Character Transfers Update

Except for Hydraxian which is an RP realm that already went through the “saving” process all other low population realms have their free transfers in progress.

Hydraxian does have FCT in progress.
TOWARDS Hydraxian Waterlords!!! :heart_eyes:

We asked for transfers from Nethergarde Keep, Mirage Raceway, Pyrewood Village and Lakeshire because we knew there are some roleplayers who might want to join (and afaik some Celebrasians at least consider to come now).
We GOT transfers from ALL realms! :heart_eyes:

Saving process in progress nods

The other low pop realms, Ashbringer, Jin´do, Giantstalker, Thekal (all of them except Ashbringer are fresh realms) were likely to be consolidated later anyway. They killed last year lots of low pop realms including unique ones, it was always to be expected that there would be FCT off them to other realms.

On the flipside: Nethergarde Keep, where you play, seems to be stable enough. Except the FCT towards Hydraxian Waterlords (all realms have now), there are no FCT off.
It´s a clear sign that the realm is not collapsing, what you were afraid of in some of our discussions.

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Seems like it even if formally i haven’t played for last two months after 4th week of missing Ulduar and realizing I wouldn’t catch up. We’ll see how it forms over time.


My apologies, but opening character migration from Mograine to Hydraxian Waterlords seems like bad joke to me.
I don’t see much improvement in transferring to that realm.

Even though Hydraxian Waterlords have open migration from all EU realms, will RP realm ever get populated enough?

ah… crap :frowning:
Maybe they´ll add some catch-up mechanik before the next raid :-/

You read the transfer as an offer to the Mograine Alliance to get to a more crowded realm, that´s the reason.

But in this case, the transfers are for the target realm - Hydraxian Waterlords.
We already have players from Ashbringer, Lakeshire, Mirage Raceway and so on who intent to come back or join the realm (and i´ll send my stuck Alliance Druid from Firemaw :slight_smile: )

Roleplayers are (and, in case of the closed RP realms last year “ended up”) on realms where you don´t expect them.

If the realm will ever be populated enough - that´s difficult to tell.
First of all, “populated enough” is a very subjective thing.
What one calls a DeAD realm, is for someone else already overcrowded.

How the realm will develop, no one can predict, but at least we got a chance now.

What i´ll advice everyone, who is not really sure that he want to join, is, to create first a character to check the realm (and join the discord), and if it seems ok, to first send an alt.

What I consider “populated enough” realm is the one where you can find other players for group content regardless of your level.

In case that Hydraxian Waterlords get only misfits, strays and left-overs from other realms and won’t exceed player count in few hundred active players per faction, it can’t be considered populated.

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I know player on bigger (full) realms who don´t find player for group content. :wink:
In that time, someone was looking for a Gnomeregan group, i was doing 2,3 dungeons on my era realm :person_shrugging:

of course it can.
I know a lot of player, who prefer this player count over more crowded realms :slight_smile:

It´s your opinion, and it´s extremely narrow-minded to think, you could talk for everyone “it can´t be considered populated”

The reality is:
There is a transfer for the roleplayers, who might be stuck on mograine.
There would not have been any other FCT, if the transfer to Hydraxian wasn´t there.

It´s not a “either or” but a “either this one or none”

Edit: Not saying it´s fair that the Mograine Alliance didn´t get FCT.
But this transfer was just not meant for the majority of the player.
That´s all.
And as we let mega realm players enjoy their realms, they shold let us enjoy our - without implying, realms we are happy on are not populated. We clearly see it different :wink:

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We are very comfortable with low pop. Low pop, medium pop, and high pop are all Significantly different vibes.

Some people are on medium/high realms, and wanna try low pop. This is their chance.

On low pop you meet the same people all the time, you join and form communities and its pretty chill.
Low pop is the version of the game everyone “imagines” in their head when they think of classic wow.

Slow pace, smell the roses, roleplay a little, /salute and enjoy some emotes, nobody is toxic they are not welcomed and they don’t find any communities to reside in.


Big poggers!

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Thank you WoW devs for helping out Hydraxian Waterlords. It is so appreciated. We know only a small amount of people will use this service but i think it will be enough to form 3-4 guilds and that is plenty enough.

Please don’t make the mistake of ending this, just leave it up.
We’re the permanent PvE realm in the EU.

Could you perhaps announce this on the launcher?


Yeah, but I would rather do that on Classic Era realm not WotLK.
On low population realm you might still have chance to find people you could play together with while leveling up, but you have to be online at the same time, always leveling up together.
That is not an option for everyone.

I’ve already paid for character transfer to high populated realm on my main, in order to find active guild and continue doing Ulduar raids, but transferring every alt to that realm as well is too expensive.

I’m aware that is is about populating Hydraxian Waterlords not about allowing characters that are stuck on realms with barely any players in their faction to move elsewhere, but I’m just disappointed when Blizzard deal with only one problem like in this case last active RP realm in EU region instead of dealing with realm population issues on larger scale.

FCM that got open only because Hydraxian Waterlords is last RP realm in EU, have very little value for players like me, who would like to do some dungeon every now and then while leveling up their alt. Especially when there is quest that require you to defeat the boss inside the dungeon.

I, by all means support role playing in RPGs, but not necessarily RP realms.
Also while low populated realms might be preferred environment for the role playing, leveling up alone and returning the gray quests once you are level high enough to clear the instance solo is very sad world.

Yeah any realm type is A55 with 0 pop.

yo blizzard adress your customers

Im on firemaw and want to transfer to mograine. ive waited for over 60 days and still not able to transfer meanwhile i see other servers can transfer to mograine you can even transfer from mograine to firemaw i dont get it makes no sense. please open upp for transfer ive been waiting for to long. All my friends are there and im left here alone and missing out of playing the game!!!

This is utter B***Sh-t…
Firemaw is full: We’re offering FCM to Ashbringer → Go to Ashbringer
Ashbringer dies: We’re offering FCM to Mograine → Go to Mograine

Mograine dies (for alliance): We’re offering FCM from Ashbringer to Mograine and Firemaw!

Wait… what??? So I should’ve stayed on Ashbringer a couple of dead months more so I could’ve gone back to Firemaw?! Now I’m stuck on Mograine??

OMG… Blizzard you must be trolling now. Open up Firemaw for players stuck on Mograine…

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This is probably not the reply you’d want to hear, but the correct move was never leaving Firemaw in the first place. Going to a lower pop server never pays off.

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We don’t agree on a lot of topics, but I 100% agree with this statement.
Here’s me trusting in a big cooperation to have my best interests at heart.

It’s crazy how a company can deliver crappy service like this.
On Firemaw during the beginning:
“We take your money a couple of months, but you won’t get to play” (overcrowding).
We see the ‘problem’ now. Here’s a freebie, take it and play another server (so you don’t leave and keep playing)

On Ashbringer:
“We take your money a couple of months, but your server is dying”.
We see the ‘problem’ now. Here’s a freebie, take it and play another server (so you don’t leave and keep playing).

On Mograine:
"We take your money a couple of months, but your server is now dead (on alliance side).

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Open the Server Everlock. It’s Bullsh+*t that i can create new Characters but i can’t get my Paladin from Lakeshire there !!!

Please, save Mograin Alliance! let us free.

I have my mains on Gehennas, some alts on other servers, why can’t you open paid transfers if you already have an level 80 at Gehennas? It wont affect the que or anything, just make us with alts enjoy the game more

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