Character not appearing in character list for changing character on the forums

I know what the problem is, it’s having two realms with the same name. One for Classic Era and one for Classic Wrath and I can prove it.

Look at this post Unpopular Opinion- thread - #11 by Dottie-pyrewood-village that is a link to a post I made from Dottie (70) on Pyrewood Village in Wrath but it is showing as Dottie (10) on Pyrewood Village on Era.

Look at this person who quoted my post and the image it uses. Unpopular Opinion- thread - #23 by Rexven-ravencrest

You can see a different profile picture in the quote to the one in the original post.

That will be £400 consulting fee please. Only kidding. If you do want to reward me I only play Classic.

Also as you can see the list of posts in activity goes back further than back before the character was even created.

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