Class identity and pruning what do you want back and why

Gimme back old Disc priest and i will be happy. a dps’ing healing priest, whattheheck.


When cata came i was sad and pissed about the talent tree it was so good in wotlk i miss the old talent tree but for me my legion resto druid was awesome in beer vorm stack heals and my artifact talent in mop i played fire mage alter time was awesome and windwalker monk in mop was the best omg it was so good rip Windwalker in mop

gladiator, it tempted me and others (who actually became main tanks, I didn’t though cos of addon requirement to tank) to try tanking as a warrior. Loved gladiator spec

Shadowflame: My favorite visual in the game and absolutely amazing for pvp.

Demonic Circle being baseline. Why should it not?

Demon Armor and Fel Armor. Class Fantasy, utility and uniqueness.

Getting rid of UA Stacking. It is basically a Combo Point system and super boring. Use soulshards to empower abilities instead.

Bring back Haunt baseline. Let the player make choices which target to prioritize!

Drain Soul baseline. Literally only one more button to press, but lets the rotation feel much more alive and reactive.

Shift damage from destructions chaosbolt to incinerate and conflagerate.

Fire and Brimstone being baseline as an on-use ability.

Thal’kiels Consumption. I really miss this ability as demonology in PvP!

That was literally Just a quick Brainstorming in a few minutes what i am missing as a Lock… Feeling sad now, rip.


Bring back enhancement shaman totems.

Choosing which ones to drop and fighting amongst them was what made us unique and separated us from the rest of the melee dps

I just want fun abilities back. Like blazing speed and displacer beast. Everything that makes gameplay fun, fast and engaging again.

Thing like removing DK presences and DK runes still pisses me off to this day too.


I would want back stances on all classes they removed from and not only from warriors as Ion said.

Lastly i would want to have BoS on all DK’s specs back and 2H frost <3

They are not gonna remove current versions of specs just to roll back to a previous one, asking for that is pointless, ask instead for what parts of the old design you’d want back that wouldn’t just override the current one.

Asking for 2hand vs 1hand is similarly pointless. In the end one option will always mathematically better and lead to consistent complaints that the other weapon type is stronger and they feel forced to use the other one. Sure some will be happy just to have the option, but it is just over all not worth it for all the problems it’d cause.

As far as what I want, probably Devouring Plague even if only in name only. Something to fill the design space Void Torrent was intended to(but never really did successfully) as a meaningful cooldown to hit during high stacks but also outside of it when you require damage. As far as fun and utilities are concerned, Priests still have Mind Vision, Mind Control, Leap, Levitate, Shackle so pretty nice round up of flavour even if extremely niche in actual usefulness, so I don’t have much of a demand(baseline Shining Force would be nice though)

As a Shaman I miss:
Totems (Totemic Mastery as a talent is an ok work around but not perfect).
Swirly shield orbs. Lightning, Stone or water shield orbiting around you.

My Paladin misses:
Shiny Auras - that glowing bubble around the paladin was iconic.

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I want my warlock back the way he played during MoP, it was so much fun that i nearly switched mains.

The removal of Grimoire of Supremacy as it worked back then in patch 7.0.3 together with the removal of Burning Embers and how that worked with Fire and Brimstone felt like a punishement.

The current minions feel like a completely watered down excuse for a minion. As a destruction lock who plays with minions, that void is meh and that fel hunter is more of the same meh. I don’t play my lock as often anymore because of it.

Don’t start me about shadowpriests, i have a serious problem relearning how to play them.

Horn of Winter on my DK, it was gone when i came back, i asked a friend what i did wrong cause i couldn’t find it.

Why can’t buffs given in a group not stick on those who received them after leaving a group, i mean wth? Why do i lose even my own battleshout when i leave a group, so annoying.

I miss some stuff on my hunter, i really want the MoP version of my BM hunter back.

Mage is okay-ish but missing Mirror Image and Alter Time.
Pala okay-ish but why does buffing someone else go at the cost of that same buff on me?!?

My warrior, well there’s some good things and there’s gaps caused by GCD on low haste, i have no issues with it now but i do feel like i could use Heroic Strike back and i very much miss Intercept. Could do with some Shield Bashing and Spell Reflect (not pvp only).

I don’t particularly want stances back cause there were a few defensive abilities left on Fury spec when we were stripped of our stances that i liked and used.

(Been way from August 2016 until June-something last year so some of my experiences may be outdated and long gone but they aren’t for me)

secondary weapons, my hunter shooting arrows at people 1 meter away is stupid.

Glyphs to change the feel of outlaw rogue back to combat, make pistol shot throw a knife instead and stuff.

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In pretty much every other game i played, that’s quite a lot of them, you can use your ranged weapon at point blank (some even have “talents” around it), WoW is/was the only game with a min range.
So if WoW was the first game you ever played (tetris not counting) then you would find point blank stupid, if you played other games with point blank and then picked up WoW, then you would find min range stupid. It’s just perspective and your established point of reference.

This. (10 chars)


1h fury warrior.
2h frost dk.
And dark simulacrum to be a basic spell instead of a pvp talent since it’s actually one of the more fun and interesting spells to play around with.

Totally a free with you on that a secondary hunter weapon returning would be great.

I actually didn’t like his comment that they want to focus on the CLASS and not the SPEC in this regard. I enjoy BM. That is the spec I want to play. I don’t care about special shots and such. I want pets. I want summons. I want that sort of stuff. So to me his comments sound too much like; yeah you’ll be getting more shots again. But that really doesn’t appeal to me personally.

I’m actually worried that that will ruin the uniqueness of the specs, or at the very least lessen it.

One of the best spells they ever put in the game was Symbiosis for druids. It was an interesting spell because it did not just benefit druids, but other classes as well. Yes it was a little bit powerful in PVP, but I feel like the benefits of this spell far outweighed the drawbacks.

It created interesting choices in raids. As a Feral druid at the time, some bosses I would symb a priest or paladin to get an extra defensive, other bosses I would symbiosis a shaman to get the wolves for extra damage. Sometimes I would symbiosis someone who did not give me a beneficial spell, but I gave them a spell that benefits them.

I want that spell back so badly, and I was extremely sad when they deleted it from the game.


Paladins: auras and holy power for all specs.

Rogues: poisons for all specs.

Shamans: totems for all specs.


As fun as it was, no thanks.

Absoultely right. Couldn’t happen. Just like bringing back Vanilla. They have posted Walls of No saying that won’t happen, and … oh wait.

Honestly, all the classes I’m interested in now are so bad, so degraded from what they were, that I don’t see any way “forward” with them, without taking 3 (or 4, or 5) expansions worth of steps back first.

Blizzard’s devs worship Change For Change’s Sake. They sacrifice Gnomes to it at the time of the Full Moon. They also sacrifice Fun, and Satisfaction, gleefully, with ritual knives. They think Change Is Good, which is probably the stupidest thing any human being can believe. Someone should introduce them to the Second Law. Well, bringing classes (with all the trimmings - stats, glyphs, gems, enchants) right back to 5.4, or 4.3, or even 3.3 would produce a change that would satisfy their religious duty while saving one significant part of the game.

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