No mw buff/tun today?
ye… and every hunter rerolls survival from mm from tomorrow
I never asked for that? It’s part of the reason I quit Legion.
My friend playing hunter since BC, that had to swap class didn’t ask for it.
The lowest play rates in the game on a spec belonging to the most played class (across all regions) show me all I need to know.
It’s a meme. Survival had one melee ability (based on countering attacks with a CC, aka survivability), one melee damage buff and one buff to a melee CC ability (more survivabilty) in the tree in vanilla. Survival is about traps, CC, modifiers to CC and… Survivability. (technically bonus damage vs enemy types, but that’s outdated.)
It’s final ability was a ranged shot that CC’d things.
It was never intended as a melee spec. Simply put, Blizzard had no idea what to do with hunter back then and needed somewhere to put the crit buff for the random melee abilities we had.
The correct path was Cata/MoP/WoD, a DoT spec that uses more traps than the others to supplement our Burst and Pet specs.
And you know, all that said; I actually don’t mind playing melee Survival, it’s actually fun in arena sometimes, but I despise that it had to replace the spec I loved because “Gimmicks > what players want”.
Classes and specs get worse and worse after every expansion, theres no improvement only a step back every expansion… I doubt blizzard will ever be able to “balance” their classes especially in pvp, not in a 100 years anyways lmao
When is the next hotfixes for balancing classes expected?
Can we expect one or do we have to wait the end of this mdi? next mdi? next arena tournament? next patch? next xpac?
Please for the love of God start making incremental targetted changes to classes in order to bring some balance to pve raiding, mythic+ and pvp.
We cannot be waiting so long for patches. We cannot be expected to change mains and refarm everything.
Please communicate better.
Blizzard are you not forgetting your faithful havoc? We are bottom of the barrel and no other dps spec to go to, without rereolling.
Please please please your 5% damage increased has done nowt look at the logs, helll even trying playing as havoc, you’ll be competing with the tank on the dps metre.
Sure, havoc has always been slick and cool but right now that’s about it - it should at least be middle of the pack competitive that’s all we want, not expecting it to be S or A tier spec.
So you are doing a pvp balance patch…goodjob its clearly needed, but what is needed as well is PVE balance patch. Boomkins convoke needs to come down there as well. What about havoc? We havent gotten anything since that 5% buff which didnt do us anything. You buffed classes that already had another dps spec higher on the list so when is our turn? I’m losing to less geared classes just because their skills are so overtuned compared to ours that its making me rethink of subbing when mine ends.
Still no bm buff this week :s :
Easier dungeons, good for many.
But how about you fix the item drop rate for all players that you dropped to 0.00000000000000000000000000001%? People are more likely to win it big in their own country’s national lottery than get a epic item drop in your game?
Hello Blizzard ? SV Hunter over here, are u guys gonna buff us or no ?
Like almost every class got buff but nothing on hunter
Buff havoc DH.
Buff havoc single target in raids/pve content.
The amount of people asking for a havoc buff - I don’t think the entire DH community is wrong or misguided when we simply as for a single target dps buff.
As stated above, buff havoc.
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