So the very 1st part of someone’s profile we see… their stats? And at the same time I don’t see their spec? If I wanted to check someone’s stats I’ll straight up open their armory. The only thing one needs to see in this regard is ILVL, race and specialization.
Then we go down and we see highest personal ratings but not highest season ratings? That’s a lack of viable information.
Furthermore I don’t see when were the highest personal ratings achieved by mouseovering them - more lack of information.
And then we reach the history / Achievements (Accountwide) part and that one is just completely lacking. For example, checking Wâllirikz-Ravencrest, I can’t even see that the guy has multiple rank 1 titles, never mind what seasons he even got them in.
Also, no alts section? At least I don’t see any.
Then I see… a comment section? Like… what do u think the purpose of such a site should be… facebook for PvP-ers? People tend to only give feedback when there’s something wrong, and that’s a general thing. Just take a look at support forums for big tech brands. That said, what comments do u think would start popping under people’s profiles if that site suddenly starts getting any clicks? U’d see nothing but accusations, flame, trash talking, etc, and not only would all of that have zero contribution to PvP but on the contrary it would straight up be harmful.
Also, and this is probably the most important thing, when u’re the only provider of a given service, u can get away with a lot of things, like check-pvp having a mediocre at best design. But if u want to compete with someone who’s already established in the area, then u have to input a lot more effort than they ever did. It takes people 50 milliseconds to make up their mind about how much they like the design of a webpage, and I’ve read that article like 10 years ago rofl. So that said, right now u’re not only trying to compete with check-pvp but as well and the 2nd have an awesome design.
Highest Season on Glad is broken. I only checked 1 of my characters and its wrong. API doesnt support this data and its a pseudo system of glad and the own records it saves. if a character is checked for the first time you cannot use this information.
Glad titles are coming today or tommorow for BFA other season later.
Of course we got alts. As on all sites alts are calculated on some conditions and can only be shown if the alt char is checked on site.
We will talk in about 1 or 2 month after my graphics guy is finished
This evening we updated pvp-mate and enhanced the profile style to highlight the current and max achieved ratings.
What do you thing of the new design?
Which is only useful if people actually logged out with their pvp gear before they start pugging. Which is not really a guarantee that players will do every time.
It’s not a bad function, it definitely serves a purpose, and there are no real consequences worthy of mention (which doesn’t mean there isn’t any, it’s just that it’s only minor stuff that people will be steered into taking responsibility for themselves so it doesn’t really matter all that much). But it doesn’t serve much use either though.
I don’t like the actual website very much though, I tried to search on my own name, and it wouldn’t show my character, without me typing the full name as well as the realm name, which I find a little annoying.
Besides that, you are offering an alternative to a very good website, so there is something to live up to.
That’s how each website like that works. In order for your character to be into their database, you need to scan your character providing full character name and realm.
When you press scan, website will then collect data from your armory I assume using website scrapping, puts all gathered character data in their database and just repeat the progress when updating data. Some got automatic updating when someone check this character which I see more useful than actually pressing the button.
After your character is in their database then they can present it in autocomplete search window, before that they can only give you suggestions for realms which they do. They could indeed write API for live searching but due to slow wow armory loading times that would cripple their search system.
That said it’s not really much of a rocket science but I’d give you props for actually updating content/achievements unlike check-pvp which still after 4 months doesn’t have elite achievements.
Maybe some suggestion also when I checked last updated theres this whole time with timezone and stuff maybe change that to “x days/hours/minutes ago”.
Piksna explained it 100% right. You just have to type in the name for the first time.
The realmname on the otherhand will be filtered from while you type and in most cases you get the right realm without typing the full name.
Over the weekend we imported 25k chars from the leaderboard, we did some major improvements to our look and added more features. (Rating trend, rating charts)
Maybe you take another look at pvp-mate