Character Slot Increase with Dark Heart Patch (10.2.7)

Good News everyone! :dracthyr_yay_animated:


That’s good :slight_smile: applause for that.


Pft, Blizz being enablers for altaholics!

Very off-topic, but somewhat related, has there been any word on DH limit? It feels weird to still be limited to 1 DH/server (I heard you can create on a different server then move the char, but… why the hassle?)

Dragons I get, they are new, they are hip, flavour of the expansion kind of stuff, but DHs are old now

there is no DH limit anymore.

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:open_mouth: I am dumb, sorry, thanks, when did that happen??? I’ve totally missed that and have been creating alt DHs on different servers…

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And here I am… sitting with my 2 toons… (up until BfA only 1 toon)…

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There is just a Dracthyr limit instead :crazy_face: