Choosing between horde and alliance

04/11/2018 18:35Posted by Cantorix
Hi guys.
I still can´t decide which faction i will main.
I have 120 on horde and 120 on alliance side. I love story from both. Especially Durotan one. I also love the "good guys alliance". Kill me please. Why you play one of these factions? :D

go horde, you get more mount variety, better racials, more players, more high-end guilds, better emissary quests, and your faction does not get depicted as a joke by the devs ( all of which play horde).
What the hell are those damn childrens Boohooo Blizzard makes jokes on us

Booohooo Being a blueboi is soooooooooooo hard since blizzard prefer Horde.

Give me a damn break, i always thought the Alliance was seen as a child faction because of Anduin, but now i see that the people made the king.
Horde because my friends are here.

Alliance if your friends are there.

In the event of no friends playing, go Horde for PvP because you can use merc mode and choose which side to fight as since Alliance are invariably outnumbered. Alliance arguably have a prettier PvE environment and a more 'traditional' fantasy feel. More people are likely to RP as Alliance because who the heck RPs a zombie?

As for who devs favour, it varies by expansion. Not that many years ago Alliance always won AV and that was the pinnacle of battlegrounds so why be Horde? Or there was the human PvP racial that made the majority of serious PvP players faction swap because it was so powerful. Sucked being Horde during that time.
04/11/2018 20:06Posted by Linir
If you are in to PvP = Horde.
If you are under 25 = Horde
If you like Stormwind = Ally

Cause we know who is the dark and edgy faction.

That would be the alliance obviously for those who didnt know. I mean, we arent the ones with void elves. And we dont discriminate like the alliance does.

All are welcome, within the horde.
Alliance baby !
04/11/2018 18:52Posted by Râlph
-Warmode is exclusively yours, 10% rewards for free, might see the occasional alliance rogue but they die to multiple hordies in your world quest

10% is not a reward, its a compensation for the time lost in world pvp. All it does is giving 10% bonus exp, gold and AP. Exp bonus is gone the moment you reach to max level, and the remaining gold and AP bonus only applies to world quests. So basically, you'll get 10 more AP from a world quest that rewards 100 AP, or 8 gold from a world quest that rewards 80 gold if you turn warmode on. You can easily get more AP by doing a single arena skirmish, or can get more gold by simply killing a few mobs and vendoring the stuff you got from them. Its not even an incentive for turning warmode on, that bonus is pretty much negligible.

04/11/2018 18:52Posted by Râlph

-All the decent guilds are there, you can find good competitive guilds and people a lot lot easier

Unless you're talking about guilds that are going for world first race (which is completely irrelevant to huge majority of the playerbase anyway), that's just a load of bull!@#$. Anyone who wants to raid at any difficulty can find a guild on both factions. Not that OP mentioned anything about raiding anyway.

04/11/2018 18:52Posted by Râlph

-Even when your OP racials get changed, they are still op because they made everything need your racial in m+

Of course, all Horde races have a secret racial that clears 20% of any M+ dungeon, regardless of the level of the key too. When all 5 players in the party use it the dungeon is instantly cleared.

We still have to run to the end of the dungeon to loot the chest though, I wish it spawned at the entrance to save us the trouble.

-You get way more unique races while alliance just has human reskins of different sizes and colours

Completely subjective. For me, Horde has a bunch of boring tribal races and an unliving race, and a faction capital so ugly that'll make your eyes bleed simply by looking at it.

-The RNG is forever in your favor based on the emissaries

Which is based on the data from... nowhere? There is nothing that supports your wild claims of Horde being favored by RNG in any way.

If it was true, I wouldn't get the gear for same two slots from every single quest that rewards gear, from warfront quest to timewalking event quest, since the start of BfA.

-All devs including voice actors play horde

More lies. If asked for proof, you'll probably link the Q&A where Ion says he has a Horde shaman and nothing else.

Also, voice actors aren't devs.

-If you whine enough you will always get what you want like zandalari paladins and warlocks while Kul'tirans dont get mages

Yeah, they've obviously coded Zandalari paladins and warlocks in those 30 minutes after first complaint threads appeared on forums.

-You will get to always have a gear advantage such as getting to get confirmed 370 from warfronts, getting a ton of 340s for new characters from arathi rares while it was "controlled by the alliance". That later get nerfed so alliance cant get them as easy.

Arathi rares were bugged and they have been fixed. If it happened to Alliance I'm sure you wouldn't be complaining about it. Also Horde didn't get the quest with confirmed 370 gear twice, but only once, same as Alliance.

