Hey guys, (skip to last part of the post for the final test proposition)
So we will be making delivery of any of these next toppings/seasonings:
- Ketchup (Venthyr)
- Mustard (Kyrian)
- Mayonnaise (Night Fae)
- Salt and pepper mix (Necrolord)
…for the next 2 years, please let us know which one you will want for you to top/season off your meals with.
But don’t fear, if you want, you can choose another fairly quick, though you will be giving up further shipments of your former choice for some time, until we can make the necessary paperwork and transportation re-arrangements (damn bureaucracy).
As such, please choose carefully, since your choice will have meaning… might dull your taste buds but it will have meaning… some kind of meaning… i guess, let’s see.
I mean, maybe you might go for ketchup (Venthyr) since you like to eat burgers (M+), but eventually you might want to eat some fries
with fried chicken
(Raids) and put some salt(Necrolord) on those fries
… and pepper on the chicken
(mmm spicy).
Or it so happens that you had that yesterday(or a few hours ago - you eat how much you want bro) and today you want some nice hot dogs (Arenas) and you like mustard(Kyrian) on that, none of that yuck ketchup(Venthyr) like some people do.
Or just maybe you wanted to eat some eggplant salad (dailies) or some beef salad
(World PVP/Battlegrounds) and you could definitely use that mayonnaise (Night Fae).
Wait a second… but you can use mustard (Kyrian) on those burgers (M+) too, well you could, but do you want to? Do you like that? Cause i certainly do not like mustard (Kyrian) on my burgers
How about you eat those fries and chicken
(Raids) with some mayonnaise (Night Fae), I’d personally rather throw up tbh, you can choose to eat it like this though, I’m not judging your tastes.
What did you say? You can’t eat the fries and chicken
(arenas and battlegrounds) with mayonnaise (Night Fae) even though you like it? Because you already chose ketchup (Venthyr) to get because you like burgers
, but you also like fries
and chicken
(Arenas) with mayonnaise (Night Fae)?
But now you’re forced to eat fries and chicken
(Arenas) with ketchup (Venthyr) but you definitely do not like the taste of that?
You also don’t like to eat eggplant salad (dailies) or beef salad
(World PVP/Battlegrounds) with ketchup (Venthyr).
So basically, you have 1 choice, to eat different kinds of foods, doesn’t sound like pleasant design to me, it feels forced and literally distasteful.
If i log in i usually start with some dailies and maybe world PVP to go for that Call to arms quest, so i may chose Night Fae for the Vulpin aspect and movement related powers that come with it, even the soulbinds have such bonuses.
After which i head into some mythic raid with my guild, we gotta down the next boss on progress, so i chose Necrolord since that’s the best dps-wise.
Once raid time is over, maybe i’ll do some M+ for that weekly chest or maybe for some achievement and i want to take Venthyr cause Door of Shadows will allow us to try tactic X to finish it without issues and in-time so that the key doesn’t get downgraded.
Or maybe i go and do some Arenas for that cap so i chose Kyrian or hit some old raids and the best covenant for those is Night Fae due to the movement related abilities.
As the way this is setup now, i will have 1 choice to make and that’s it, it won’t matter what i like when doing different activities, i’ll have to chose what my main activity is and that’s it.
This is not giving us choice and player agency, this is limiting our choices.
Someone who wants to limit themselves to one covenant can do so of their own volition.
For anyone else who enjoys having multiple choices, this will make it so that we will not have any real choices. Instead of choosing what we want to play as when we change the content we are doing, we will not have that choice.
And don’t try to bring classes into this, classes are a choice you make when you start the game, everyone knows and is fine with this choice, not everyone is fine with limiting our classes in the next expansion through temporary systems, as can be seen from the multitude of posts regarding this subject.
If this is such a contradiction with the RPG goal, then have covenants be locked for Role Playing Realms, we would see this way who prefers to play with limited choices and who does not.
I’m willing to bet that not lots of people would limit themselves to only one choice.