Choosing between horde and alliance

Hi guys.
I still can´t decide which faction i will main.
I have 120 on horde and 120 on alliance side. I love story from both. Especially Durotan one. I also love the "good guys alliance". Kill me please. Why you play one of these factions? :D
I am leveling rogue night elf to gank hordies in WarMode and I have plenty of fun doing that. Shadowmeld FTW~ Recommended.

Still I will delete him if Man'ari or San'layn will be released.
Not that there is a chance for that~
-Warmode is exclusively yours, 10% rewards for free, might see the occasional alliance rogue but they die to multiple hordies in your world quest
-All the decent guilds are there, you can find good competitive guilds and people a lot lot easier
-Even when your OP racials get changed, they are still op because they made everything need your racial in m+
-You get way more unique races while alliance just has human reskins of different sizes and colours
-The RNG is forever in your favor based on the emissaries
-All devs including voice actors play horde
-If you whine enough you will always get what you want like zandalari paladins and warlocks while Kul'tirans dont get mages
-You will get to always have a gear advantage such as getting to get confirmed 370 from warfronts, getting a ton of 340s for new characters from arathi rares while it was "controlled by the alliance". That later get nerfed so alliance cant get them as easy.

-Devs make joke about your faction on blizzcon
-If they feel biased enough they allow videos of people using a ton of degatory terms for the alliance playerbase

Alliance is full of disadvantages, it is literally like playing with a handicap atm and blizzard devs prefer to make jokes about it (you are welcome alliance ;^)) instead of fixing it.
04/11/2018 18:52Posted by Râlph
-Warmode is exclusively yours, 10% rewards for free, might see the occasional alliance rogue but they die to multiple hordies in your world quest
-All the decent guilds are there, you can find good competitive guilds and people a lot lot easier
-Even when your OP racials get changed, they are still op because they made everything need your racial in m+
-You get way more unique races while alliance just has human reskins of different sizes and colours
-The RNG is forever in your favor based on the emissaries
-All devs including voice actors play horde
-If you whine enough you will always get what you want like zandalari paladins and warlocks while Kul'tirans dont get mages
-You will get to always have a gear advantage such as getting to get confirmed 370 from warfronts, getting a ton of 340s for new characters from arathi rares while it was "controlled by the alliance". That later get nerfed so alliance cant get them as easy.

-Devs make joke about your faction on blizzcon
-If they feel biased enough they allow videos of people using a ton of degatory terms for the alliance playerbase

Alliance is full of disadvantages, it is literally like playing with a handicap atm and blizzard devs prefer to make jokes about it (you are welcome alliance ;^)) instead of fixing it.

It pains me to say it but this guy is right.
04/11/2018 18:52Posted by Râlph
-Warmode is exclusively yours, 10% rewards for free, might see the occasional alliance rogue but they die to multiple hordies in your world quest
-All the decent guilds are there, you can find good competitive guilds and people a lot lot easier
-Even when your OP racials get changed, they are still op because they made everything need your racial in m+
-You get way more unique races while alliance just has human reskins of different sizes and colours
-The RNG is forever in your favor based on the emissaries
-All devs including voice actors play horde
-If you whine enough you will always get what you want like zandalari paladins and warlocks while Kul'tirans dont get mages
-You will get to always have a gear advantage such as getting to get confirmed 370 from warfronts, getting a ton of 340s for new characters from arathi rares while it was "controlled by the alliance". That later get nerfed so alliance cant get them as easy.

-Devs make joke about your faction on blizzcon
-If they feel biased enough they allow videos of people using a ton of degatory terms for the alliance playerbase

Alliance is full of disadvantages, it is literally like playing with a handicap atm and blizzard devs prefer to make jokes about it (you are welcome alliance ;^)) instead of fixing it.

See this guy?
Dont be that guy.

Alliance had the complete spotlight in legion and we tordues felt like !@#$.

Sometimes it’s your times sometimes it’s not.

For the OP, with a level of sanity way above the quoted wolf, you might just want to go for a race you like and roll with the flow.
Also I’m sure you don’t have all classes at 120 it seems so gameplay matters aswell.

Regarding the rest I’d say a lot is maybe visual, architecture style and culture but story wise it will always bounce back and forth.
Why not both? I personally favor Alliance for very.. intricate and complicated reasons I cannot possibly explain here! (Its definately NOT the Draenei, I swear)

But really, you can do both just fine in my eyes. Then again, I suffer from severe altoholism.(send help.)
Alliance players will say go Horde because, well they are favoured by the Devs.
Horde players will say choose whatever you want, and then call you a whiny kid if you chose alliance.

My personal opinion?
If you are looking for end game PvP/PVE go horde, better racials, better guilds (almost everyone faction changed because of racials).

If you are looking for story? Go horde.
Alliance are written as one dimensional incompetent characters that only react to the horde.

Some will say Legion was an alliance expansion and forget Cata,mists,wod and now BFA so far as horde expansions.
Go Alliance.

A lot of BfA stuff is rep-gated so rolling Human is basically a levelling boost.
I skive the Horde story so mutch more, And races as well, but I cant stand the orcish arcitecture.
Spikes, mud, tents, leather etc

The only reason I play Alliance is being able to chill in pretty places.

I wish we saw more forsaken/belf stuff, even tauren, not just small hubs
TL:DR: Horde if you like playing as a slave of dictators murdering children. Alliance if you want to be a righteous champion stopping the dictators.

I loved the warcraft books and 99% of the world's biggest champions and heroes are Alliance characters.

If you want to be in the top 0,01% who minmaxes racials and goes for world first then yes, you are better off playing in horde.

If you are in for the story then I don't see how anyone could enjoy the Horde one.
Horde story writing in a nutshell: Follow dictator. Kill innocents. Lose people. Turn against the dictator. Lose even more people. Follow another dictator. Kill innocents. Lose people. Turn against the dictator... etc.

Horde leaders are dumb mindless puppets who will serve anyone ever since Thrall left which is unacceptable for me.

I'd never enjoy playing as a slave of a dictator when I could be a righteous champion instead.
1 Like
04/11/2018 18:35Posted by Cantorix
Hi guys.
I still can´t decide which faction i will main.
I have 120 on horde and 120 on alliance side. I love story from both. Especially Durotan one. I also love the "good guys alliance". Kill me please. Why you play one of these factions? :D

My advice, if you really care about the story: go Alliance.
I have this character and a Alliance warrior level 118.
I have no problems, doing quests with her.
On this character, I have to nitpick everything.
Warfronts quests give me PTSD.

It's your choice:
Alliance: Hero;
Horde: War criminal;

Just play a race you enjoy the most. Horde story isn't good as faction but Zandalari stuff is terrific.

As Alliance, they have some cool stuff but it feels humans are always in the spotlight, and the rest have very little to say therefore they feel bland and boring as a whole.
Horde though is often villain batted, just when we finally received decent Warchied they almost immediately changed him for sylvanas so we have repeat of MoP story which is also very lame.

Looks like on both sides you need to cherry pick enjoyable stuff.
Horde is the obvious answer. I have a alliance and he is on a different server but my heart is with the horde.
Our queen is far more badass than the goody two shoes king andy pandy.
All jokes to the side . Playing both will give you all the stories ingame. And if you get bored playing one there is always the option to change character.
For the horde
If you are in to PvP = Horde.
If you are above 25 = Horde
If you like Stormwind = Ally
If you are in to PvP = Horde.
If you are under 25 = Horde
If you like Stormwind = Ally

Cause we know who is the dark and edgy faction.
04/11/2018 18:35Posted by Cantorix
Hi guys.
I still can´t decide which faction i will main.
I have 120 on horde and 120 on alliance side. I love story from both. Especially Durotan one. I also love the "good guys alliance". Kill me please. Why you play one of these factions? :D

I would like to say both.
- Horde for PvE & PvP
- Alliance for good story & RP ( Since it seems blizzard doesn't allow the horde to get a satisfied expansion story -_- )
8.1 will be a good time to play horde not much will be happening allince wise .. (like most of bfa so far)
04/11/2018 18:52Posted by Râlph
-Warmode is exclusively yours, 10% rewards for free, might see the occasional alliance rogue but they die to multiple hordies in your world quest
-All the decent guilds are there, you can find good competitive guilds and people a lot lot easier
-Even when your OP racials get changed, they are still op because they made everything need your racial in m+
-You get way more unique races while alliance just has human reskins of different sizes and colours
-The RNG is forever in your favor based on the emissaries
-All devs including voice actors play horde
-If you whine enough you will always get what you want like zandalari paladins and warlocks while Kul'tirans dont get mages
-You will get to always have a gear advantage such as getting to get confirmed 370 from warfronts, getting a ton of 340s for new characters from arathi rares while it was "controlled by the alliance". That later get nerfed so alliance cant get them as easy.

-Devs make joke about your faction on blizzcon
-If they feel biased enough they allow videos of people using a ton of degatory terms for the alliance playerbase

Alliance is full of disadvantages, it is literally like playing with a handicap atm and blizzard devs prefer to make jokes about it (you are welcome alliance ;^)) instead of fixing it.

the sad truth..