Well another redditor also experienced this recently. He made a thread 5 hours ago and got unbanned on appeal 3 hours ago (2 hours difference) in a 14 day ban. In that same thread, a lot of players also posted that Blizzard would not unban and/or would be too late but they reacted quite swiftly.
The thing with appealing is that if it’s succesful you will be set back at the previous penalty ladder and the black mark on your history being removed. Blizzard’s way is to penalise first and allow appeals to happen, which worked here.
It is never a good thing that they were incorrectly punished ofcourse. Most false reports are discarded without the reported player noticing anything.
To explain a bit, for social infactions the first penalty is always a week mute if given by a GM. Otherwise if you’re reported a real lot it will be a Squelch e.g. removal of social functions until a GM gives a penalty.
To reach 2 weeks suspension as depicted by the redditor they would need to have been penalised 3 times for social chat infractions. Since they didn’t say what for, I will assume that the first 2 are legit.