Choosing between horde and alliance

I'll explain my stats to you, as I know you'll probably point out the low Haste.

I want to work on more Mastery, but I don't feel I need any more Haste, not until I get a trinket that sims better than the one I have. As I have a spell that increases my Haste by 30% and that Trinket (Which gives it a major boost as well). If I use them both together, I go to about 70% Haste, maybe a little more. If I use them at different times, I can keep between 15-40% haste for 40 seconds every 2 minutes. I've built my crit up a little to allow my DeathBolt to crit a bit more often, which increases my DPS even more.

The only stat I feel is low is my Mastery, which I'll figure a way to sort that out soon.

And I'll go for that belt in Temple and the weapon eventually, all depends on if I can find a better trinket than the one I have.

Edit: But, the 2 trinkets that I'm aiming for (Either 1 of them so I can replace my Haste one) is from the Emissary quest and the boss in Waycrst, so I have to wait for it to show up or drop (And my RNG sucks).

Edit-P2: Also, I'll just point out, I've probably done that all wrong. Since I've realised I am bad at the class (But am improving), I've probably geared wrong as well. I mean, I spent about a month with 3 Sudden Onsets, thinking that's the strongest ones lol.
Tbh, I love horde theme... but the races are beyond ugly only BE are the most prettiest race of azeroth. Nightborne are also in the ugly department because they are not like Nightelfs, their walking animation and facial features are not like the Legion models of those npc characters.

Blizz, should add another pretty race in horde that rivals BE. Also, in that race you can be shaman and druid.
04/11/2018 20:06Posted by Linir
Cause we know who is the dark and edgy faction.

You're playing a void elf so please don't talk about edginess.
You're best making this decision yourself OP, there's enough sodium chloride from some of the posters on page 1 to one shot G'huun the moment he shows up.

These forums aren't a good place to take advice generally as you usually have a handful of salty players who are never happy and people who are happy to continue agitating those salty players.

Just ask yourself what appeals to you more and roll with it.
05/11/2018 00:09Posted by Owlsong
04/11/2018 18:52Posted by Râlph

The video included in the article paints an accurate picture of the average Horde player - a soft-bodied, neck-fluff-wearing middle aged man with a superiority complex who yells about pwning noobs in a computer game because his mother won't allow him to have a gun in the house they share (which he rarely leaves), hence he'd stand little chance in an actual fight.

Is this you? If so, choose Horde.

If not... you know where to find us.

oh snap ;) horde got loktarogard pwnd xD
Don't pick horde.
You will be shouted at and verbally abused. Any point you will try to make will be mute inn the eyes of most players of the other faction.

((But seriously,look into what you like. Iv been horde since the start because of thrall and the armor look.))
Just to see the story.
You can play both stories but have 1 main. I have both alliance and horde characters, I usually play both stories and then go back to my main.
(I also picked my main based fully on how the character is, which faction it is based in didn't even cross my mind.)
10% is not a reward, its a compensation for the time lost in world pvp. All it does is giving 10% bonus exp, gold and AP.

Correct, for horde there is almost 0 time lost outside of the occasional alliance rogue, they also zerg world quests so even if an alliance stealther attacks they just zerg and kill him.

Meanwhile the alliance might need literally HOURS to do a world quest because we have to avoid the quest area because it is swarming with horde and would auto die the moment we went near, there's also barely any alliance in lfg or around so for the alliance you lose 10% azerite which is actually pretty useful

Unless you're talking about guilds that are going for world first race (which is completely irrelevant to huge majority of the playerbase anyway), that's just a load of bull!@#$. Anyone who wants to raid at any difficulty can find a guild on both factions. Not that OP mentioned anything about raiding anyway.

The fact is that when the alliance wall of fame was around 20-25, the horde hall of fame was 100+, the racials since legion has lead to people moving to the horde, which lead everyone top move to the horde, which made big streamers and le "competitive not world first" crowd also move there, and guess what? What everyone competitive moves there it is EASIER to find competitive guilds and players.
Alliance has a minority of competitive players now, Horde has the majority

Of course, all Horde races have a secret racial that clears 20% of any M+ dungeon, regardless of the level of the key too. When all 5 players in the party use it the dungeon is instantly cleared.

We still have to run to the end of the dungeon to loot the chest though, I wish it spawned at the entrance to save us the trouble.