And here is my favourite part, 340 gear from warfronts. 340 gear was already low level gear before warfronts were even out. They were only good for disenchanting or scrapping for mats, nothing else. Everyone who is even semi-serious about raiding already had 350-355 gear (355 was the max ilvl before raid was out) either from dungeons or by buying them on AH. Those useless 340 gear from warfronts didn't carry anyone who wouldn't be able to progress otherwise.
04/11/2018 19:06Posted by Lunirí
Why not both? I personally favor Alliance for very.. intricate and complicated reasons I cannot possibly explain here! (Its definately NOT the Draenei, I swear)

But really, you can do both just fine in my eyes. Then again, I suffer from severe altoholism.(send help.)
Everything this person said, but replace draenei with blood elves :D
04/11/2018 18:52Posted by Râlph

The video included in the article paints an accurate picture of the average Horde player - a soft-bodied, neck-fluff-wearing middle aged man with a superiority complex who yells about pwning noobs in a computer game because his mother won't allow him to have a gun in the house they share (which he rarely leaves), hence he'd stand little chance in an actual fight.

Is this you? If so, choose Horde.

If not... you know where to find us.
So basically, you'll get 10 more AP from a world quest that rewards 100 AP, or 8 gold from a world quest that rewards 80 gold if you turn warmode on.

exactly, 10% rewards for free, as nearly no alliance player is in warmode.

04/11/2018 23:37Posted by Savoren
Of course, all Horde races have a secret racial that clears 20% of any M+ dungeon, regardless of the level of the key too. When all 5 players in the party use it the dungeon is instantly cleared.

no need to be sassy, everyone knows horde racials are better, it won't impact the majority of the playerbase, but it is a non negligible bonus in high end content.

04/11/2018 23:37Posted by Savoren
Which is based on the data from... nowhere? There is nothing that supports your wild claims of Horde being favored by RNG in any way.

check the emissary rewards of the last 2 weeks, or how long it took the alliance to have a ranged weapon as a wq/emissary reward, i'm pretty sure they are logged somewhere.

04/11/2018 23:37Posted by Savoren
And here is my favourite part, 340 gear from warfronts. 340 gear was already low level gear before warfronts were even out.

no it wasn't, sure it was not top end, but it was absolutely not low level for the majority of the player base, not to mention the amount of alts horde had the ability to gear the minute they capped 120 due to another bug in their favour, or the guaranteed 370 item from the wf quest 2 weeks earlier than the alliance ( due to wf rotation obviously)

so basically may it be due to luck or incompetence ( i don't think it was deliberate by devs) it is undeniable that the horde has been advantaged in bfa.
Unless you're talking about guilds that are going for world first race (which is completely irrelevant to huge majority of the playerbase anyway), that's just a load of bull!@#$. Anyone who wants to raid at any difficulty can find a guild on both factions. Not that OP mentioned anything about raiding anyway.

But it is a LOT easier to find one as a Horde than an Alliance, due to people sheeping and following everyone when most of the top end guilds transferred from Alliance to Horde. Yes, you can find Mythic raiders on Alliance, but there are many more of them on Horde.

04/11/2018 23:37Posted by Savoren
Of course, all Horde races have a secret racial that clears 20% of any M+ dungeon, regardless of the level of the key too. When all 5 players in the party use it the dungeon is instantly cleared.

We still have to run to the end of the dungeon to loot the chest though, I wish it spawned at the entrance to save us the trouble.

Pretty sure they're talking about the "nerf" to BE's racial, then adding a LOT of mobs where the new BE racial actually becomes helpful. BE's are the best race to run M+ because of it, since you'd need a Priest as an Alliance to counter the BE racial (Except BE gives you mana back, Preists costs 10% mana).

04/11/2018 23:37Posted by Savoren
More lies. If asked for proof, you'll probably link the Q&A where Ion says he has a Horde shaman and nothing else.

Also, voice actors aren't devs.

How is it lies? Everyone knows that most of the dev team play Horde side, but it seems you're clueless on this. Moving on.

04/11/2018 23:37Posted by Savoren
Yeah, they've obviously coded Zandalari paladins and warlocks in those 30 minutes after first complaint threads appeared on forums.

Yeah, this should really have said "Whine enough on the forums about anything, and you'll be sure to know that it's going to happen for you".

04/11/2018 23:37Posted by Savoren
Arathi rares were bugged and they have been fixed. If it happened to Alliance I'm sure you wouldn't be complaining about it. Also Horde didn't get the quest with confirmed 370 gear twice, but only once, same as Alliance.

Here's the funniest thing, most of these types of "bugs" seem to benefit the Horde side and get "fixed" just before it's the Alliances turn. Hmm, coincidence?

