Back when Anniversary realms were announced, it was mentioned that LFG-chat was going to be cleaned up by prohibiting ‘service’-advertisements and that a services channel would be added as alternative.
On Spineshatter LFG-chat currently consists of about 50% advertisement for Boost / Summon, and even when I report I see the same players go on about their service for days and weeks, with no consequence… What happened?
It’s currently not possible to use the LFG-chat without an addon to filter, unless you want a major headache from mentally filtering the messages.
If more people reported it would be fine, go and take a look at the thunderstrike to see how its supposed to look, we have been a fair few reporting people for it here and now its fine
Sometimes it feels like pvpers just never knew better and they think that the way the things are right now is the way it always has been and always should be. But its not.
Make a character on Thunderstrike to see for yourself.
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Still Thunderstrike is flooded with BOTs same as Spineshatter
People want to play the “end game content”, confusing classic with retail.
The amount of people I’ve seen with god tier gear and yet being completely braindead is hilarious, there is no way in hell they obtained that gear (and epic mount) without buying gold, not to mention being completely clueless with the class and basic mechanics. Extra damage taken curse lasting the full 10 minutes with 2 mages in the group. Fury tank popping death wish (and guess what: actually dying
)into a big pull (no shield of course).
I shudder to think how much money the botters made.
It’s the same on Era, Anniversary and SoD…
People are literally paying real money to get boosted & get mount + BoE items to get a head start and not play the game as much 
And when it’s time to gear up in dungeons / raids it’s all about Hardreserving the items they need instead of being on an even playingfield with everyone else.
Sadly, that’s the state of it and it’s hard to change that overnight, but I’d atleast like to be able to open LFG-chat without being met with a wall of “WTS boost” or “WTS Summon” - cause I don’t even use those services, all I want is to find groups to play the game the proper way :x
The server remained healthy for about a couple of weeks.
Now it’s full of bots, and both /world and LFG channels are mostly boosters and service sellers spamming their advertisement.
“You think you do, but you don’t.”
He was mocked but has, since 2019, been proved correct.
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I´ve been reporting nonstop but it´s insane, every channel is just going as fast as formula 1 and i´ve not once gotten a message blizzard has done anything with silencing/banning people.
even chars in general it´s so dumb design wise that mages can solo half of dungeons without help and nothing gets done to it.
The funny thing is Blizz banned GDKP but not boosting. The boost is sold in this game by boosting mafia which has discord and the moment you decided to compete with them you are mass reported and auto banned.
I got banned once by their reports because i was providing way cheaper boosting service in era.
I hope blizzard removes boosting and ban whoever involves in it.
For regular content there is no need for the LFG channel. The tool is sufficient, except you need the Blizzard app installed on your phone if you want to add a comment - unless I missed the Google / MS Authenticator support.
What remains is what you described.
Also, LFG is pretty much the only global channel, hence used for these things.
People don’t normally join them so people want ads. It’s like YouTube and sponsorships. You can go Premium to avoid ads, but you will still watch them embedded in the videos.
I’m with you, just saying.
For reference, GW2UI by default moves these channels to a tab that people normally don’t look at.
I have no idea how to solve this except adding a dozen more channels and a mIRC-like chat (so you are always on all channels), so you have #summon #boost #moltencore #60 #dungeon #deadmines #portal #dadjokes and so on. I would join exactly one of those!
Or, UI for everything.
Summons are a defect of WoW, every normal RPG has teleport points and centralized travel (resolved in WLK by connecting Darnassus and Thunder Bluff to the rest).
Boosts are the same IMO, combining RDF spam with questing is absolutely fun, the problems start when joining an RFK group and there is just so much travel to do, even if with taxi unlocked. (Although the actual peak is Deadmines as horde at appropriate levels, I think. Unless people just swim around.) With teleport points it would be just fine.
(Case in point: complaining and #noChanges are incompatible. Yes, it’s multiple people with different tastes, and quite likely many entrepreneurs who figured out the business opportunities and as all companies, want a static ruleset to gain the most out of it.)
I’ve continually reported for this and had no reply from Blizzard to date.
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it’s not that cleaned because the brain of people who usually ask for service like that works like →
“WTB portal/summon to Service Channel, i pay 10’000 gold”

Does anyone know how the reporting system actually works? What is the consequence if say three people report someone for spamming boost ads in Yell or general? Do they get a days silence from public channels? If they carry on do they get a two day ban from game? How does it work? I’ve heard it only needs three people to report a player for some sort of action to apply to them, but is that true?
Specifics, no.
Three would be extremely low, but they might verify (AI or human) the reports and that might add weight.
I only experienced the ban system in Heroes, where you could completely avoid punishments if you only played a few matches. That game works quite well with metrics, so it would check for existence of chat if you report for spamming or else, possibly certain words. Disruptive behaviour or AFK would be visible from the stats, i.e. dying too much or having crazy low numbers. Blizzard specifically adjusted config for all-in heroes (Leoric, Murky) to offset them, since playing them would sometimes result in completely automatic suspensions.
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