Clearly you dont have enough knowledge about m+ else you would know there's a ton of buffs you need to purge as well as zul

Completely subjective. For me, Horde has a bunch of boring tribal races and an unliving race, and a faction capital so ugly that'll make your eyes bleed simply by looking at it.

It is called diversity, meanwhile alliance has humans, short humans, baby humans, tall thin humans, alien humans and furry humans, furries and dranei being the most diverse.

Which is based on the data from... nowhere? There is nothing that supports your wild claims of Horde being favored by RNG in any way.

If it was true, I wouldn't get the gear for same two slots from every single quest that rewards gear, from warfront quest to timewalking event quest, since the start of BfA.

Oh i dont know, lets see the facts
-Horde gets 340 weapon emmissary within the first few weeks aka when world quests matter while alliance gets gold
-Horde gets azerite piece emissaries(Aka the only worthwhile emissary) while alliance is getting gold/azerite emissaries, there's a thread about it, take a look ;^)

More lies. If asked for proof, you'll probably link the Q&A where Ion says he has a Horde shaman and nothing else.

Also, voice actors aren't devs.

More lies? Your ignorance is not proof of others lying dear, if you followed blizzcon everyone was a horde player, if you want to research deeper you can see that people have found the dev's characters and they are also horde

Yeah, they've obviously coded Zandalari paladins and warlocks in those 30 minutes after first complaint threads appeared on forums.

The zandalari paladin thing was from the start of BfA, and also warlock crying was when the news about them not being warlocks happened

Arathi rares were bugged and they have been fixed. If it happened to Alliance I'm sure you wouldn't be complaining about it. Also Horde didn't get the quest with confirmed 370 gear twice, but only once, same as Alliance.

And here is my favourite part, 340 gear from warfronts. 340 gear was already low level gear before warfronts were even out. They were only good for disenchanting or scrapping for mats, nothing else. Everyone who is even semi-serious about raiding already had 350-355 gear (355 was the max ilvl before raid was out) either from dungeons or by buying them on AH. Those useless 340 gear from warfronts didn't carry anyone who wouldn't be able to progress otherwise.

Let's see the facts again

Warfront becomes available, alliance controlled, still early in the expansion so 370 gear matters
-Alliance gets a tiny chance at a 370(Including a terrible vers trinket) from the world boss, KEYWORD: TINY because world bosses in bfa have ridiculously low drop rate
-Horde gets a ton of ap through donations, once that phase is over they get to gear all their alts with free 340s by afking warfronts and also a CONFIRMED 370 which is IMPORTANT IN THE FIRST WEEKS OF A RAID
-The horde is not supposed to have access to arathi rares, yet they do, arathi rares also have high chance for 340+ which was nerfed by the time alliance got control of the warfront, also when horde got control the rares did not reset for the alliance so the bug wasnt even useable by the alliance

Horde got a ton of advantages early on gear wise, world quest, warfront 370 doesnt matter now, but within the first few weeks fo raiding it is a very big BOOST and the devs had to support their favorite faction

There's more than just the minions of zul. Skeletons in Underrot with their shields, the lizards that put bubble shields on themselves in Tol'Dagor, Shields and buffs on mobs in Waycrest, things in Shrine. There's quite a few mobs that an AoE purge makes 10x easier.

Not to mention, you're comparing an AOE PURGE to a single target purge with a 15 second CD. So, you can go in with 2-3 BE's and not have to worry about a single one of these, where if you go in with a DH, you still will have too. But, guess this makes sense since you're a BE yourself.

You should prevent them from casting the shield by interrupt, cc, stun etc. before worrying about dispelling them in the first place. One that I've left out at minions of zul was mages for obvious reasons, but they can also use spellsteal for any dispel other than that those.

All of those dispels have 10-15 seconds cooldown, mass dispel has 45 seconds cooldown, while arcane torrent has a 1,5 minutes cooldown and it'll be further nerfed to 2 minutes in the next patch. AT isn't comparable to any one of those in terms of cooldowns.

05/11/2018 02:19Posted by Shortbolts

Lmao, yeah, I haven't touched Temple on Mythic, because I A: don't enjoy the dungeon at all, and B: don't need anything from that dungeon. There is literally NO POINT in me running it, so I haven't. I'll get it done eventually, there just isn't any point in me doing it.

