Choosing between horde and alliance

I came to this thread to see the Alliance whinge-fest; I was not disappointed.

It's everyone else's fault as usual.

04/11/2018 20:25Posted by Pixelbear
8.1 will be a good time to play horde not much will be happening allince wise .. (like most of bfa so far)

There was an awful lot of Alliance !@#$ going on in the latter half of Legion.
05/11/2018 14:08Posted by Kizira
Horde females are so ugly though..

How dare you?! I'm the sexiest Orquette (♫ She's got the loot ♪♫) in all Kalimdor.
05/11/2018 15:05Posted by Bagerah
05/11/2018 14:08Posted by Kizira
Horde females are so ugly though..

How dare you?! I'm the sexiest Orquette (♫ She's got the loot ♪♫) in all Kalimdor.

If you had a fully covered with hair head sure..but whats with all the bald or bob cuts :(
04/11/2018 19:08Posted by Qulululu
alliance obviously since the master race draenei are on alliance side.
On a serious note i would say choose where you have more friends
Why choose between them? Stay out of it, they fight and argue too much.
Choose peace...
Except Virmen... there's lot's of those invading peace.
Occasionally hungry bird...

05/11/2018 15:05Posted by Bagerah
I'm the sexiest

You are quite a sexy orc, yes. We should have neutral orcs!
05/11/2018 15:47Posted by Ninaryu
Why choose between them? Stay out of it, they fight and argue too much.
Choose peace...

I commend your mental fortitude.
1 Like
Picking faction is not about racials, emissary chest and other senseless crap you are argueing here. Not anymore at least.
Game population is shrinking, alliance population shrinks faster. At the end of legion A-H ratio was 48/52%, now it is 43/57. Alliance not only has lower player pool, but also lower quality players, because anyone with few working brain cells sees that Alliance is sinking ship and moves to Horde. It's mostly visible in auto queue group content, like random bgs or (zul trash/ghuun) lfr. Both were never that bad at alliance side than now. Lower player pool means less options to find like minded people to play with especially on extreme high end. People leave Alliance for Horde the same way players leave dead servers for full ones.
Analogies with vanilla when A-H ratio was like 65/35 is not valid, because population on both factions was growing.
Picking faction is not about racials, emissary chest and other senseless crap you are argueing here. Not anymore at least.
Game population is shrinking, alliance population shrinks faster. At the end of legion A-H ratio was 48/52%, now it is 43/57. Alliance not only has lower player pool, but also lower quality players, because anyone with few working brain cells sees that Alliance is sinking ship and moves to Horde. It's mostly visible in auto queue group content, like random bgs or (zul trash/ghuun) lfr. Both were never that bad at alliance side. Lower player pool means less option to find like minded people to play with especially on extreme high end. People leave Alliance for Horde the same way players leave dead servers for full ones.
Analogies with vanilla when A-H ratio was like 65/35 is not valid, because population on both factions was growing.

As is always requested..proof for your numbers?
Generally, lil kids start as Ally and when they grow up and get older and smarter, they turn to the Horde side. Thats why Horde always GY farm Ally in PvP.
05/11/2018 16:02Posted by Kizira
As is always requested..proof for your numbers?

Check the numbers for 120-120, so max level. Horde out-way Alliance there. But, through all levels, it's actually in favour of Alliance by .3 percent. Though, we can't really see these as "factual" since we don't know the number of bots, multi-accounts and other things.

Looking at it, it skews in favour of the Horde from level 50+. So, Alliance only dominates the lower levels xD
I think reading the replies here clearly proves what kind of people the whole "BLODD SPIKESS KILLL FO DA WARCHIF!!4" theme attracts.

It's sad that these are the majority.
Go Alliance if you want to be the most self righteous always get the moral high ground. Civilized aesthetics and good guys overall.

Go Horde if you want to get the chance to do evil stuff, and then be cleansed of any responsibility going "just following orders mate". Savage aesthetics and not-evil guys overall.
04/11/2018 18:35Posted by Cantorix
Hi guys.
I still can´t decide which faction i will main.
I have 120 on horde and 120 on alliance side. I love story from both. Especially Durotan one. I also love the "good guys alliance". Kill me please. Why you play one of these factions? :D


Which you choose is completely up to you, but few things to consider ...

Gnomes running around doing "gnome" stuff gets old really fast ...
Nelves jumping bouncing boobies gets old really fast ...
Kids running around doing /flex and kiddies stuff gets old really fast ...
Having cancerous people all over your faction gets old really fast ...
Non-stop crying on forums becuz horde is favored [add A to Z here for reason] ... gets old really fast ...

Now you could enjoy some of these, or you could be one of the kids doing this, or you might enjoy cancerous faction and ofc you could enjoy crying over everything.

If this is the case, then yes choose alliance, has way way more of those then horde side has (we do have them too thou, many switched from alliance to horde because ...)

If you want a slightly better community with far less crying about everything, then choose horde.

Also we dont have spanish inquisition, over all, you might be happier on horde side in the long run.
Choose wherever your friends go or decide with your own mind dont let others think for you or Horde trying so hard to convert you to they'r side but its true there are more Whiny kids on Alliance but there are some normal people amongst us that dont care and just want to have fun.But you know Horde isnt all flowers either they are made to be warmongers and evil in a way and most of the Elitists live on Horde faction.
06/11/2018 09:14Posted by Shimia
Which you choose is completely up to you, but few things to consider ...

Gnomes running around doing "gnome" stuff gets old really fast ...
Nelves jumping bouncing boobies gets old really fast ...
Kids running around doing /flex and kiddies stuff gets old really fast ...
Having cancerous people all over your faction gets old really fast ...
Non-stop crying on forums becuz horde is favored [add A to Z here for reason] ... gets old really fast ...

Now you could enjoy some of these, or you could be one of the kids doing this, or you might enjoy cancerous faction and ofc you could enjoy crying over everything.

If this is the case, then yes choose alliance, has way way more of those then horde side has (we do have them too thou, many switched from alliance to horde because ...)

If you want a slightly better community with far less crying about everything, then choose horde.

Also we dont have spanish inquisition, over all, you might be happier on horde side in the long run.

The funniest thing is, I play both factions, and until I joined the guild I am in on my Horde character, I went into groups full of childish people. DPS ninja pulling constantly, telling the healer they suck cause they died due to not moving, constantly belittling everyone who is less geared then them. I've seen so much more childish behaviours on the Horde side than I have the Alliance.

And the "crying about everything", would you kindly check the forums. Rastakhan is gonna be killed "WE WANT JAINA TO DIE" Zandalari Trolls not becoming Warlocks "WTF BLIZZ, THIS IS BULL!@#$" Zandalari's not coming out for a while "WHY 6 MONTHS" (I also saw someone post that there's Alliance Bias, had to laugh at that one).

The reason Horde don't complain as much is because Horde constantly get given the upper hand with everything. Any small thing that happens to the Horde, there's a thread complaining about it. Only difference between Alliance and Horde is Alliance get's screwed over by the dev team a LOT more than the Horde does. Favourite faction of Blizzard and they still complain about little things, makes sense.

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