I’m playing right now on Classic Era server, (to this day I thought I’m playing on fresh classic server, because game defaultly threw me on classic when I was making character). There will be a Burning Crusade progression at 20th fresh anniversary at the end of this year. Will it be possible to transfer/clone my character to fresh server then? If not, can I make Burning Crusade character and experience it’s content instantly?
You cannot clone your non-fresh realm character to fresh realms.
Can you experience TBC content fast? Depends if Blizzard decides to introduce level boosts again. I personally hope that Blizzard has grown wiser and will go against offering boosts.
You should just play the game in my opinion.
There’s still plenty of time before tbc release.
No you won’t be able to transfer, Blizzard said nothing about a boost yet but I expect there to be one alongside a new mount and all the other trash they did last time.
If we’re lucky we may even get the WOW token.
Especially at the end of the year
Boost implementation is one of the reasons why I decided to not play TBC in 2019. We all hope they are “wiser” and “learned” from the previous mistakes, but probably not, we all saw the black lotus changes, which could be much better added. Either they don’t care enough about Classic or they just don’t get it.
No you can not transfer from Era to Anniversary. It is very likely there will be a paid “boost” to level 58/60 available with TBC as there was in Classic 4 years ago, but it was not explicitly confirmed by Blizz.
Your best bet is to just start levelling from scratch on an Anniversary realm. Not only do boosted chars have horrible gear and no professions, they are also looked down upon by a large portion of the community.
For example I intend to level through PuG dungeon spam, and I would never suffer a boosted char in my group. Communal item = instant kick no questions asked.
So you’re 51. I’d stick to Era for now and when you get bored, you create another character on Anniversary.
BC levelling is a bit faster, prepatch is generally a busy time to allow draenei (shaman) and blood elf (paladin) characters to reach 58. Meaning, you can jump in, too.
Ignore the communal problem if you choose to boost. The dungeons are logically 60+ and by that time you’ll find plenty of quest rewards.
No news about taking Era characters to BC. It would be plausible to happen, but don’t count on it.
I’ve been kicking people with communal gear from Mana Tombs at 64 in TBC Classic
The very first Ramps I joined on launch morning had a 58 tree in full communal who couldn’t keep the tank alive at all and we had to abort 3 packs in and reform new group.
No to the transfer. However you most likely still got 6-12 months until we get TBC pre-patch so is plenty of time to start on fresh, if that’s what you want.
Once the prepatch drops on anniversary it’s a lot faster to level to 60, so if you’re only wanted tbc it may be best to wait until then to really focus on leveling your tbc character.
At the current release speeds, the prepatch can be shorter than a month, possibly even as little as 2 weeks. Even at an increased leveling speed, not everyone can hit 60 in such a time frame.
Though this is not a rule, if I remember correctly we always had a 50%ish XP boost on top of the decreased XP required to level before every new expansion.
Also, if I remember correctly the level squish affects higher levels more significantly, so you could level up to around 30-40 prior to prepatch, then finish off.
Or take advantage of not having an existing character and level a dreani.