Not to mention, what does me not doing Temple have to do with anything? Does that mean I don't know how to do the other Mythics?

05/11/2018 02:19Posted by Shortbolts

You're just clutching at straws here. Yes, I haven't done Temple. Didn't know that I had to have ALL Mythics done for me to get my gear, even though Temple doesn't drop anything useful for me lmao.

I don't need to run all the dungeons on Mythic to show that I'm good at the game, same as I don't need to run all dungeons on Mythic+ just to boost some stupid score.

You can even skip all dungeons and keep doing the same one for all I care. But if you accuse Horde players of getting handouts from devs and go on about how you get there with proper work, I'll damn well point out that while "doing proper work" you didn't even do a non-rep gated dungeon which can give you good upgrades until the raid opens.

Also nice try at derailing the topic, but I didn't say anything about M+ score.

I disagreed with them, and they decided to belittle me over 1 god damn dungeon. 1. That was it. But no, I'm the bad one in this, right?

So it's fine when you accuse all Horde players of getting handouts from devs, but when someone points out that you've slacked during pre-Uldir gearing it's all belittling, is that it?

05/11/2018 02:19Posted by Shortbolts

Edit: I mean, we could just check Warcraft Logs at your Normal runs and see that beautiful 26.7 average for your ilvl, where mine's double that. Or your Heroic one 54.3, where mine is, yet again, higher than that. Does that make me better at the game than you? Since my average in raids is higher than yours when it comes to your ilvl bracket?

Except overall is what matters when comparing players. I've put effort and earned my gear, the only one you can argue against that is darkmoon deck since I've bought that item couple weeks after the raid was out. I'm not about to equip lower gear on purpose to make things even, if you aren't happy with your current ilvl then do more dungeons or raids, it's not my problem.

05/11/2018 02:49Posted by Shortbolts

He got carried through said raid, doesn't really count. I could be carried, yet I'm not. (6/8 on my Horde Character, trying to go for full clear Tuesday)

You have no idea about how progressing with a guild goes, do you? After each reset, guilds go in and try to progress through the raid by improving their tactics, how fast everyone responses to mechanics, try to get the boss' health lower on each pull to eventually kill it and move on to the next boss. If some players are underperforming, they are usually given only 1 or 2 chances to fix their mistakes and they are replaced with other players if they fail to do that. If I was hindering guild's progression I would've been replaced on second week at best.

And no, I definitely don't have enough gold to buy a Heroic carry each week.

Horde character, you said? So much for consistency. And I won't go into details and make it even more personal, but I remember the thread where your Horde character got recruited. If anything, that one reeks of carry. None of my business though, by all means, enjoy skipping the progression and jump right in for curve.

05/11/2018 02:49Posted by Shortbolts

Now, go ahead and check something else, the raid one.

Weapon Heptavium, Staff of Torturous Knowledge G'huun

Now check my weapon.

Robes I am aiming for the ones off of Mythrax, belt I'm after one one from G'huun. In other words, no need for me to enter that dungeon.

This could've been an argument if raid was open at BfA launch, but it wasn't. We're still talking about pre-Uldir gearing at this point, where Uldir obviously wasn't open while mythic Temple of Sethraliss was since day 1 of BfA. You are comparing M0 Temple drops to gear that wasn't available to players at that point, it doesn't make any sense.
05/11/2018 03:00Posted by Sulaa
You treat people on the forums with utter contempt and make so much trouble recently .
I do think you are an ok guy but atm you are a muppet iam sorry you dont ever listen to anyone and think you are right always .

There must be something about gnomes size and some form of inferiority complex :|

04/11/2018 18:35Posted by Cantorix
Hi guys.
I still can´t decide which faction i will main.
I have 120 on horde and 120 on alliance side. I love story from both. Especially Durotan one. I also love the "good guys alliance". Kill me please. Why you play one of these factions? :D

Considering you play on Ravencrest which, according to realmpop has a vast majority of Alliance on it, if I were you I'd probably stick to Alliance. Not that I promote joining the current local winning faction, it's just that you will have more possibilities when you start chasing MM, raid groups, guilds etc.

