Your bait is weak. Your stance that Horde elves need to lose something so you can feel better about yourself is selfish and not feasable for Blizzard. I an assure you the plot will be about blood elves mostly. Now go back to the high elf topic and leave the adults alone here talking.
Other blood elf candidates to die at Midnight :
Rommath (he doesnât like the void and void elves)
Liadrin (void vs light)
Halduron (Vereesaâs Secret Lover)
Blizzard is not going to prioritize a non playable on the back of a race that was in the game since 2007. Now stop derailing the topic with your bait. You are super annoying.
Like every sane person would.
These are my personal predictions, I think the blood elves will be the first victims of the void at Midnight.
If you really think the blood elf zones wonât be about the blood elf story then you are delusional.
In no particular order, but simply because theyâre likely to be in the line of fire and the fanbase not being so attached that Blizzard might not have the guts to pull the trigger:
- Magister Umbric, the current VElf leader. Alleria will then be steered into a position where she gets more hands-on with guiding her people into Midnight and TLT.
. - Grand Magister Rommath, Ranger General Halduron Brightwing and/or Lady Liadrin - simply to hammer in the high stakes for the Blood Elves.
. - Possibly Turalyon, as it would leave the throne of Stormwind vacant for Anduinâs inevitable return to the mantle of king.
. - I could see Velen trying to pull a similar move that his AU counterpart did in Shadowmoon Valley, in order to save or buy time to save the Sunwell.
QuelâThalas will become a zone attacked by the void.
Another speculation you have no proof for. At least show enough class to wait for the expansion release trailer in August.
Chris Metzen Blizzcon 2023
Nothing he said indicates the land will be fully lost. Just your own fanfic inside your head.
QuelâThalas will be attacked by the void, the elves (horde/alliance) will unite to defend it.
Yes. But the Horde will be there first to defend their actual allies because their places are connected via portals(Suramar and Tirisfal). Blizzard will remember the friendhips the blood elves share with the Forsaken and the Nightborne and I wager that is the major theme for all Horde quests in the region.
The return to QuelâThalas will concern the Horde and the Alliance because there will be an Elven reunification.
Donât come crying when the undead and Nightborne elves show up first because those are infact the closest friends of the Sinâdorei. Now stop derailing this thread and post in the high elf topic instead. This here is just for possible character death predictions concerning the whole world soul saga.
Blood elves, void elves and high elves are elves of QuelâThalas, they are the same people.
no they are not. Umbric and Vereesa are race traitors who killed blood elves with glee because Anduin ordered them to do so.
Donât come crying when Vereesa and Umbric are members of the Silvermoon Elven Reunification.
They activley killed blood elves. In no logical scenario any blood elf leader would offer them a hand ever. They chose the alliance over their nation who made it very clear they are no longer part of the alliance.
Horde players already interact with Alliance leaders during TWW (Jaina !!! ).