Character Stuck - Fix

Please don’t mark topic as solved. Spamming spacebar is not working for everyone and not a real solution.

Blizzard need to see this!

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spamming spacebar worked, was stuck here for 4 hours

spaming space bar doesn’t work im stuck between rocks;/ Stuck support dosn’t work…

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Same issue. Spamming space bar does not work

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Exact same problem, spacebar does not help.

This is the third time it happens for me in 3 days, can we get a BLUE post already to see what the issue is?

Can confirm im also stuck. and space does not seem to do it for my location.

Can confirm my Hunter is stuck and the Unstuck service on the Battlenet page is just not worikng at all

Edit: Got Character Unstuck to work … I am still stuck after moving my character :smiley:

BTW Since my Character is still stuck after Self Servicing it wont be able to be moved again for A WHOLE 8 HOURS?

Same here, spamming spacebar not working so far, could be cause my char is too short?

Same problem here - spamming space does nothing for me. Tried disabling all addons and minimizing the graphics. Seems like i am just starting inside a rock.

I tried the unstuck feature but i’m literally starting at the exact same spot.

Update it worked in the end. (the spacebar thing that is)

Got the spacespar spam thing to work aswell. Typical blizzard stuff tho - players having to find ways around bugs and blizzard not responding at all - LOL

Spacebar spam helped but after I disabled all addons to decrease loading time.

Same issue

same, spacebar not working

Update on my “Fix”.

Spacebar spam DID NOT work. However the moment I spammed W + Spacebar at the same time, it instantly worked.

Also as someone said above, disable addons to make the loading times quicker


I’ve got the same issue… Spacebar + W not working for me D:

I’ve got the same issue, blizzard come on…

Died here, same problem. Fix please.

+1 :slight_smile: Even saw a dude in trade chat asking if anyone knew how to unstuck dead characters after getting ganked here.

Space bar haven’t worked for me (yet at least, trying 10 more times)

EDIT: It worked! :slight_smile: Took about 20 tries. As others mentioned, disabling addons + setting graphics and render to low makes it faster to load in.