04/11/2018 23:37Posted by Savoren
And here is my favourite part, 340 gear from warfronts. 340 gear was already low level gear before warfronts were even out.

Erm, no it wasn't. Sure, it wasn't "high end", but it was more than the majority of the playerbase had gear wise. Not to mention the fact Horde could gear up an alt as soon as they hit 120 due to a "bug" and there being no ilvl restriction. But, the second it becomes Alliances turn, "bug gets fixed" and Alliance had to be 320 ilvl before doing it.

You seem oblivious to the whole thing, because it was ALL in your favour. If it were the other way round, and Horde had to deal with every little thing going towards the Alliance, then there'd be nothing BUT uproar from the Horde side. But, don't worry, you won't need to deal with that, you'll get given the easy road, whilst we get there with proper work, since we don't need hand-outs from the dev team to get better at the game ^_^.

Pretty sure they're talking about the "nerf" to BE's racial, then adding a LOT of mobs where the new BE racial actually becomes helpful. BE's are the best race to run M+ because of it, since you'd need a Priest as an Alliance to counter the BE racial (Except BE gives you mana back, Preists costs 10% mana).

You're talking as if Minion of Zul mobs spawn in every single dungeon. They only spawn in King's Rest and in 3 spots (or 2 if you can kill Shadow of Zul before he casts dark revelation). You have no idea if you think priest is the only way to counter arcane torrent on Alliance. Besides priests, shamans can use purge and demon hunters can use consume magic on those mobs. Warlocks with felhunter pet can use devour magic for the same thing too and so can hunters with spirit beast pet.

Arcane Torrent gives only 3% resources back, its pretty much unnoticeable.

Here's the funniest thing, most of these types of "bugs" seem to benefit the Horde side and get "fixed" just before it's the Alliances turn. Hmm, coincidence?

Tinfoil hat time! Blizzard released a bugged patch because they favor Horde!

Seriously, if you truly believe that they've intentionally released a bugged patch just to make Horde players get benefits from it... Well, I have no more words for you.

05/11/2018 00:27Posted by Shortbolts

Erm, no it wasn't. Sure, it wasn't "high end", but it was more than the majority of the playerbase had gear wise. Not to mention the fact Horde could gear up an alt as soon as they hit 120 due to a "bug" and there being no ilvl restriction. But, the second it becomes Alliances turn, "bug gets fixed" and Alliance had to be 320 ilvl before doing it.

That's not even an excuse since doing a few heroics and mythics was more than enough for reaching 320 ilvl. Anyone who had an alt at 120 could easily get it up to enough ilvl for warfronts after an hour or two of doing dungeons.

05/11/2018 00:27Posted by Shortbolts

You seem oblivious to the whole thing, because it was ALL in your favour. If it were the other way round, and Horde had to deal with every little thing going towards the Alliance, then there'd be nothing BUT uproar from the Horde side. But, don't worry, you won't need to deal with that, you'll get given the easy road, whilst we get there with proper work, since we don't need hand-outs from the dev team to get better at the game ^_^.

I'm doing that proper work since BfA launch, cleared all BfA dungeons on mythic within the first week (with the exception of Siege of Boralus, cleared it on second week because of the rep requirement) and never skipped any of them until Uldir release. None of the gear I got from warfronts helped me in any way, including that guaranteed 370 from the quest as well since I've already had a 365 gear on the same slot.

On the other hand, as someone who is "getting there with proper work", you have yet to clear all BfA dungeons on mythic even now.

How much better did you get at the game by skipping mythic Temple of Sethraliss?
Go horde because no one plays alliance anymore and factions are a meme that needs to be removed from the game.

Only reason to go alliance is if you enjoy pvp which no one plays so yeah
04/11/2018 18:52Posted by Râlph
Alliance is full of disadvantages, it is literally like playing with a handicap atm and blizzard devs prefer to make jokes about it (you are welcome alliance ;^)) instead of fixing it.

Hate to say it, but you're right.

I hate what they did to the night elves too, a once proud race that could have stood to be its own faction. But I digress.
05/11/2018 01:55Posted by Savoren
You're talking as if Minion of Zul mobs spawn in every single dungeon. They only spawn in King's Rest and in 3 spots (or 2 if you can kill Shadow of Zul before he casts dark revelation). You have no idea if you think priest is the only way to counter arcane torrent on Alliance. Besides priests, shamans can use purge and demon hunters can use consume magic on those mobs. Warlocks with felhunter pet can use devour magic for the same thing too and so can hunters with spirit beast pet.

Arcane Torrent gives only 3% resources back, its pretty much unnoticeable.

