Class Tuning in Progress – 16 December

You dont have any clue what are u talking about,did you even play or try Frost DK,don’t make false statements here all DK’s knows FROST is not okay



I didn’t

Frost is middle of the pack and currently underrepresented on warcraflogs(almost 90% playing UH). It has a pretty interesting damage profile with one of the strongest 2-min CDs ingame (BoS)

Frost is slow, clunky, just babysitting GCD.
You dont get KM rank 2 procs without a healthy amount of crit.

And at that point you really are relying on your CD (pillar with Obliteration) to provide the procs for you. No procs, mean no Obliterate boost, which means lower damage.

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Feral druids and survival hunters are also underrepresented, even more than frost dks. It has literally nothing to do with how the spec performs. It’s also pretty far away from middle of the pack in m+ and not by a little amount, and our 100% logs are behind even higher low tiers by a ridiculous amount, even though plenty of frost dk already have our bis m+ legendary because it was farmable from heroic dungeons.

A strong cd on paper that in reality can go wrong because of many things out of our control and end prematurely as soon as we don’t have 100% uptime on a boss or we have to stop dpsing on a trash pack to stun, pull, disorientate something, or maybe we get stunned by a mob, etc. The list is pretty long about why it’s an okay cd at best.


No, because your hp scales more then your damage. Which is why rogues was not this broken on beta… A lot of other specs hits as hard if not harden then rogues atm… you just have to press something to survive the opener. Look at high rated games and you would understand.

KAIVAX - Please Please Fix Survival Hunter.

Be the hero!

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HP will scale more than dmg, so the burst will not do the same % of max HP. I don’t think they should ever do big nerfs. Small, frequent changes is always better imo. Just be patient and actually see how the meta evolves. We don’t even know what will be OP once we have end game gear, but I think the game will slow down, and sub rogue will fall off.

  • Blood
    • Blood Boil damage increased by 10%.
    • Heart Strike damage increased by 15%.
    • Marrowrend damage increased by 10%.
    • Death Strike damage increased by 5%.

Well damage of blood isn’t best, but the problem with getting one shot is more urgent. It is impossible to need healer with hps over 6k to keep me up on trash :smiley: Like what insane dmg blood has to take when Deathstrike regularly heal me over 50% of HP when it sopoused to heal 30% of damage i took over last 5s :smiley: not mention it is gone almost at the same time when i heal it :smiley:

I really like to play blood dk but man this is really pain. The effort i have to make to stay alive compare to bear for example it is not fun at all, just stresfull :smiley: Not sure if i will keep playing. As bear just isn’t blood dk.

I did play with DH, I did play vs DH and I had DH as my alt, I did not main it tho. You have not done anything in SHL yet, so keep your mouth shut. (Yes even tho you hid your profile it is not really that hard to find)


Final? So no adjustment for shadow priests?

20% mortal strike buff with unhinged, im gonna wreck PvE.

Can u guys atleast give a explenation what your ideas are with frost dk’s ?

Actually we do have a spell (Shimmer) that lets us blink while casting.

You would know if you played one.

Some strange covenant tuning here.

Pelagos mastery buff nerfed, while Niya giving the same buff is untouched.
I really wish the changes would be more consistent. If you nerf the covenant spell based procs, nerf them all, not just one.

Yes because 100-0’ing someone in a blink of an eye was healthy gameplay /s

Sub needed those nerfs.

Convoke Ferals could do with a PVP nerf too, they’re stupid too but not quite on subs level.

Rogues are still useful btw, but this time you need to be a good rogue, not fotm reroller.

Now you know how us rets are but you’re still way more op then we are.

Where are the Frost DK buffs?

It depends on the player, there are good paladins that make killing healer impossible by those big heals.

Frost DK’s are good in arena. Right below S tier. Perhaps better than UH.

They must be ninjas since they don’t show up in statistic sites :