My preference will always go to the Horde. I've always felt more attached to it, in all possible ways, put aside the latest Lich Kurwa exactions. I've played both factions now, still going through Alliance quests because I want to explore all of what the game has to offer story wise, but main is Horde.
Alliance is dying faction, play the Horde.
Depends what you want from a game m8, if you wish to be in one of the world top guilds for PvE and min max everything than go horde because they have better racials for that, but if you wish to just have a fun and to raid and do mythic + and don't give a crap about that than you can find lots of fun and guilds for that on the alliance side to.

I have been playing alliance mainly since vanilla, got friends here, and never did thought about seriously switching the faction, I prefer the design of the alliance cities and its theme much more over dusty spiky ones on the horde.
I hope this clears up the question : Horde or Alliance??
05/11/2018 12:44Posted by Gatherix
I hope this clears up the question : Horde or Alliance??

Oh my god I completely forgot about that comic. I think last time I checked it out was during TBC hahahahah. Thank you so much :')
05/11/2018 12:44Posted by Gatherix
I hope this clears up the question : Horde or Alliance??

Hint: That is what the person from the blizzcon video in the below link would also say ;^)
05/11/2018 08:38Posted by Râlph

Correct, for horde there is almost 0 time lost outside of the occasional alliance rogue, they also zerg world quests so even if an alliance stealther attacks they just zerg and kill him.

Meanwhile the alliance might need literally HOURS to do a world quest because we have to avoid the quest area because it is swarming with horde and would auto die the moment we went near, there's also barely any alliance in lfg or around so for the alliance you lose 10% azerite which is actually pretty useful

If Alliance players don't help other players in warmode or don't turn warmode on at all it's completely their fault, not Horde players' or Blizzard's.

If you've wasted hours to do a world quest on warmode, then I have some bad news for you. You can easily teleport to Stormwind to turn warmode off, complete that world quest (without 10% warmode bonus which would've been around +10 AP at best), then queue for heroic dungeons or spam arena skirmishes to get even more AP by the time you've wasted those hours trying to complete a world quest.

05/11/2018 08:38Posted by Râlph

Alliance has a minority of competitive players now, Horde has the majority

0,3% higher Alliance population at all levels, 12,4% higher Horde population for level 120 characters. Not even close to 5:1 Alliance:Horde ratio we used to have during entire classic.

And again, OP didn't even say anything about raiding, let alone joining competitive endgame guilds.

05/11/2018 08:38Posted by Râlph

Clearly you dont have enough knowledge about m+ else you would know there's a ton of buffs you need to purge as well as zul

And you clearly don't have enough knowledge about classes if you think arcane torrent is the only purge spell. It actually is the one with the longest cooldown of 1,5 minutes, which will be further nerfed to 2 minutes in the next patch. Besides, if you mean shields in Tol Dagor, Underrot etc. you should cc mobs before pulling the pack and interrupt the mobs you've pulled to prevent them from casting their shield before you worry about dispelling them.

05/11/2018 08:38Posted by Râlph

Oh i dont know, lets see the facts
-Horde gets 340 weapon emmissary within the first few weeks aka when world quests matter while alliance gets gold
-Horde gets azerite piece emissaries(Aka the only worthwhile emissary) while alliance is getting gold/azerite emissaries, there's a thread about it, take a look ;^)

BM and MM hunters getting polearms, ret paladins getting shields, rogues getting daggers with lower stats than quest rewards... Yeah, that first Honorbound emissary definitely did a lot of good.

Since we're checking threads, check those created after the first Horde emissary that rewarded gear to see for yourself.

05/11/2018 08:38Posted by Râlph

-Alliance gets a tiny chance at a 370(Including a terrible vers trinket) from the world boss, KEYWORD: TINY because world bosses in bfa have ridiculously low drop rate

Drop rates or stats aren't any different for Horde players than they are for Alliance players.

05/11/2018 08:38Posted by Râlph

-The horde is not supposed to have access to arathi rares, yet they do, arathi rares also have high chance for 340+ which was nerfed by the time alliance got control of the warfront, also when horde got control the rares did not reset for the alliance so the bug wasnt even useable by the alliance

It wasn't a feature that got nerfed, it was bug that has been fixed. I'm sure you wouldn't complain if it was the other way and Alliance had the rares available.

Not that there was anything to complain about anyway, since 340 gear was already useless at that point and became even more useless thanks to M+ dungeons. They are decent for disenchanting or scrapping for materials though, I'll give you that.