There's more than just the minions of zul. Skeletons in Underrot with their shields, the lizards that put bubble shields on themselves in Tol'Dagor, Shields and buffs on mobs in Waycrest, things in Shrine. There's quite a few mobs that an AoE purge makes 10x easier.

Not to mention, you're comparing an AOE PURGE to a single target purge with a 15 second CD. So, you can go in with 2-3 BE's and not have to worry about a single one of these, where if you go in with a DH, you still will have too. But, guess this makes sense since you're a BE yourself.

That's not even an excuse since doing a few heroics and mythics was more than enough for reaching 320 ilvl. Anyone who had an alt at 120 could easily get it up to enough ilvl for warfronts after an hour or two of doing dungeons.

"That's not even a excuse" bull roar. The point you're missing here is that when a Horde hit 120, they INSTANTLY got into the Warfronts. Alliance had to put more work in on their alts to get to there. May only be "small work", but still much more than what the Horde had to do. We had to put in extra effort to reap the same rewards as you do, you had it easier.

05/11/2018 01:55Posted by Savoren
On the other hand, as someone who is "getting there with proper work", you have yet to clear all BfA dungeons on mythic even now.

How much better did you get at the game by skipping mythic Temple of Sethraliss?

Lmao, yeah, I haven't touched Temple on Mythic, because I A: don't enjoy the dungeon at all, and B: don't need anything from that dungeon. There is literally NO POINT in me running it, so I haven't. I'll get it done eventually, there just isn't any point in me doing it.

Not to mention, what does me not doing Temple have to do with anything? Does that mean I don't know how to do the other Mythics?

Plus, we're talking about ALTS when it comes to the Warfront, not your main. Guess you just skipped over that, correct?

You're just clutching at straws here. Yes, I haven't done Temple. Didn't know that I had to have ALL Mythics done for me to get my gear, even though Temple doesn't drop anything useful for me lmao.

I don't need to run all the dungeons on Mythic to show that I'm good at the game, same as I don't need to run all dungeons on Mythic+ just to boost some stupid score.

But, as I said, you wouldn't understand that.

Edit: I mean, we could just check Warcraft Logs at your Normal runs and see that beautiful 26.7 average for your ilvl, where mine's double that. Or your Heroic one 54.3, where mine is, yet again, higher than that. Does that make me better at the game than you? Since my average in raids is higher than yours when it comes to your ilvl bracket?
05/11/2018 02:19Posted by Shortbolts
You're just clutching at straws here. Yes, I haven't done Temple. Didn't know that I had to have ALL Mythics done for me to get my gear, even though Temple doesn't drop anything useful for me lmao.

Are you sure little one ?

Robes of the Reborn Serpent Avatar of Sethraliss (Temple of Sethraliss)

Ouroborial Sash Merektha (Temple of Sethraliss)

Staff of the Lightning Serpent Adderis and Aspix (Temple of Sethraliss)

Those 3 with high item lvl are better then the raid offers .

05/11/2018 02:19Posted by Shortbolts
Edit: I mean, we could just check Warcraft Logs at your Normal runs and see that beautiful 26.7 average for your ilvl, where mine's double that. Or your Heroic one 54.3, where mine is, yet again, higher than that. Does that make me better at the game than you? Since my average in raids is higher than yours when it comes to your ilvl bracket?

Atleast he has cleared said raid :)and has curve .

05/11/2018 00:27Posted by Shortbolts
But it is a LOT easier to find one as a Horde than an Alliance, due to people sheeping and following everyone when most of the top end guilds transferred from Alliance to Horde. Yes, you can find Mythic raiders on Alliance, but there are many more of them on Horde.

I disagree there are plenty of good guilds left on alliance still that want players for mythic raids and at 120 if you look here

shows alliance has more players .

You heroic shows Best Perf. Avg 37.4 Best Perf. Avg 69.6

I like you short but please check your eyesite your numbers are off :P
04/11/2018 18:35Posted by Cantorix
Why you play one of these factions? :D

Alliance races appeal to me visually more so than horde races.
Are you sure little one ?

Robes of the Reborn Serpent Avatar of Sethraliss (Temple of Sethraliss)

Ouroborial Sash Merektha (Temple of Sethraliss)

Staff of the Lightning Serpent Adderis and Aspix (Temple of Sethraliss)

Those 3 with high item lvl are better then the raid offers .

Now, go ahead and check something else, the raid one.

Weapon Heptavium, Staff of Torturous Knowledge G'huun

Now check my weapon.

Robes I am aiming for the ones off of Mythrax, belt I'm after one one from G'huun. In other words, no need for me to enter that dungeon.

