Chat bans by voting - Remove

Title says it all - Blizzard needs to remove chat bans by vote.

The notion that people can be banned from chat effectively by votes is completely moronic, and rife for abuse. Merely suggesting other players play a Battleground appropriately now results in repeated chat bans thanks to what is effectively “ban by vote”.

My question to Blizzard is, how in your most wild imagination, could you not foresee that this Orwellian and entirely pointless addition to the game, which is not from Classic, would not be abused? This needs to be removed immediately, as Classic wasn’t and shouldn’t be a game for snowflake communists who ban at every opportunity.

Here are some compelling reasons why chat bans by vote need to be immediately removed.

  1. This feature was not in Classic and goes against the spirit of the game.

  2. This feature adds nothing to the game but to destroy player’s experiences and to prevent knowledge sharing of the game. No one is quitting the game because they couldn’t chat ban someone who told them not to take bloody Stonehearth Graveyard in AV, get real.

  3. See #2 above. Removing this feature does nothing, as the only value it adds is to irritate players, as even those who get to gleefully spam reports at the nasty people who dared to tell them not to take SH GY, will not know if that person has been chat banned.

  4. People WILL stop playing if you implement idiotic bans. It happened across many private WoW servers which all saw their populations flatten after banwaves and such ridiculous features.

  5. That one’s account could ultimately be banned by unverified mass reports, with zero opportunity to defend themselves, based on subjective accusations of other players, is completely absurd.

  6. There is no clear definition of what is abusive, as apparently, calling people “slow and pathetic” for not recalling to actually defend your AV base so as to not lose in 7 minutes is “abusive”. Last I had understood, abuse was taking a baseball bat to my partner IRL. There is no such thing as abusive language. Calling such things abuse trivializes actual abuse, which I presume was Blizzard’s intention.

  7. Blizzard should not seek to police behaviour in this way, even if they think it cuts costs (which it undoubtedly does). There is no point to cater to crybabies in video games, as the speech of others will never be perfect enough for their sanctimonious and childish desires. Hence, the only appropriate route is to only have bans for the most egregious of chat (i.e. hours of spamming, systems/software abuse & hacking). The rest is a waste of money to police, as no one quits the game because they got called a “poo face” on the internet, get real.

  8. Chat banning players who know how to win BGs deprives them and others of critical battleground communication as regards objectives. Doing this hurts not only the (apparently) nasty person that hurt some feels on the internet, but others who BG with them and cannot benefit from communication.

  9. There is for certain zero verification process whereby these mass reports can be checked for reasonableness or contested.

  10. Allowing players to ban others by vote, is to cater to the exact sort of instant gratification entitlement culture that ruined retail WoW, and quite frankly, is rife across the political left in society. As recent votes will no doubt indicate, people don’t want this garbage.

Remove chat bans by vote, simpliciter.



These days you gotta have a 1 button feel-good feature or else it isn’t a good online multiplayer game.
People having to put thought into a ticket and then waiting multiple hours if not days for a response to get that white-knight dopamine rush is too pre 2011, you just gotta have an automated 1 button system these days or else it isn’t an authentic modern online experience ™.


blizzard are very anti free speech and ban u for even uttering swearwords they have a ingame filter for.


Agreed, and it’s a travesty.


How sad, did you know that a lack of empathy is one of the signs of a psychopath?

To my understanding they don’t want consequences to be removed but to be applied only after human verification by Blizzard. And maybe make the process a bit more involving to lower the amount of abuse (which is in favor of those that will do that verification).


How many votes does it take to get banned from a BG chat? And how long does it last

imo if someone is so annoying that the majority of a wsg team decides to remove him from the chat for the rest of the bg, it is a perfectly fine mechanic.

If it is a fixed number (4-5?), even in AV, and lasts for more than the current BG, that mechanic is too prone tu abuse and should be changed.

So true.

Wrong way: ‘‘DO IT LIKE THIS YA FING REDED C**TS!’’ <-- Don’t do this.

Correct way: '‘Okay, you guys go up there, cap and defend, you guys go to X Spot and Cap defend. If we do this we’ll slow ‘em down.’’ <— Do this.

The funny part is when premades can report opponents for stuff, and the automated punishment kicks in. That’s when it gets really interesting.