05/11/2018 08:38Posted by Râlph


If you level your alts via questing you'll be around 305-310 ilvl by the time you reach to max level, even higher if you level only by dungeons. So unless you purely leveled via Island Expeditions, you'd only have to run a couple heroic or M0 to reach to 320 ilvl, which usually takes about an hour.
If Alliance players don't help

"Dude its ok to be 10v1, just band together"
Top tier excuse blizz ;^)

How many types will ppl link that pointless site??
Guess what? Alliance is mostly full of people who do world quests and pet battles.

What matters is competitive, and competitive has aN ENORMOUS majority on the horde, else the hall of fame wouldnt be 100 horde, 20-25 alliance guilds.
LOL at those expecting fast cross realm mythic xD

you should cc mobs before pulling

Oh you poor thing, you think competitive people waste gcds when they can just mass dispell by rotating their 5 blood elf team? ;^)
Stop pretending the belf racial isnt op, if it wasnt it wouldnt have been nerfed

BM and MM hunters getting polearms, ret paladins getting shields

"Look not every class got their weapon, i much rather have useless 700 gold so it is a-ok"

Drop rates or stats aren't any different for Horde players than they are for Alliance players.

Dat quest 370 100% drop rate hurts i see ;^)

It wasn't a feature that got nerfed, it was bug that has been fixed

AFTER HORDE got to abuse it, drop rate was nerfed severely as well btw

I'm sure you wouldn't complain if it was the other way

Its ironic how you admit that an advantage was handed to the horde yet argue against it xD

since 340 gear was already useless at that point

People spammed mythic 0s and had full 340s though extra azerite armor never hurts, and the fact is people geared multiple alts that way without any effort by just afking warfronts says what a big advantage it gave to people who wanted to reroll.

Also HINT a quest 370 in the first weeks of raiding is a huge boost ;^)

if you level your alts via questing you'll be around 305-310 ilvl by

"But you can still do it, just takes more time dude"
Meanwhile you cna just rush to 120 as horde and just spend a few hours in a warfront to get full 340 in a day

But we cant have that for the alliance now can we? ;^)
If it wasnt such a big deal they wouldnt put a 320 limiation.

You can deny reality all you want but the truth is horde has been given many handouts and advantages throughout just BfA and is continuing to do so, but plese keep pretending your special needs faction isnt helped by the horde bias, it is all your skill xD
05/11/2018 11:47Posted by Savoren
You should prevent them from casting the shield by interrupt, cc, stun etc. before worrying about dispelling them in the first place. One that I've left out at minions of zul was mages for obvious reasons, but they can also use spellsteal for any dispel other than that those.

All of those dispels have 10-15 seconds cooldown, mass dispel has 45 seconds cooldown, while arcane torrent has a 1,5 minutes cooldown and it'll be further nerfed to 2 minutes in the next patch. AT isn't comparable to any one of those in terms of cooldowns.

Yes, but, there are 5-6 skeletons in Underrot, not all 5 players have an interrupt, and not everyone interrupts. If it's just me that interrupts in the group, that means 4-5 skeletons still get that shield. All the Horde have to do is have 2-3 BE's and you don't need to worry about any of them, because by the time it happens again, and all 3 have used them, the first ones will be up again. And, since the most played class is BE on Horde side, it's not too difficult to get 2-3 of them.

You can even skip all dungeons and keep doing the same one for all I care. But if you accuse Horde players of getting handouts from devs and go on about how you get there with proper work, I'll damn well point out that while "doing proper work" you didn't even do a non-rep gated dungeon which can give you good upgrades until the raid opens.

Also nice try at derailing the topic, but I didn't say anything about M+ score.

So, because I didn't do the dungeons before Uldir came out (Since I was busy levelling my Tank and Healer as well, got all 3 to 120 before Uldir came out) that means I haven't put the work in? I put the work into having more alts at max level, since my guild needed a tank, and my druid I levelled for my Alchemist, so my guild could have pots and cauldrons ready for raiding. But no, that's not me putting the work in, right?

So it's fine when you accuse all Horde players of getting handouts from devs, but when someone points out that you've slacked during pre-Uldir gearing it's all belittling, is that it?

