Hi Blizzard,
Can we have an update to the Character Selection Screen where we can see more than 11 characters?
I would like to be able to see ALL (or most) of my characters, without Scrolling:
I suggest:
- Adding an option to choose/toggle between different design layouts
- Implement a few new design layouts that solve or at least minimize Scrolling
- Keep the current style for those who are fine with it
Here are a couple of Concepts that help with the Scrolling issue:
- I’m not the creator of this, but I like it:
Concept 1:
- I did create this with my terrible skills. It’s simple but illustrates the point:
Concept 2:
- The goal isn’t to vote on a specific Design Concept.
- The goal is to be able to see more toons (if possible - all) without Scrolling.
Feel free to propose new design concepts!
I totally agree with this suggestion !!! I hope blizzard to read forums and to give a green light on things like this that will help to improve the game and players to be happier.
That screenshot mockup is very nice!
I support it
I don’t really like it. Too many circles.
The current interface is fine with me. They could maybe make the rows less wide so we can see more characters in the list.
where would names fit ,if name is visible for each character ?
If you play all those characters, then what do you do with the other 10 minutes of your life.
Just drag the ones you play most to the top of your list.
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That would be a really nice QoL change.
Imagine you have 12 characters, one of each class on the same server. It might not be game changing but it’s quite bothersome when you can’t see the full list and you have to scroll to see what else you got available.
The way it is now, it’s just an outdated layout that doesn’t properly and neatly display all the information you should have on your screen when selecting characters. It needs to be changed.
Is that a homemade photoshop pic or a screenshot from a private server?
Wyrmrest accord does ring a bell but i cant find it.
Of course. This is just the only clever way I found that someone had actually created. There are million ways this could be done. But people haven’t been creating mockups of their ideas. This guy did. The only thing missing is the names.
I don’t really care about the design. I just wanna see them all!!!
I think we all do. That’s the main point.
Looks amazing! You have my full support! ^^
It’s from a reddit thread. I posted it here hoping that Blizz sees it. 
I don’t think they have implemented it anywhere, at least from my research I couldn’t find a code behind it (and I searched a lot). It was just that image and the discussion.
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you see the issue for me is that
you have to scroll down to see your alts no matter how many you have
now if it was like ffxiv character selection its like a row first char at the top 2nd under it etc
it felt"clean"
just need to “shorten” the selection screen where you see the information like level 60 belf paladin
might sound confusing but shortening the row in the char selection menu would make scrolling between mains and alts easier i guess and kind of “close” the distance
it might be cleaner if they do this and include last names
i reserve Dawnstrider for mine
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Since I am not the creator of the image I am just sharing my thought that the only piece of information missing are the names.
There are many ways you can do this.
- Increase the distance between circles.
- Rearrage their respective positioning to each other.
- Play with the shapes.
- Change the design.
And truly so many ways this could happen. But the main point is that there must be a change/update from the pragmatic side of things in order for us to be able to see all of our characters without damn scrolling… How they achieve this and whether they adopt this particular design or do something of their own is up to them. As long as this gets seen by a GM and they promise to at least think about it I’ll be happy. 
I mean even without the names I’m totally fine with using it as it is.
Really anything that lets me see them all… Just having all the info seems a good argument against those who would oppose this, with the point that we’re losing info and are getting trapped by the minimalistic nature of the design, for example… This way we add the names and satisfy all. 
Yeah well it’s not like realms matter any more anyway.
Scrolling is the issue overall!
Not just for you. For me too. And for everyone with many toons on the same realm…
I have thought about shortening the rows too. I’m fine with that as well. I just don’t know how they can shorten it so much so that you can see beyond 20-25 for example… 
They could shorten them and also add a second column I guess.
Really there are so many ways to do it.
We just need to be able to see them without scrolling! 
yes that would be great option
it should be fine with 17 characters
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I’m personally not a fan of the way it looks either but I appreciate the goal of the suggestion. I do think they could make it easier to see more character names no the selection screen but I’d like a different visual for it to this suggestion.
I’d happily see class-based casting animations as in the character creation screen (like the hunter setting the trap and shooting) whenever I log in.
I’m an altaholic but still fine with not seeing all toons. I only have 1 of each class anyway 
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That would be pretty cool if it did those every time or if they were optional, so we could tick them on but others could just switch them off for faster loading.
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