Or the way Russian premades have abused it in retail where they’d kick the few randoms who ended up in their BG on the same team who didn’t have “good enough gear” or didn’t do exactly as they were “ordered” to do by the premade.

Automated systems are open to coordinated abuse, that’s just the way it is. The right-click reporting is one of the best QoL changes ever implemented. But the automated punishment is NOT.
And the way they changed the operations manual to force GMs to refer to the right-click reporting when you try to do it via a ticket because you couldn’t target them fast enough for whatever reason like for example in arenas, it’s just a degradation of quality assurance.

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They already censor words, if people choose to disable the censorship why should the people speaking their minds get banned for somoenes sensitivity that willfully wants to see swearwords?


In the infallible words of Tyler, The Creator (paraphrasing for obvious reasons):
“Hahahahahahahaha How Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Close Your Eyes Haha.”
Why is this even a system we need? Why is the tried and true ignore button no longer good enough? What the hell happened?


When a profanity filter is scrambling normal Dutch verbs and nouns then you want to have it off yes because it’s scrambling in whispers, gchat, /say etc.

your own fault. speak american or dont play american games, people like u make games like csgo unbearable and u choose to disable the filter that prevents your feelings from being offended, but of course that is the only reason for your existance, to be offended.


Just behave like a civilised member of society and you solve your own problem

Good popcorn whine though - please continue


Well maybe because it’s against the rules and freedom of speech is not a valid argument in this game. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.

I personally don’t understand how is it difficult to communicate in respectful way, and still get the point across?

“You’re slow and pathetic cuz you didn’t recall!”
-> try this 5mins earlier
“Hordies are soon going to backdoor, we need to be ready for them. Let’s get a few people recall or move back north!”
… if nothing happens …
“We didn’t have enough defenders, next time let’s try that recalling :)”

After a dozen years of BGs and farming Battlemaster solo quickly when achievements came out, as well as grinding exalted in AV with pugs in Classic, I can say that polite approach gets you approximately 570% increased results.
There is absolutely 0 need to be abusive in chat, nor will there be. It’s up to you to choose the approach. Never have I ever gotten a report and (surprisingly) extremely rarely get negative responses to any strategical call, even though I’m very very vocal in BGs.

While I do agree a system you described could be improved, it shouldn’t even need to exist. Problem 99% lies within you, and is completely fixable, by you.
Elitist cool kids attitude only alienates random people you meet, and ruins gaming experience. You can choose not to play with them, but they have every right to play the way they want and it’s in their power to listen or not to listen to you. Now guess, which approach gets more listening ears?


It’s because these people are abusive in real life so they think it’s ok in a 12+ game.

Also misspelling and non-English swear words are not blocked by the filter.

They lack personal growth prolly because they are getting verbally abused themselves in real life. They’ve learned to focus on negative stuff, you can see the results in this thread at least.

Didn’t you mean deliberate misspelling of swear words to get around the profanity filter?

Right here buddy, you can call me the thickest r-tarded c#nt to ever walk the face of the earth and I really don’t give a rats ar#e, but you are absolutely demented if you feel that you have the right to say what you want without retribution.
Freedom of speech (which doesn’t exist in an online paid service) only grants you the freedom to voice an opinion it doesn’t mean anyone actually has to listen or credit it with a response, acknowledge it, or even respect it. It also means you are accountable for what you say and must take all repercussions for said opinion.
Also, I acknowledge your troll status but fu*k me dude, speak American? You Got the maga hat to boot? Because It’s speak English, Not American. You literally sound like you have a room temperature IQ.
You are playing a 12+ game. Not 18+.
Tone down the try hard edgelord. Really.


lmfao rp realm, tauren and druid. ofc u let people walk over u.
I wasn’t talking about voicing opinions, but you can get banned from wow for saying a one word slur that is censored.

Calling me a troll when you play a meme race, meme realm and meme class and you are not even 60, hypcrisy at its finest.

Speaking American doesn’t necessary imply the language, which still happens to be widely considered to be English, despite there being distinctive differences in pronuniation, culture and word spellings. Either you are a deliberate troll or the only one here with a room temperature IQ.

Yes it’s a game for 12 year olds, 12 year olds use slurs much more than adults and even if they are offended by it they can keep the censorship on.

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