All Horde ALTS got handouts from devs. You've called them all bugs, but they all gave Horde the advantage over Alliance. Warfront was a "bug" and got ilvl added when it became Alliances turn. Horde being able to kill rares when Alliance controlled the zone was a "bug" but that gives Horde that +1 on top of kills of those rares throughout ALL of the expansion, and was fixed again when it came to it being controlled by Horde, since Alliance couldn't kill them.

Most of these bugs happened and benefited Horde players, and rather than making it fair, they fixed it and said "It shouldn't have happened" the moment it became Alliance's turn, but you're still gonna say these were just bugs (Which yes, but the whole point is they benefited the Horde, and have done since the beginning of BFA).

Horde character, you said? So much for consistency. And I won't go into details and make it even more personal, but I remember the thread where your Horde character got recruited. If anything, that one reeks of carry. None of my business though, by all means, enjoy skipping the progression and jump right in for curve.

Bull roar does it reek of being carried. I said I wished to Improve, I was introduced to someone who could help me improve, who went over everything for me, I then spent MY TIME learning the rotation and getting better at my class. How is this being Carried? I pulled my own weight, did the Mechanics and learned to play my class all at the same time, that isn't being Carried.

Not to mention, before I joined the guild, I was 5/8 on Heroic, so I've downed 1 extra boss than I had beforehand. Now you're going to say someone who is improving is just being carried? You must not know what being carried really means, cause I bet you ANYONE from the guild I joined wouldn't say they were carrying me lmao. I've been progressing on my own, but now that I've found a guild to do it with, I'm being carried. Magical xD.

05/11/2018 11:47Posted by Savoren
This could've been an argument if raid was open at BfA launch, but it wasn't. We're still talking about pre-Uldir gearing at this point, where Uldir obviously wasn't open while mythic Temple of Sethraliss was since day 1 of BfA. You are comparing M0 Temple drops to gear that wasn't available to players at that point, it doesn't make any sense.

And I've done the dungeon on Heroic, a few times, and I didn't enjoy the dungeon one bit. Not my cup of tea, didn't enjoy the dungeon, so I didn't do it. I am comparing gear I get from something I enjoy to gear you're expecting me to force myself to do because it's my "BiS". I'm not going to force myself to run a dungeon I do not enjoy JUST to MAYBE get gear from it, that won't really bring my damage up much in the first place.

0,3% higher Alliance population at all levels, 12,4% higher Horde population for level 120 characters. Not even close to 5:1 Alliance:Horde ratio we used to have during entire classic.

It may not be the same as what Classic's ratio is, but the fact that it used to be "5:1 Alliance:Horde" and is now 12.4% higher Horde population for 120's speaks volumes. Most high end players who were Alliance moved over to Horde, due to min/maxing benefiting them more if they did so. Most streamers play Horde. So, basically, what's happening is most of the sheep are following them and joining the Horde as well. And it all started because Horde gained the stronger PvE racials, and since EMFH got nerfed, the stronger PvP racials as well.

And you clearly don't have enough knowledge about classes if you think arcane torrent is the only purge spell. It actually is the one with the longest cooldown of 1,5 minutes, which will be further nerfed to 2 minutes in the next patch. Besides, if you mean shields in Tol Dagor, Underrot etc. you should cc mobs before pulling the pack and interrupt the mobs you've pulled to prevent them from casting their shield before you worry about dispelling them.

This sounds like a comment from someone who has a group that runs the dungeons, not someone who pugs them. One of the biggest annoyances of pugs are the fact most people don't interrupt. So, you think about what you yourself can interrupt (Which, I use off CD almost instantly on both my characters, plus my purge on my DH). There's only so much 1 player can do, if the other 2-3 aren't doing any interrupting, then that means Alliance is gonna take longer.

Stick 2-3 BE's in a dungeon, and you don't need to worry about ANYONE interrupting, just use the racial and BOOM, sorted, simple, easy. You keep comparing an AoE purge to single target ones. Yes, it has a 1.5 min CD (2 min soon), but it is STILL seriously strong in dungeons, saying otherwise is just delusional.

BM and MM hunters getting polearms, ret paladins getting shields, rogues getting daggers with lower stats than quest rewards... Yeah, that first Honorbound emissary definitely did a lot of good.

Since we're checking threads, check those created after the first Horde emissary that rewarded gear to see for yourself.

