Provide evidence Alliance are deliberately triggering AOO this way, in large enough numbers to significantly affect the WM faction balance. I’d be surprised if you can prove it. I’d be surprised if more than a handful of Alliance think it’s a worthwhile tactic. Blizz will be very interested in your evidence, because they might consider that an exploit.
Think about it…
- When AOO is not up, the % of players that WM on PURELY for AOO will naturally just not bother with WM the weeks it’s not available. No conspiracy required to explain that. No matter how brief their WM is on, they are WPvPing, non issue.
- However, I’d guess a good % of AOO questers also turn on WM for Call to Arms and assault quests. They are WPvPing, non issue.
- And the outnumbered bonus is only a benefit to Alliance that keep WM on throughout their PvE. Whether they like it or not, while WM is on, they are part of WPvP and should pay for their bonus with gy walks. Non issue.
- The goal of the incentive is to encourage a % of Alliance to WPvP more (happening), and a % of Horde non WPvPers to WM less (hopefully happening). Bringing WM region balance closer, and reducing Horde overflow shards. Real issue.
Individual or grouped server balance is not relevant. WM shards are faction balanced to a degree. If too many of one faction in WM, they are put on overflow shards. You will not see that excess, and they will not see you. Real issue.
Both normal and RP realms have their separated populations when WM off, but in WM they are partially mixed because of region wide LFG and community groups. Even though my character is on a normal realm, because of LFG, I can often end up on an RP shard. And it works the other way, if on an RP realm joining an LFG group can put you on a normal shard. LFG groups are the main unbalancer. Solution to LFG groups are grouping up, or accepts ganks. Non issue.
You can experience a different balance depending on the shard you end up on. Sometimes outnumbered, sometimes not. But never always outnumbered, unless a part timer, and have bad luck with the shard you end up on. Non issue.
At start of BfA WM region faction balance was about even, but a phasing error caused Alliance to WM off in droves. Blizz fixed the phasing issue, but damage was done to region balance. Before the outnumbered incentive, WM balance in region was much worse than now.
I’ll say what I like. I was poking fun at the typical WM complainers, I recognize complainers are on both factions. People are free to complain, a forum is about discussing.
Only time I have an issue is when people get toxic or try to limit free speech ![:wink: :wink:](
Having said that, it would be good if people didn’t just make stuff up to try and prove points ![:+1: :+1:](