain bad-villain die route and make her more nuanced, give her some depth.

I would be happy if when she dies she doesn’t go “Fools I was trying to conquer the universe because I was trying to save it from the What-is-to-come”.

Well let’s hope so but from what I’ve seen they’ve already gone down the "oooo spooky big bad makes deal with other big bad, makes a big grandiose entrance and fails to wipe out anyone of real significance in Dalaran and corrupts an army of easily manipulated power hungry Queen (and the obligatory rebellious splinter group) and after all this, she retreats to plot some more after Alleria does a Greymane and shoots a bauble out of Xala’tath’s hand like Greymane shot a bauble out of Sylvanas’ hand.

But on the plus side, its likely Xala’tath wont be chasing the heels of another Jailer.

The laziest thing possible in storytelling, only retconning is lazier.

Personally i think they will kill off gallywix this will be a very tragic moment for the horde and the goblins especially.

Hopefully this whiney Human King. Cant stand his nonstop crying anymore.

Well, this could have been interesting if they comitted to it. I like twisty stories as long as they’re well written.

With Sylvanas they probably had something in mind but couldn’t commit to it.

They do seem to be going in that direction with her, just the average useless villain. It’s a shame because she’s actually cool as a concept and has a solid background to work with.

I get it that Alleria is a beloved character to many, I personally dislike her personality.

I don’t know what it is but I can’t stand her, a feeling that many share when it comes to Sylvanas, I’m sure.

I wish she just gave in already but I’m not one to call for the death of fan favorites.

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