So, because 7 specs out of all of the specs didn't get the right weapon, that means that it's okay then, yeah? The fact Alliance didn't get weapons at all, but Horde did, because those 7 specs had to do without? You're seriously trying to point out the small things that went wrong with the system, so, let's do it this way.

7 Specs on the Horde side didn't get the right weapon. ALL SPECS on the Alliance said didn't get a weapon. See the problem?

Drop rates or stats aren't any different for Horde players than they are for Alliance players.

He's not on about drop rates being different. Let me give you an example.

When Warfronts came out:
50 people on Alliance side killed the boss, 7 people got an item.
When 50 people on Horde side did the Warfront, 50 people got a 370 item AND a 340 item from 1 run.

This puts Alliance at a disadvantage from the get go, meaning Horde dominating the Warmode more, because they have the higher gear (Granted, not by a lot). But, if we then look at alts. I get a character to 120, have to go do WQ's, Normal/Heroics and kill rares in Arathi for CHANCES at gear.
You get a character to 120, just spam Warfronts, guaranteed 340+ gear and a free 370 piece from the get go.

Spend a few hours doing Warfronts and you will be 340+ ilvl, I spend a few hours doing quests and Dungeons, and I might be lucky enough to be 310-320 ilvl. Bit of a difference there, even though I put in more effort, so to speak (Hypothetically).

It wasn't a feature that got nerfed, it was bug that has been fixed. I'm sure you wouldn't complain if it was the other way and Alliance had the rares available.

Not that there was anything to complain about anyway, since 340 gear was already useless at that point and became even more useless thanks to M+ dungeons. They are decent for disenchanting or scrapping for materials though, I'll give you that.

Actually, the Warfronts one WAS a feature that got Nerfed. Blizzard were going to make it so there was no requirements, except to be at 120, but noticed how easy Horde were gearing up, so decided to smack an ilvl restriction on it. That gave Horde 3 days to get easy gear for alts from the get go, then screwed Alliance over.

And you keep forgetting that when Warfronts came out, not many people were doing Mythic+'s. So, the highest gear the average Joe could get was 340, if they got lucky and got it from Mythics, if they did Mythics, otherwise it'd be 330+ from WQ's. Now, the average Joe on the Alliance side can only aim for 330+ gear (Not spam it mind), whilst the average Joe Horde can just spam Warfronts on all alts for 3 days and be between 330-340 ilvl, maybe even higher. Anyone can see this as being unfair, except those who were blind from the beginning, because they love the fact they got given the advantages.

05/11/2018 12:52Posted by Savoren
If you level your alts via questing you'll be around 305-310 ilvl by the time you reach to max level, even higher if you level only by dungeons. So unless you purely leveled via Island Expeditions, you'd only have to run a couple heroic or M0 to reach to 320 ilvl, which usually takes about an hour.

What planet are you from? If you level alts by questing, you'll be between 270-280 (290 max) by the time you hit 120. Do it by dungeons and Normal dungeons drops 300 ilvl gear, so you "might" be 120 and be at 300 ilvl (If you get lucky with gear in dungeons). So, I don't know where you got the whole "305-310" ilvl from, unless you got lucky with Warforge throughout levelling.

And a couple of Heroic's would take more than an hour, unless you are a healer/tank. As a DPS, you can spend 10-20 minutes in queue, then run 1 Heroic, which takes another 20-30 minutes, there's your hour, for a chance at 1 piece of loot (Unless, again, you get lucky). And, you can't jump straight into Mythics on a freshly dinged character unless you have a group of people to do it with you, you'll be insta declined from every pug group possible lmao.

You obviously have a group of people you do Mythics and Mythic+'s with, since you seem to be so oblivious to the problems that happen on a daily basis within Pugs, and that's great for you. But, not everybody has that. Some people have to pug, because they don't get accepted by guilds, because they need to "git gud", but they can't "git gud" without experience, which they can't get without doing the content, which they can't really do without gitting gud. It's just a huge circle for a lot of people.
I changed to horde at the start then back to Alliance cause I was tired of being labled as the bad guy and alliance is always shown as the good guy..however zandalari looks cooler than kul tiran does.

Horde females are so ugly though..nightfallen barely has any options on hair etc and orc just gets mostly !@#$% hairdos..