Character death prediction for Midnight

If they kill anyone it will be either Liadrin or Alleria since they are the most obvious to fall into the void control.

Too obvious, they won’t go down that path.

I feel like the encounter between Xalatath and Alleria was quite telling, she will not give in and she will not die.

This annoying blondie is here to stay and I’m sure she and the void elves will be main protagonists in the Midnight expansion.

I hope not. I can’t stand their faces. Nothing but race traitors. They better not steal our thunder.

Let it go, it’s happening. It’s an expansion centered around elves. There’s no way the Windrunner sisters will be missing.

Vereesa should face death penalty for the countless blood elves she killed. She is not inoccent.

They actually don’t ‘love it’. But yes, sometimes it helps to raise the stakes, indeed.

Don’t really care, honestly.
Any of the ‘main cast’ dying is fine with me.

Just stay away from Rexxar and Chen.

I think Blizzard should kill Turalyon or Danath for a change. The alliance has way too many veterans alive that we can cut down.

I don’t care about either of those characters, so that’d be fine with me. The second one I don’t even know who that is. But killing them ourselves seems weird; there’s no reason for it at all, not even a hint.
That could change, sure. But as of this time, it’d be more ‘threatening’ if one of our big strong heroes is taken out by the bad guys; not us.

Danath Trollbane is the last male heir of House Trollbane and by default new lord of Stromgarde.

If he dies Stromgarde will remain leaderless that’s the issue.

And? :sweat_smile:

You’re telling this to the wrong person, man.
I really don’t care. I just want the story to move along (and since Stromgarde has nothing to do with that, I doubt we’ll see that character die).

I just feel we need more wow politics.

Oh please. I hate him.

Lor’Themar or Thalyssra could die or become Xal’atath’s new puppets.:pray:

Meh… no one cares enough for them.

Exactly, it’s just to replace them with an alliance leader (Alleria?) for the Midnight expansion.

Well… the forum rage would be entertaining.

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Go Troll in the high elf thread. Your desire to give all Horde stuff to alliance elves will Not happen.

Midnight’s plot will be in Quel’Thalas, a blood elf will have to be sacrificed !