Character list separated by ream

Because of the way the Beta interacted I didn’t see this as an issue, but for me this is a huge issue.

Currently my character list just has everyone dumped into it, and it has undone the order I had them sorted in. This… overwhelming at best. I would badly like to be able to sort my character list by realm so that I can see only the ones on my current server.

My server is a joined server and I had characters split between the two in ways that made a great deal of sense to me, and partly so I would not get overwhelmed by the list.

Currently I’m also seeing characters from a lot of random realms that I have’t played on in a very long time as well as the order for my primary realm being messed up. If we are going to have this many characters in our list, we badly need some sort options.

Also there was a level 1 I am positive I never made. This is a mess.


AddOns button hidden behind menu is pissing me off more.

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Yeah, the Login Screen is just a huge middle finger to anyone with more than a handful of alts.
I don’t exactly know how many chars I have, as I cba to count. But suffice it to say: I have to delete a character every time I want to make a new one.
And right now, I can’t find any of them in the endless scrolling heap they were thrown in. :rofl:
You can’t even filter for a Realm name in the search bar :grimacing:

I’m so happy right now that I did not preorder the next expansion :joy:

I have this realm dedicated to my 23 rogues, now the login screen is a huge mess as they are all over the place.

I’m certainly regretting my naming choices across the three realms I have chars on. A simple solution for me would be to have realm more prominent instead of in a hover or as others have said, filter by realm.

What is bad here, this screen is not changeable with addons. Otherwise much more qualified people would create a good character selection screen long time ago in addons (pun towards everyone, who thinks WoW need to ban all addons :stuck_out_tongue:)

what do you mean? maybe in the future?

Don’t think so, because this screen happens before loading of addons, so it’s not technically possible. I don’t believe Blizzard would change architecture of client that fundamentally in foreseeable future.

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Even if it was the same realm as before they mixed up all the orders.

I spent time resorting my 60 characters before starting into the game. Bit tedious but once it’s done it’s done.

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The point being, 40+ alts are too many in a single list, and those of us who had them split by server, did so for a reason.

They should “fix” this by letting us add custom folders/tabs in the list, so we can minimize/open whatever set of characters of our choice the same way the warband display/group can be opened/minimized.


was difficult to extricateyourself between the punys? ill have the same problem i guess this evening with teslas

I don’t like to have duplicated races and classes in one list. In each realm I had only one shaman or one human for example. For me it looks realy bad right now to have two same looking shamans in one spot, it’s doesn’t matter if I can move them up or down. It’s still there.

Horrible design for people with OCD and at least some of sense of aesthetics.


That’s bad too. I’ve so many characters I can’t even see some of them if I want a character specific addon layout (rather than all).

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Unless changing your warband toons messes it up again as I imagine they won’t remember the slot you had them in before.

I’ve long had a system but being able to make my own categories would certainly be a nice adddition. All my characters apart from one are on Draenor. The lone additional hunter on Silvermoon just slotted in under my other Hunter.

Currently my list works

Main x 1

Profession Paladins x 6 in alphabetical order

Rest of Paladins in alphabetical order

One of each other class in class order alphabetically

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No this Morning the first thing I had to do was put them all back into the order they were in previously. And add the one Silvermoon character. It was a bit of a faff but once it’s done it’s done.

Categories to sort them into would make navigating much easier, and resizing tbh.

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This made me delete most of my alts and have 10 characters maximum. The rest were almost never played anyway.

It is, actually. Now, I don’t know how much you can change but I’ve seen people change their character select and font and other things in it. I’m just not sure how, never cared to check it out

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