Clarification on the “Against Overwhelming Odds” Quest Reward

There is currently a display error which is causing some characters that are eligible to receive the “Against Overwhelming Odds” quest to see an incorrect item level listed as the reward. However, the rewards are working as intended. Azerite rewards are now meant to be item level 400 and non-Azerite rewards are now meant to be item level 395. The quest chooses one at random for each character. Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this issue and have the correct item level displayed.

As an additional note, when Rise of Azshara releases, this quest will be removed from a character’s quest log if it hasn’t been turned in before it becomes unavailable during a Wednesday morning weekly reset.


Thanks for the clarification, now sit back and watch the Horde complaints about aoo :slight_smile:

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We don’t complain. We unsubscribe and faction balance is sorted.


Then what’s with all the Horde spam posts on the topic? Here and in the general forum.

Ey, if there are no complaints about aoo in this thread I’ll be proved wrong, a good thing :+1:

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I will rather sit back and watch you defend the broken ballancing system. Waaaay more fun😏

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No complaints yet… maybe Horde are getting used to aoo!

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But when alliance cried on the forum’s because alliance were vastly outnumbered most of the times out in the zones, the horde were just trash-talking the alliance, calling them cowards and all that stuff…

Whattaboutisms brought us to this mess.

Let’s just admit war mode + sharding created a complete pile of unhappy players both pvp and pve. Should’ve just kept pvp and pve servers tbh.

Let’s just admit that War Mode + sharding created a complete pile of Very Happy players, with many of them still playing this game only because of this mode.
I’m glad they got rid of PvE/PvP servers, now it’s much more … and for everybody. :wink:

And yet you’re still here complaining, fake news, empty threats.

Anyway, it’s kinda hilarious - first blue message in World PvP section, and it is about ilvl increase for AOO, haha, Blizzard is trolling hard


You’ve commented on about 17 of the first 20 threads in this forum. Usually 1st 2nd or 3rd comment.

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Where’s the empty threat? I really am unsubbed

You may be playing because you like it, not everyone is in the same boat as you.

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I was talking about new posts on identical topics, which is considered spam, because there was an existing topic that they should have replied to instead of creating a new one.

Replying to a duplicate post isn’t spam. Are we just gonna let things go that we disagree with? Doubt it :smiling_face:

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The problem is that alliance is getting this AND complaining the same time about how special snowflakes they are and bad EVIL horde outnumbers them in pvp and how much they suffer… :frowning:

Id suggest you to read abit around forums to see dog faction complains and TRUE HORDE laughing with them xD

I’ve read plenty complaints on both sides, and from start of BfA disagreed when Alliance or Horde complain about being outnumbered in a zone, or other players not playing by their made up rules. Complaints like that are plain wrong and they don’t get WPvP = no rules, unfair, chaos.

Outnumbered in region, different story. There’s no denying it needs fixed, primarily to reduce Horde overflow WM shards. Outnumbered bonus + Aoo is the fix.

This week we are at 15% bonus, and I assume a reduction in Horde overflow WM shards, versus when we were at 30% bonus. The period before first 30% bonus, I assume region balance was much worse.

Look back to before Aoo, you will see more Horde complaints about not finding Alliance. Lack of any opponents at all is the issue, overflow shards, not too many in a zone.

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What you, or any of you whiners fail to realize is: Horde bonus works by having it always on while alliance bonus works by enabling it and then as it has absolutely 0 usage deactivating it.

Blame blizzard for alliance players that enable it and then close it, that though does not mean alliance is outnumbered, they just have it off and they keep getting their goodies by doing so.

But if you wanna look back, you want me to mention back in the days that WM did not exist and servers where not mushed up and i had an ally alt as raid leader in my horde infested server ganking single players inside a raid? Do you forget that or you did not see it at all ?

Cmon man, look around you and the special snowflake faction tears. Your faction whines about zandalar trolls for being paladins LOL Or about that EVIL sylvanas and her thug nathanos that defeated the SUPER NIGHT ELVES malfy and tyri?

If it comes in whining, alliance is the world leader on that and there is no single doubt no matter how you close your eyes on it :wink:

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There are common types of complaint from both factions, they are generally non issues, with PvP solutions. Being ganked for example, non issue, has in game solutions.

Region WM faction imbalance is an actual issue, mostly for Horde being shunted into single faction overflow shards. That seems better now than it was before the Aoo/bonus solution.