Atleast he has cleared said raid :)and has curve .

He got carried through said raid, doesn't really count. I could be carried, yet I'm not. (6/8 on my Horde Character, trying to go for full clear Tuesday)

05/11/2018 02:38Posted by Sulaa Best Perf. Avg 37.4 Best Perf. Avg 69.6

I said for his ilvl, not overall. Since his will be higher due to him having more gear, so overall, he's gonna pull more damage than me. Make sense?

His for his Ilvl is 54.3, mines 56.6

05/11/2018 02:38Posted by Sulaa
I like you short but please check your eyesite your numbers are off :P

Maybe you should check your eyesight, since I clearly said "FOR YOUR ILVL".

Putting his overall number against mine is just stupid, unless you don't actually understand how the Warcraftlogs work?

Edit: Just in case you don't understand. The OVERALL data is based off of EVERY person of that class downing the boss. So, someone with a lower ilvl should ALWAYS have a lower overall score than someone of a higher level. Someone who is 375 ilvl should be doing around 16k DPS, where someone of my ilvl should be doing 10-11k DPS, so overall, his will be higher.

The based off of ilvl one is between 1-2 ilvls difference, so this is a more accurate scale of the persons skill. His ilvl parses is lower than mine, meaning he is less skilled on his character at his ilvl than I am on my character at my ilvl. See the difference?

Here you go, links as well. 54.3 56.6
Killing off alliance and making people faction swap must be very good money for blizzard, alliance were already bleeding players like crazy in legion and BG queues went from less than 1 minute for horde to 6-10 minutes.

Probably the only reason they are still a thing to be honest.
05/11/2018 02:49Posted by Shortbolts
Weapon Heptavium, Staff of Torturous Knowledge G'huun

Crit /mastery

when you need

Mastery/Haste which Staff of the Lightning Serpent offers you BIS stats

05/11/2018 02:49Posted by Shortbolts
He got carried through said raid, doesn't really count. I could be carried, yet I'm not. (6/8 on my Horde Character, trying to go for full clear Tuesday)

How do you know this ? you have source and facts ? And horde char hmmmm ok

05/11/2018 02:49Posted by Shortbolts
Robes I am aiming for the ones off of Mythrax, belt I'm after one one from G'huun. In other words, no need for me to enter that dungeon.

The robes from temple offer you ,your BIS azerite traits .

05/11/2018 02:49Posted by Shortbolts
Putting his overall number against mine is just stupid, unless you don't actually understand how the Warcraftlogs work?

Ofc i understand how it works but im pissed off at you being such an passive aggresive idiot lately and you needed knocking down a peg or too .

You treat people on the forums with utter contempt and make so much trouble recently .
I do think you are an ok guy but atm you are a muppet iam sorry you dont ever listen to anyone and think you are right always .

If you want to purposefully gimp yourself by not getting correct stat weights go ahead but its blantant lie that the dungeon offers you nothing when infact it offers you 3 pieces which are better then the raid pieces by miles if you simmed it .
05/11/2018 03:00Posted by Sulaa
Ofc i understand how it works but im pissed off at you being such an passive aggresive idiot lately and you needed knocking down a peg or too .

You treat people on the forums with utter contempt and make so much trouble recently .
I do think you are an ok guy but atm you are a muppet iam sorry you dont ever listen to anyone and think you are right always .

Yes, because it was me who pointed out something like this first, right?

Oh, no, wait, it was him pointing out that I haven't even touched 1 MYTHIC! BURN ME ALIVE BECAUSE I DIDN'T DO 1 DUNGEON. What's your point?

If I didn't listen to anyone, then I wouldn't have been improving my own gameplay, pointing out my own mistakes and knowing where I am playing terribly. I do listen, just not to people like this who belittle everyone because that person disagrees with them.

I disagreed with them, and they decided to belittle me over 1 god damn dungeon. 1. That was it. But no, I'm the bad one in this, right?

05/11/2018 03:00Posted by Sulaa
If you want to purposefully gimp yourself by not getting correct stat weights go ahead but its blantant lie that the dungeon offers you nothing when infact it offers you 3 pieces which are better then the raid pieces by miles if you simmed it .

My stats are fine, my rotation and everything else was off. I know that, as I've been getting help from someone else, and have realised my rotation was awful. Might be able to get a bit more DPS if I went for the Mythic things from that dungeon, but I'll just point out the "A" that I had before, I DON'T like the dungeon. Therefore, I won't do it. I'm not going to do something I do not like, and so, I look for gear in things that I DO like, like the Uldir raid.