Character death prediction for Midnight

Thats an interresting topic.
I bet if I meditate for a bit on how the symbolism and the pattern is in WoW there should be a probability answer to that.
Ill tune in later with my theory.

They did warn us that the build up is slow, weā€™re not supposed to defeat Xalā€™atath yet. So, I am patiently waiting.

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Thatā€™s true and Iā€™m curious how the community will handle her always getting away from us even so we already know she isnā€™t supposed to be killed yet

So far, I treat it as Iā€™m not high enough level to take on the bartender yet!

Good, slow and steady is the way to go. I want her to be a memorable villain. I want to feel something when I kill her.

I think Midnight is when we will see what this new team is truly capable of. As far as I know Metzen joined when TWW was already 8 months into development so the story for this expansion was already set in motion.

Iā€™ll echo the sentiment that no major character is going to die.

For one because Blizzard seem to value the IP property of a character higher than the story impact of said character dying. I think the handling of Sylvanas illustrated that quite nicely.

I also donā€™t think the dramatic event of death has much impact in the story anymore, because weā€™ve been to the Shadowlands and seen what death entails. And itā€™s really just another place like any other.

And finally, then the way that Blizzard tells stories these days, where they effectively park and pause some characters for years and years at a time (because theyā€™re off to tell a story about the new Niffin or Earthen or whatever) results in a lot of ambivalence toward those characters. I donā€™t really care very much about Talanji anymore, because I havenā€™t really heard from her in 6 years. Her relevance in the story and plot has completely faded. She may as well be dead as far as the story is concerned.

I think Blizzard will introduce some new characters and have them die for the occasion. A bit like with that Drakonid that dies early on in Dragonflight to protect some egg or whatever it was. Introduced 5 minutes earlier, then dies, and weā€™re supposed to feel sorry.
Probably like that.

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Yep I am really excited to see what they are capable of producing

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When was the last time they killed someone off properly? Legion?

BFA. Pay attention.

Who died that was important to the story and ā€œraised the stakesā€? I wouldnā€™t count Saurfang since he was important for one expansion. Also BFA happend years ago. Based on this I wouldnā€™t say they like to kill characters offā€¦

No? They donā€™t?

The only times they ever did that was in Legion, with Varian and Tirion. Thatā€™s one patch in 20 years of the game existing.

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Saurfang and Rastakhan. And they exiled Gallywix and Sylvanas.

You are Horde yes? Blizzard killes our leaders all the time. Remember Cairne and Volā€™jin?

Irrelevant characters. Nobody cares about them.

Iā€™ll be impressed the day they kill off Jaina, Thrall, Anduin, Baine, Malfurion or Tyrande.

literally race leaders. Only step up would be warchief.

So only alliance characters matter to you? The hypocrisy is real lmao.

Exactly. Legion was the last expansion where anyone significant died. They killed Saurfang during BFAā€¦ BFA which happened 5 years ago and Saurfang who was important for one expanison. Bro acts like this is Game of Thrones where characters die left and right lolā€¦ I would argue that blizzard donā€™t like to kill anyone off. Khadgar is a good example. They just canā€™t let characters go. So much so they take every opportunity to bring back old favourites in some form. Death has no meaning in this storyā€¦ at allā€¦

Name one original RTS character that isnā€™t Thrall who is still alive. You canā€™t.

Why it has to be from the RTS games? :smiley: You donā€™t want to go back to the very first game very first character by any chance? Iā€™m going to list out a couple from the top of my had: Jaina, Khadgar, Alleria,Muradin, Baine, The paladin dude who is the husband of Alleria, Rexxar.

WOW characters donā€™t count. I reject every replacement from Rokhan to Baine.

Sad how this thread has developed, it was rather interesting. Iā€™ll be unfollowing now. :wave: