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Where are the Paladin buffs???
/10 char
Don’t you like it just about when you’re getting past the ramp up and will finally do decent damage, everything is already dead?
Oh god no, not the 2% buffs
Blizzard please.
Thanks for info. As a sin player , i would say SnD is not bad. Spec problem is not all damage. Spec suffers highly damage loss from Poisons and bleeds only. And PoisonBomb & Tempest not rewarding in terms of damage. Sure if you give Relentless Strikes back to Sin would fix most of slow play. Poison dmg should be up like %30 more and bleeds like %15 more. Fyi.
A flat 9% for Frost and 8% for Assass is wild.
Not saying Frost and Assas don’t need love, but if you’ve made the decision to buff them by so much surely it was obvious weeks ago (it has been) that you should have acted sooner.
Wasn’t Assass buffed by a flat 5% a few weeks ago too? That spec got absolutely no testing even after the delay.
Also no nerf to Rogues, Monks and Druids in PVP.
ALSO no Covenant changes? really?
Some of the Covenant balancing for certain specs is not ok.
If you are calling Nerfs to Rogues in PvP git-gud really. They already nerfed too much SUB.
So fury is now equally as bad as arms and warriors remain garbage!
Awesome news!
I got killed in 2.1 seconds by a Rogue in 3v3 arena. My one global during that time was to hit my 30% damage reduction defensive. It made no difference.
Edit: Oh I forgot, I even got him out of Stealth by my AOE splash of Outbreak.
I am mostly calling for a nerf to Kyrian Rogues in arena.
If you’re a good Rogue you shouldn’t be worried, seems like you have a fragile ego in regards to your skill. If you git-gud you’ll not have to worry.
If you are calling for sub buff, you should gid gud.
Exact same mentality.
No Sub is not needed buffs stop bulling around. I never said like that. You guys just throw away comments. Problem is not Rogue problem is Kyrian. Now bounce off please.
Assassination is fundamentally broken, it needed a lot of secondary stats, 3x azerite traits and essences to work in BFA.
The version of Assassination we have atm has a fraction of the secondary stats, and nearly double the demand it had in BFA, while being stripped of many power sources, especially when most of its legendaries are flat out damage buffs.
It also has 0 synergy with SND, for outlaw SND the faster autos = energy regain and main gauche procs, for sub it means combo points generated. And for assassination, its just… melee damage and the posion procs don’t count, our poison barely hits for anything, our poison damage is actually laughable, laughable enough that a 200% damage buff wouldn’t suffice to make it good enough.
As for fury, 8% buff is good, but imo is not enough currently.
Fury is known to scale very, very well with gear, so 8% might be good enough in the long run, but right now, it is not.
I also dislike the lack of covenant balance, my arms warrior is crying in being a useless necrolord.
The % difference between necrolord and literally every other covenant is so huge it’s mind numbing, the fact that covenants aren’t being balanced is absolute BS.
Another really annoying issue is, capped classes vs uncapped classes, M+ balance needs to happen.
It’s not fun when the meta is to pull 10-20+ mobs and zerg them with uncapped classes, while capped classes will just do… 1/4th of their dps, literally.
Either cap everyone, or uncap everyone, pick a damn choice.
2% buff. lmao.
Also, where’s Enha changes?
I don’t do PvP too much but i know one thing for sure. ( watched a few streamers) Mostly Hunters Rets Boomkins are one shotting people as well. Its game issue not class.
So how about you dont instantly whinge reply to me with your toxic mentality if you don’t even know what you’re talking about?
You agreed that Kyrian Rogue needs nerfing in the previous reply anyway. So this conversation was pointless, you disagreed with me and “called me out” just to agree with me that Rogues needs looking at.
because looking at your comment you don’t know as well it’s obvious much.
It’s not going to make any difference, assassination is fundamentally broken. It does not work in its current iteration. Slice and dice being added just added fuel to the fire, making the spec play even slower. They need to rework the spec entirely if they want to keep slice and dice.
I’ve played assassination since vanilla, never has the spec been as slow as it is now.
tbh does it even equalise the 2 speccs? o.O
If you could play both at the same time, yes.
Actually would be interesting if we could dual-spec again with current talent system.