Chat Etiquette 📝


One of the things Warcraft is most renowned for is the fact it invented an entirely new language.

The main characteristic of this new language is how much of it revolves around the word gitgud and it’s synonyms and in rare cases, may be combined with ‘murloc speech’ when using microphones (referred to as ‘mics’ in the world itself).

Here is a glossary of frequently seen jargon which might confuse the gaming newbie, but are considered a “must know” inside the community:

"Ding!" -
The player just leveled up. Or he/she feels lonely and wants someone to talk to him/her.

"Lol" -
Translation: “I liked that”. Of course nobody ever actually laughs out loud when they type this.

"Gratz" -
Short form of Congratulations, which the average warcraft player can’t spell. This is expected of whenever someone else types ding. If no one congratulates the dinger (while you happen to be vicinity), than you will be tickled by pixies while you sleep, without your parents knowing (or you, since you will never prove it actually happened). No joking around, this ain’t funny pal, it’s about courtesy!

"Gz" -
Short form of Gratz, which the average warcraft player can’t be bothered to type.

" Plz " -
Used by lazys who are normally begging for coins in order to survive or require help leveling their char, which they haven’t the vast time to invest themselves; often whom have not grasped the concept of spelling ‘please’. Really, they’re just like hobos. Get a job! No one should even give the time of day to these hobos. This ain’t a communist virtual world!

"LoLWuT?" -
A word meaning, ‘what?’. Mostly used in the WoW Realm Forums and the City Trade chat Horde side on Alterac Mountains by a Player named Orccrossing (whom we all love).

"It’s just game." -
Translation: “I [redacted] up and am trying to create a magical barrier, much like my mage failed in doing, to prevent from getting angrily yelled at.” Usually said when one player gets his whole team wiped in either pvp or an instance.

"My main is lvl 60+(level cap according to whatever released expansion)" -
This is the player’s way of boasting his masculinity, not entirely unlike how human males brag or lie about the size of their mount.

"Noob" -
(Or Nub) The term commonly used to refer to any player lower than level 60.


Still trying to figure out what those mean.

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For unknown reasons, most WHOA (WoW for the IQ impaired) players claim that all internet slang is from WHOA.

“KEK” means “LOL” because its translated like this in Orcish, and not because it’s a short form of kekekekeke used by Korean gamers for almost a millennia now.

Edit: i have to tread carfully to not go on vakay again xD

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I’m old enough to find this speak an eyesore to look at.


But what about W at the end of KEKW ? what is it for ? and Z in LULZ ?

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they forgot to press enter to apply the chat and pressed W ingame and couldnt move or be bothered to delete the W

the Z is some gen Z [redacted] i think xD

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I am not even 30 and I already find it a eyesore to look at. People are becoming lazy in my opinion at least when it comes to typing.


I’m not sure which came first tbh. Text speak or gamer speak.

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Thanks, i send this link to my mother. She has been bored on her retirement days and always enjoys learning something new.


This is one of the words that triggers me the most to be honest.
It went from congratulations to congratz from congratz to gratz from gratz to grtz and from grtz to gz.

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I usually use “congrats” except when in a dungeon, then it is just gz. Because if you stop moving in a dungeon long enough to actually type anything you get yelled at for being slow. I can’t even type “Ty, nice run” at the end of a dungeon fast enough to not be talking to myself most of the time.

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you forgot:

“<insert class/role> followed by either one or multiple “?” and then not saying anything else to appear as toxic and insufferable as possible.”


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Ding actually comes from Everquest, as when you levelled up there was a distinctive ding sound. Early Wow players (many of whom were EQ immigrants) continued to use the phrase and it stuck.

This is why ding makes no sense (in wow the sound is a whoosh) but is still used. In case anyone wondered why some people say it when they level up.


Some terms you forgot:

“wb” when a player comes back to keyboard after a short break and tells everyone that he is back and ready

“cya” OK, not perhaps WoW related, but i think it means “See you all later”

“nnfn” not very common. Actually I have seen only one dude use this. It means “Nighty night for now”, meaning he is going to log off. He improved that a bit by adding another phrase to it but I just cannot remember what it was

“wc” almost forgot wc, wrong chat, water closet, what ever.

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I’ve always felt players who type " lol " after every sentence has some deep pain inside of them. They " lol" to pretend to others it’s not there.


kekW is some lame twitch emote so if someone says that you know they probably have a hard time to speak without twitch emotes.

LULZ is probably a disfigured “LOLs”. There used to be an old meme saying “I did it for the LULZ”.


Some useful ones:

Add: additional mob. Ie “something we didn’t pull is on us”

Pull: aggroing a mob intentionally.

Aggro: having a mob attacking you

Mob: enemy Npc. I believe it’s an abbreviation of Mobile Object which stems from MMOs that predate wow.

Los: line of sight. Used To indicate that a target is not within view or to tell someone to get out of view eg “tank Los” (healer telling tank they’re out of sight so can’t be healed, move back) or “Los pull” (tank indicating they will pull the pack then move out of sight, so the mobs run to their location and bunch up. Ie the DPS need to hold fire until the mobs are grouped)

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Obvious trolling by a woman. I thought better of the female species too.

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Oh, old but gold!

“OOM” Hah, you don’t see that one too often anymore. Or maybe you do? I don’t M+ / Raid so don’t know…

“Buffs plz” Kind of self explanatory phrase

There was something that always reminds me of

But again, can’t remember what it was. Maybe “EMFH”

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Used to be relevant for leveling arcane mages. Not so much of an issue anymore since we get mastery at level 10 now.

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