There were terrible faction balance variations between PvP servers, that’s a good reason they are gone: different WPvP experience depending on the server that you’re stuck on. WM does a far better job of providing general faction balance on shards, yet retains possibility of limited variable shifting balances in zones, requiring retaliation which promotes conflict, and we get relatively consistent WPvP for anyone no matter what server they are on. Sometimes outnumbered in a zone, sometimes the outnumberer, sometimes balanced… but never always one of these like on PvP servers. A big improvement. The WM toggle opens up WPvP to a wider audience, that’s a good thing.

  • For Aoo, the quester has no choice but to WPvP. Doesn’t matter if they turn it off after, they WPvP’d. Anyone can toggle WM on to WPvP any time they want, regardless of Aoo. Conflict levels are good, this is a non issue.
  • If they are WM on for extra bonus, they have to have it on when PvEing. They accept the risk of time loss due to ganking in exchange for extra bonus. It’s Horde’s job to make them earn that 15% via WPvP. If Horde fail to do that, that’s on Horde. I do my best to make Horde earn their 10% :slight_smile:
  • Plenty Horde will be WM on/off too, assaults and CtA quest for example. Non issue. The WM numbers are gonna fluctuate within a week in both factions, it’s a general balance we need in the region. Aoo tips things a bit, reducing some Horde, increasing some Alliance. Works pretty good.

WPvP is happening in WM, that’s what matters. There’s a mix of player types, WPvPers, PvEers, PvP/PvEers. It’s a PvE+PvP game mode, all have their place in WM.

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I also remember a lot of Argent Dawn people complaining about warmode, encouraging people to turn off their warmode, I specifically remember a certain dwarf paladin being very vocal about it on trade chat. Which is kind of funny cause the Alliance outnumbers the Horde on that group of servers as far as I know.

You know very well that people are turning off Warmode on the Alliance to trigger AAO. You know that there was never a balance issue on our group of servers only a general unwillingness to participate in WvW but still complain about it and you know that once AAO went live the Alliance dominates our group of servers.

So with that in mind maybe you should not say crap like this:

Provide evidence Alliance are deliberately triggering AOO this way, in large enough numbers to significantly affect the WM faction balance. I’d be surprised if you can prove it. I’d be surprised if more than a handful of Alliance think it’s a worthwhile tactic. Blizz will be very interested in your evidence, because they might consider that an exploit.

Think about it…

  • When AOO is not up, the % of players that WM on PURELY for AOO will naturally just not bother with WM the weeks it’s not available. No conspiracy required to explain that. No matter how brief their WM is on, they are WPvPing, non issue.
  • However, I’d guess a good % of AOO questers also turn on WM for Call to Arms and assault quests. They are WPvPing, non issue.
  • And the outnumbered bonus is only a benefit to Alliance that keep WM on throughout their PvE. Whether they like it or not, while WM is on, they are part of WPvP and should pay for their bonus with gy walks. Non issue.
  • The goal of the incentive is to encourage a % of Alliance to WPvP more (happening), and a % of Horde non WPvPers to WM less (hopefully happening). Bringing WM region balance closer, and reducing Horde overflow shards. Real issue.

Individual or grouped server balance is not relevant. WM shards are faction balanced to a degree. If too many of one faction in WM, they are put on overflow shards. You will not see that excess, and they will not see you. Real issue.

Both normal and RP realms have their separated populations when WM off, but in WM they are partially mixed because of region wide LFG and community groups. Even though my character is on a normal realm, because of LFG, I can often end up on an RP shard. And it works the other way, if on an RP realm joining an LFG group can put you on a normal shard. LFG groups are the main unbalancer. Solution to LFG groups are grouping up, or accepts ganks. Non issue.

You can experience a different balance depending on the shard you end up on. Sometimes outnumbered, sometimes not. But never always outnumbered, unless a part timer, and have bad luck with the shard you end up on. Non issue.

At start of BfA WM region faction balance was about even, but a phasing error caused Alliance to WM off in droves. Blizz fixed the phasing issue, but damage was done to region balance. Before the outnumbered incentive, WM balance in region was much worse than now.

I’ll say what I like. I was poking fun at the typical WM complainers, I recognize complainers are on both factions. People are free to complain, a forum is about discussing.

Only time I have an issue is when people get toxic or try to limit free speech :wink:

Having said that, it would be good if people didn’t just make stuff up to try and prove points :+1:

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Doing this quest takes forever alone, nobody dies. Damage is too low and you already nerfed azerite trait by 50%. You need dampening to kill someone nowdays and there is no dampening in wpvp.

Nevermind keep balancing the game around your Esport where 3 players chases other 3 players around the pillar.

As if 3v3 was any balanced lol