Sadly blizz wont do a single thing untill MDI is over and thats like in march if im not wrong (could be wrong aswell) But since AWC and MDI takes part at the same time (1 week mid, next week AWC and its gonna keep rotating til finals) nothing will be done for months.
How do you even have the guts to call yourselves developers? What have you developed since Legion? classes are exactly the same but worse and even more boring nothing have changed and stuff is still beeing ignored.
Im so borde of the game and the class and spec i want to play is so bad and underperforming that i see no reason to keep paying and playing the game, and its not about the money, its about atm im paying for a product i find 0 interest in.
well just an amazing idea which is totally secret and new:
how about you play your stupid tournaments that nobody gives a damn about on the tournament realm with the current patch and give us hotfixes that don’t effect the teams that playing the super fun time races and damp fiestas?
crazy idea, huh?
I know but maybe maybe maybe you could try it out once in a million years
AND YET we still cant play 2h shaman again
its not enough im being ask to either respect/reroll or lost a raid spot. never have i had this problem
Please continue to look at Rogues in PVE. They’re a pure DPS class that can only do DPS and have little raid-wide/group-wide utility. By rights they -should- be near the top DPS in PVE content. They’re not, they’re struggling massively.
And let’s not even get into the joke that is trying Twisting Corridors as a rogue. The anima powers for rogues are terrible, and leave rogues hugely underpowered compared to a large number of other classes. Oh, and the bugs that mean Unceasing Chain Link stacks vanish…
Thank you!
Blizzard please. I can’t imagine why are u buffing classes if they are still unplayable. I would really like to play frost mage because fire is boring but i can’t play it. 9% buff is nothing for it. Make all specs playable please like in MoP.
Buff ret paladin. Thanks.
The problem is it exists at the cost of a spec many people loved and was just taken away from us because they decided it was quirky.
They changed it because there wasn’t enough difference between specs; but Pet/Burst/DoT is exactly Warlock’s spec lineup so that’s just outright false.
Honestly, at this point I’d love them to just give hunter a 4th spec for old survival. But they never would. I really miss having a full DoT spec.
they relice level 60 boost to blizzard shop in 9.1.0 ?
You have fire and frost there is few other class that dont have dps or thay left with 1 for example hunter have mm but dh atm dont have any dps spec
Nice so where this week balance changes ?
Im seeing quite a bit of class and covenant bias at the moment very predictable to.
DH DPS is one of the srongest one’s people just cant use it well.
The least represented class in pvp and Castle nathria. Dh needs massive buffs
I can agree that DH needs buff in PVP