Characters of both factions on same pvp servers

Why is it that most players are not allowed to create characters of both factions on the same pvp servers, while other players are able to do so simply because they pay more?


Because paying more means that they have two accounts.

What next, going to complain that people paying for two accounts can have 2 characters online at the same time?

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Well i just find it slightly wierd that the devs would go out of their way to limit people on pvp servers from playing both factions, and not have those limitations on pve servers. Clearly the intent here is they dont want people to play both factions on pvp servers. I would say that a player using 2 accounts to bypass this clearly defined limitation is an exploit

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Because that is how it was in Vanilla and Classic is a recreation of Vanilla based on patch 1.12.1 with progressive content.

You can call it an exploit or whatever you want, and I kinda agree. But Blizzard donā€™t so thatā€™s that.

They donā€™t do it ever on PVP server, because at some point youā€™re gonna be corpsecamped for an hour for no good reason by an UD rogue going ā€˜kekekeā€™ at you. And then you will be sad, switch sides, and find this person and be whoole friendly while pretending to be a girl, and arrange an RL meeting. And thats where innocent gamers die.

Blizz decided long ago they will take no part in such things.


I once had an additional account just to /who players, so that I could camp them.

Iā€™m playing Alliance and Horde. Just make a second account and pay a new subscription. Currently leveling my first Alliance character :slight_smile: . Lot of top players on my servers play both faction to, but itā€™s mostly because they have collusion with Alliance/Horde guilds to make mafia for everything (Devilsaure on release, then Elemental Fire in Arathi, PvP augmented pool size event, black lotus farming, open world map controi when they want to farm something, world boss). Itā€™s fun to see thereā€™s some ā€œ3rd factionā€ in the game when people play with opposite faction ^^.

To reduce griefing, and increase faction pride.

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