Hello, so i want to start leveling an alt trough Cataclysm, i level up to level 10 i went to talk with Chromie but on the Hero’s Call Board it show’s 2 old vanilla zones and Hellfire Peninsula, now my question is, isn’t Hellfire Peninsula a TBC zone? why is show’s up there when i selected Cataclysm? I’m confused.
So you spoke to her to start Cata chromie time ? if so the board showing Hellfire a TBC area is very confusing.
Taken from another thread
Cataclysm is Classic until 30 then you start Cata zones
Cataclysm Zones in Chromie Time
Chromie sorts Vanilla zones with Cataclysm, as most zones received revamps for the expansion.
Kalimdor Zones in Chromie Time
Zone Level Range Azuremyst Isle 1 - 50 Bloodmyst Isle 1 - 50 Durotar 1 - 50 Moonglade 1 - 50 Mulgore 1 - 50 Teldrassil 1 - 50 Azshara 5 - 50 Darkshore 5 - 50 Northern Barrens 5 - 50 Ashenvale 7 - 50 Desolace 10 - 50 Southern Barrens 10 - 50 Stonetalon Mountains 10 - 50 Dustwallow Marsh 15 - 50 Felwood 15 - 50 Feralas 15 - 50 Silithus 15 - 50 Tanaris 15 - 50 Thousand Needles 15 - 50 Un’Goro Crater 15 - 50 Winterspring 15 - 50 Mount Hyjal 30 - 50 Uldum 30 - 50 Eastern Kingdoms Zones in Chromie Time
Zone Level Range Eversong Woods 1 - 50 Dun Morogh 1 - 50 Elwynn Forest 1 - 50 Ghostlands 1 - 50 Tirisfal Glades 1 - 50 Loch Modan 5 - 50 Silverpine Forest 5 - 50 Westfall 5 - 50 Alterac Mountains 7 - 50 Hillsbrad Foothills 7 - 50 Redridge Mountains 7 - 50 Arathi Highlands 10 - 50 Deadwind Pass 10 - 50 Duskwood 10 - 50 Northern Stranglethorn 10 - 50 Stranglethorn Vale 10 - 50 The Cape of Stranglethorn 10 - 50 The Hinterlands 10 - 50 Wetlands 10 - 50 Badlands 15 - 50 Blasted Lands 15 - 50 Burning Steppes 15 - 50 Eastern Plaguelands 15 - 50 Searing Gorge 15 - 50 Swamp of Sorrows 15 - 50 Western Plaguelands 15 - 50 Isle of Quel’Danas 30 - 50 Twilight Highlands 30 - 50 Vashj’ir 30 - 50 Deepholm 30 - 50
*edit to include chart
Well yeah but this still doesn’t explain why Hellfire Peninsula show’s up there…it might be a bug.
The Hero’s Call Board might not be expansion specific, it might not change when you change chromie times. There isn’t a chromie time for each expansion, there’s just one for all legacy content and you just pick which expansion you want to quest in, she’ll just get you started on it.
For example you can pick Cataclysm but still quest in Outland with no issues if you wish, you just have to find the first quest on your own.
Once i take chromie time i do not usually use the boards at all i just go to the starter area she tells me to.
Expect with Cataclysm, it tells you to use the board
I do not take Cata as i hate it so i wouldnt know i am sorry i am just trying to help…
Oh, i understand…so it doesn’t matter where i start questing, i just need to do level 30 so i can jump in Cataclysm after.
Correct, vanilla zones are still Cataclysm content due to them being remade in that expansion, you need to be 30 to get to the “real” Cata zones.
i know, thank you so much for your answer
It is, and from what I’ve seen, the board suggests zones somewhat randomly, favoring zones with a higher level requirement if it was current as you level up (so in case of TBC, at low levels you’re suggested Hellfire which was 58-61, but nearing lvl50, Netherstorm will pop up most likely, which was 68-70).
However, if you use the adventure guide at the mini menu bar at the bottom of the screen, it will only suggest zones of your Chromie Time of choice, so with Cata you’ll see zones ranging from Westfall to Deepholm, and you can do the starter zones like Dun Morogh as well (which I don’t recommend, as these latter ones will reward white questing gear that has no stats, which hampers your gearing).
That said, the Hellfire suggestion is likely bugged, but you can safely ignore it, and even simply go to your zone of choice to quest, looking for the mark on the map to start the questchain.
I doubt you’ll miss any qdditional quests if you don’t take the Hero’s Call breadcrumb quest.
Lol Deepholm isn’t actually part of any continent but whatever.
If you read my post i copy pasted from another post to try and help but thanks for mocking me instead of actually helping the OP you came here just to belittle.
According to Wowhead it is but it hardly matters either way. It’s just another Cata levelling zone, they had to include it somewhere.
Someone probably deemed the entrance to Deepholm was closer to one or the other continent or something.
It was just a joke I’m sorry you can’t hear my tone via text over the internet. I guess it was my fault for not considering something like that, sorry.
MOAR smilies!!!
Yeah I’m generally not an emoji person most of the time, it’s hard being like that sometimes.
Slightly back on topic I was thinking maybe make some sort of chart of the classic Cata zone storylines order (for those who are interested in that sort of stuff like lore) and post it somewhere as a guide. I know the zones are only loosely connected to each other and if you pay attention to the quests they mostly point you to the next zone, but I thought something visual might help, kind of like the classic table in https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Zone_storylines, but the later classic zones just get grouped together in there due to the squish and them all being the same level.
It might surprise some people but there’s actually an order to the madness.
I think Chromie needs to be more clear about what Cataclsym includes too.
And yes all the Chromie timelines could do with some kind of guidance. Those warboards are terrible.
I mean I myself started playing in BFA and was confused why classic zones talk about the Cataclysm as I was not aware of the world revamp. I thought only the level 80+ zones were in the cataclysm storyline.
At least now you can play classic cataclysm zones and then straight to Hyjal/Vashj’ir instead of doing a pitstop in Outland/Northrend like some jumpy time traveler.