Check PvP - How to protect yourself and your Characters

I wouldn’t read too much into it. People dropping some less then nice things on a forum because they keep finding themselves at a boiling point when it comes to predatory behavior in this game, isn’t something I think you should be surprised about. It’s not ideal, but giving you the benefit of the doubt, it’s also just a case of ‘misreading the room’ so to speak.


Buut, if I hide my alts from check-pvp, then how are the people in arena lfg going to know how experienced i am when I apply for some alt 2v2s? :frowning:

This guide sadly doesn’t seem to take that into account.

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haha thanks bro!!!

now i can ERP in goldshire all i like, and nobody will know it was me!!!

If you’re scared about people stalking some of your alts of a 15 year old MMO which has less customization than a ford focus, then either don’t play games like WoW and most important of all don’t ERP in a game meant for children. (not saying the OP does, but most complaints I’ve seen about ‘‘muh check-pvp’’ were from ERPers.

The last statement is I guess the reason why people are malding about this. If you have a clean slate then why would people stalk you anyway?

I mean you can literally check up character’s pet names on the actual WoW website along with other things to find out about peoples alts, this is nothing new afaik.

People can ‘‘stalk’’ or look me up all they want, I really don’t care.

Hey, so funny story. I actually did get “stalked” once by someone who looked up my alts through a website I’d never heard of and had no idea could be used for such a purpose. And it was very uncomfortable.

For me, what made it creepy was the unexpected discovery that a person I’d put on ignore with one character, was able to find all of my alts, put them on their friend list so they’d see when I popped online with any of those, and be able to immediately get back in touch despite my clear efforts to stop exactly that from happening. I ended up having to put said person on my ignore list for every character I had.

Bottom line is that if the person in question hadn’t whispered me on my alt and alerted me to the fact that they somehow knew what other characters I played as, I would have remained completely unaware of the fact that it was even possible.


Either you’re exceptionally dumb or are trying (and failing) to sabotage this thread.
In either case; don’t be a plonker all your life. Try being a decent person for a change - you might find you enjoy it!

That’s honestly great if you don’t care - it shows a lot of confidence, and I’m glad! A great many people do care about this, however, as can be seen quite clearly by reading above. I do feel that most of the points in your argument have already been addressed by the comments above, though, made by myself or by others.

Edit: No, I haven’t slept yet! I probably should… Oh well.

Different lives, different people. You’d be surprised at how many lowlives on this game spend their time and energy cyberstalking others to harass them (mostly women are the victim here).

Maybe you’re an 80s action movie hero who doesn’t take two sh!ts from his stalkers (This is me also) but there’s plenty of people who don’t have the time or energy to deal with that or just aren’t in the right headspace for it.

Ppl shouldn’t feel obligated to make way for cavedweller stalkers and quit a game they play as a hobby because of it lol. If they have this option available to them they can / should use it

^is the 1998 Stone Cold Steve Austin bottom line


The interface is telling me I’ve hit the maximum of likes I can give in a day, but I would’ve liked to like your post. So have a thumbs up instead :+1:

The irony of this statement considering you’re literally posting from an alt to hide who your main is is extraordinary.

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Imagine being on AD forums in 2021 and not knowing who Tehya is.

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Im afraid it is instead super easy to find out who my other chars are to the point where you could simply ask or, hell, just write Tehya into checkpvp and one of the only AD results will be an alt of mine.

I post on this char because funny high post count and bc it’s the first one I made.

1-Post Man.


I just want to know if I can pwnzorx the altposters and ERPers in the arena yo.

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Personally, I keep all of the characters I’m active on visible on the page. I’ve a few which I’ve unlisted which I’ll never deny are my characters, but I just wanna make it seem like I’ve put just a little less time into the game than I actually have, and hide the depressive period I had last year where I’d basically level an alt, get hyped to RP them, realise that I wasn’t happy RPing them, then repeat the cycle.

Personally I’ve found the website useful for when someone has a really familiar writing style with their emotes or descriptors, when I’ve had this feeling of possibly knowing the other person, or to find out people I want to avoid; those who’ve caused problems for me OOC or tried to (rather uncomfortably) seduce one of my worgen.

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A rogue AI from the future trying to prevent the ERPocalypse of Argent Dawn. I too thought this was common knowledge.

Uno card reversal irony because comparing your character’s forum activity with Tehya’s is hilarious.

Wait, you can hide specific characters? Doesn’t that mean that anyone up to particularly nefarious deeds would just be able to hide the characters they use to do that with and not get them associated with their other, listed characters?

Obviously not accusing you specifically of anything, but that does make the website’s use a lot more useless for the purpose of tracking down particularly icky people

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No, actually. It just means it won’t show up in the list if you’re searching one of said person’s unhidden characters

if you search the hidden one, you’ll see it’s tied to the other, unhidden ones.

That’s my paladin there, unlisted because I don’t play him often for PvE and I’ve never fully RP’d him. It doesn’t show my other characters on his page, nor does he show up on my other, listed characters’ pages.

I’ve got no issue with putting that alt out there, again it’s just unlisted because I don’t wanna seem quite as much as the no-lifer that I actually am.