Chat spam issues - easy solution

Ah this one came back again, almost all refer to this video which blatantly proves that the streamer in question asked his viewers to report spam him and he got Squelched as a result. There is no contradiction in that, as that is a temporary measure against goldseller/advertisment spammers until a GM reviews what’s up.

They got penalised for abuse of the reporting system later on. But the video is still up ofcourse, farming people like you for clicks and generating interaction everytime someone gets referred to this.

All of which, are debunked over at the US CS forums. There’s quite a few players there who claim they got “mass reported” only to be not.

Or you could continue to read through the claims, without proof, as only Blizzard knows how many times a player has been reported.

It is not possible to be permanent banned from mere reports only in the social chat category, to reach a permanent ban you must be first penalised atleast 4 times prior before you can.

For cheating and other, they would need convincing proof. Like you’re using some bot, some cheat, something else.

So you would bet that the grand majority is incorrect? That sounds a lot like the false positive bans, luckily Blizzard has an appeal system.

I refer to this particular case: Mafia Discords of RMT Boosters Mass Reporting Legit Players - #5 by Saneko-ragnaros as I know there are concerns of organised reporting too so it’s not like I’m unaware of it.