Class Selection

What made/makes you select a certain race/gender/class and later, spec?

Grandma played a BM Hunter (up to lvl 20 for free) but I have a few weirdo friends that have played…ret paladin, ARMS warrior and also Warlocks for PVE only.

10 years ago I knew a IRL friend that pvp’d as a rogue. RIP brother

Share, discuss, keep it clean or my grandma is coming for ya.

Edit: Grandma loved her some rabbit stew but she also loved life =

Healers are pretty much always female for me.

Belf are always female for me.

Nelf are mostly female but can go male for plate melee or druid.

Trolls are mostly female, can go male if melee.

Undead is always male.

Tauren is always male.

Dwarf is always male.

Draenei is always female.

Human is 50/50.

Orc is male.

Animations are what makes me select male or female depending on class/race etc.

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Troll Male Hunters with a Bow, I love!

Can agree with most of the other points. Some races/class combos feels a bit more “correct” as a certain gender.

Thanks for adding to the thread!

Draenei, only female. Well, there are no other choices, also there are no other races to choose from, so it was simple.

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i used to try recreate myself the best i could in mmorpgs…

so usually shaved head / white/ human/ male

paladin class…

a warrior type which reflects on my irl strength and resolve, while also maintaining the fact i’m not intellectually lax either.

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You and me at the gym = Earthquake in all the females region.

Best of luck daddy!

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My BE paladin is a paladin because I wanted something like a Spellbreaker, and warrior wasn’t available at the time. Warrior with Mana Tap and Arcane Torrent would’ve been close, but considering the sad state torrent is in now and how tap is completely gone, it’s good I went with paladin. Blood Knights are cool. I stick to retribution because it’s the closest to the original hybrid concept of the class and I don’t want one of the other roles when I queue for stuff.

My undead death knight is undead because other than orc I considered it the only reasonable race for it Horde-side at the time and it fit with my headcanon of being a former AD paladin of Lordaeron. I switch between frost and blood; frost to avoid tanking when queueing and because it’s better damage output and blood when I’m playing completely relaxed with no urgency.

Human paladin is a paladin because warriors are yawn and the only other class that seems right with the roid monkey body type. Since it’s kind of a self-insert character, female wouldn’t work. Also play retribution for the same reason as the blood elf.

Dwarf hunter is a dwarf because it was the only appealing race for it at the time and also because I wanted the gun skill bonus. Was also the most natural choice for an engineer unless you count noems, which of course you don’t.

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Sorry, but what is “weird” about playing the favorite specc?

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Hvorfor ikke?

I like the warrior playstyle more, but lore wise, Ret paladin…all day baby
And also, thx for adding :slight_smile: !!!

It just literally wasn’t. BE got warrior in Cataclysm or MoP or something and I made the character in TBC.

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Sorry, misread. Be warrior you ment, aiight.

Arms or fury?

sorry missunderstud the question

if i farm stuff i pick goblin beocurse they can call on bank npc
if i do open world questing i pick vulpera beocurse i can just setup a camp then just teleport to camp when done with quests
Pandaria i pick when i want to tell all i am on a lazy mood

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Thx Sungyun! But…to answer one of my questions related to the topic:

Oh them playing Wow (no matter spec/class/gender and activity) has nothing to do with them being complete wierdos IRL :slight_smile:

Ah, that makes sense.

one rison why to play goblin/vulpera/gnome in pvp is they have smaller hit box simple harder to hit :stuck_out_tongue:

Night Elf cuz Im tall and lean in RL - 193 cm/90 kg.
Night Elf body type fits me best.
Hunter cuz I love guns and FirstPersonShooter games with guns.

Oooh Alexander Skaarsgård sexiness!

I’m Mark Wahlberg shortness (176cm)
but thick as a rock (94kg)

We should do some RP action. All kinds of gains to be had…all kinds!

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hahhh !
i am 185/123 Kg :rofl:
i am big and strong woman :rofl: